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Top 5 Meal Kit Delivery Services


Top 5 Meal Kit Delivery Services

Linnea A.


As someone who loves meal prepping, meal kit delivery services have always been of interest to me. I’ve used them on and off for a while now, but with so many new ones popping up, how can you decide which one’s the best?! Well, I’ve navigated the space for you, and have broken down the pro’s, con’s, and price of each service. Let’s get to it!


1. Fresh Prep

As the first meal prep delivery service I ever tried, I didn’t know what to expect with Fresh Prep. I actually collaborated with them few times, so I’ve been able to try quite a few recipes of theirs - I’ve even served meals to my book club thanks to Fresh Prep! For the most part, the recipes are all simple and tasty, so if you’re new to cooking, this would be the kit for you. But if you’re a little more creative in the kitchen, these recipes are pretty easy peasy, so you might be a little bored with the selection.



  • Very reasonably priced: $10.33/serving (For 3 meals with 2 servings each, it’s $40 for your first box, and $62 after that)

  • They’re local, and sometimes collaborate with local Vancouver businesses to switch up their menus and feature different ingredients

  • The meals come in a reusable cooler bag, and you can choose a time frame (even a Sunday!) for delivery


  • I can’t stand their recipe sheets - they’re flimsy pieces of paper that easily get damaged and wrinkled from the moisture of the produce; hard to reuse

  • Recipes are a little bland/boring for my liking; I prefer more out-of-the-box/can’t-create-that-in-my-head type recipes


2. Good Food

As a Canadian company, Good Food appealed to me because their marketing is very strong, and their recipes are top notch. You’re basically eating an impressive meal at a restaurant, rather than a simple meal at home. This box definitely had some of my favourite recipes, including a Ricotta Rigatoni with Roasted Beets and a Bolognese that was to die.



  • Canadian

  • The produce comes in an insulated cardboard box, and all the produce you need in clear plastic bags, with an icepack inside the box to keep everything cool. They even give you reusable tubs/containers that you can use for travelling! Very beautifully packaged.

  • You receive gorgeous printed reusable recipe cards on glossy cardstock

  • The best “chef-inspired” recipes out of the bunch, including an incredible fresh tagliatelle


  • A tad bit on the pricier side: $12.33/serving (For 3 meals with 2 servings each, it’s $44.40 for your first box, and $74 after that)

  • You have to cut/chop your own produce, so if you don’t have time to chop/dice, this may not be the box for you

  • Can’t choose a specific time frame for delivery


 3. Chef’s Plate

My experience with Chef’s Plate was great. I loved all the meals, and it was pretty much identical to Hello Fresh, but a little bit cheaper. The Golden Curry with Quinoa was so delicious, as was the Maple Dijon Salmon - yum!


  • Canada’s #1 meal kit delivery service

  • Reasonably priced: $9.99-12.00/serving (Depending on the meals you choose, for 3 meals with 2 servings each, it was $36.85 for my first box, and $71.78 after that)

  • The produce comes pre-chopped/diced in an insulated cardboard box, and all the produce comes in paper bags, with an icepack inside the box to keep everything cool

  • You receive beautifully printed reusable recipe cards on glossy cardstock


  • Very long delivery window, with no option to shrink the time frame


4. Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh is the most popular of the bunch, being America’s #1 meal kit delivery service at the moment (but yes, it’s American). I’ve heard TONS of Youtubers rave about it, so once it came to Vancouver, I knew I had to give it a try. But it’s definitely hit and miss.


  • The produce comes pre-chopped/diced in an insulated cardboard box, and all the produce you need comes in paper bags, with an icepack inside the box to keep everything cool.

  • You receive beautifully printed reusable recipe cards on glossy cardstock

  • The Retro Burger that I tried was amaaazing, and so easy to make. I’d definitely remake the recipe again - it was that good


  • Tad bit pricier: $12.50/serving (For 3 meals with 2 servings each, it’s $34.00 for your first box, and $74.99 after that)

  • Few to no emails to remind you to choose your meals, or warn you that a box is coming, so you need to stay on top of your subscription

  • I experienced a bad batch of sour gnocci that was imported from Italy, despite a 2019 expiry date. I literally had to pick out my gnocci from my sauce and boil different noodles to eat my meal. But they credited my account right away, so their Customer Service is pretty good.


5. Miss Fresh

Last, and definitely least is Miss Fresh. I wasn’t too impressed with the recipes, and well, the cons can speak for themselves lol.


  • Reasonably priced: $10.99/serving (For 3 meals with 2 servings each, it was $34.50 for my first box, and $65.94 after that)


  • You have to chop/measure your ingredients out

  • The box arrived with a cracked container inside, so my diced tomatoes were all over everything! Luckily, their customer service team took care of my box because of the mishap

  • The recipe sheets are flimsy and not necessarily reusable

  • The box is shipped all the way from Calgary, which totally defeats the purpose of buying a meal kit

And that concludes my adventures with meal kit deliveries! Overall, I’d say my favourite has to be Good Food (followed by Chef’s Plate), because the meals and recipes they create are things you’d never cook for yourself; they’re sooo tasty! Have you guys tried any of these? What were your faves?! Leave them in the comments below!

