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Let's Be Real


Let's Be Real

Linnea A.


Hi guys. It’s time to get real with you. If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve hit a little bit of a slump on my blog. Since I’ve come back from my trip, it’s taken me a while to adjust back into my regular scheduled programming, plus I got hit with a bad flu from the plane as soon as I got home. On top of that, despite all the inspiration I picked up during my travels, I don’t quite feel rejuvenated or inspired to write… which I’m having trouble understanding. Yes, everyone has their off days, but this “slump” should be over by now, and I can’t seem to shake it. I think it’s my overall mood, and I haven’t been overly happy as of late.

It could be my hiatus from working out, but don’t worry, solving that problem and back at it hardcore today. But it could also be because I can’t get over the stigma of being looked at as a blogger now, rather than just a girl. I actually hate the term blogger. When I see someone I haven’t seen in a while, they literally say “oh my gosh your Instagram is amazing, your trips look amazing, your life is amazing” or, “oh, well you’re a blogger now so…” (like what does that even mean?), or they seem to think I’m this high maintenance chick that needs everything to be absolutely perfect, high-end, and expensive, or else no bueno.

Well I’m here to crush those thoughts/vibes because I don't think of it that way at all. I appreciate the compliments, I really do, but life’s definitely not as perfect as you think.

Yes, my trip was amazing, but there were also many things that didn’t go as planned (wrong trains, changed itineraries, rude people (oh, that’s just Paris), train track malfunctions, mini meltdowns, just to name a few)... and at the end of the day, all you can do is laugh about them. They’re new memories made.

And yes, I love my life, but that’s because I choose to love it every damn day. It’s a full time job to be positive and grateful for what you have, and that’s what I work towards. There are things and people I wish I had in my life but you CAN’T MOPE around like a whiny brat living your life like it sucks without those things or that person. I constantly have to remind myself that my little life with Dash is awesome, and therefore, it is pretty awesome.

Overall, I’m a pretty easy going, say-yes-to-everything-blown-away-by-pretty-much-everything kind of person, so I’m sorry if I put up some sort of wall to make you think otherwise. I just love pretty spaces, photography, travelling, and Instagram in general (I used to create IG feeds for a living), so I make an effort on my account.

My main goal is to share the things that I love, that inspire me, and that actually work! If I can inspire you, or help ease the stress of decorating or navigating the ever-changing “it product” scene, then that works for me.

To help with the slump, it’d be super helpful to know what you want to read, what you want to learn about, and what areas you’d like me to spend more time focusing on. I’d absolutely love your input, so I can deliver exactly what you guys are looking for! And also, making an oath to you guys to be REAL. Like, really real. Come at me with comments, concerns, suggestions, whatevs. <3

