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Allow Me to Introduce Myself


Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Linnea A.

Hello world! I can't believe I'm finally taking a leap of faith and starting what should have been started a very long time ago... my blog! Over the years, I've dabbled in various aspects of marketing and public relations, so I've been involved with media, influencers and the "blogging world" for quite some time now, but I never found the courage to start one for myself. This year, my passion for pretty much everything lifestyle just couldn't handle being strapped down anymore, so I needed to make this blog happen... and here we are.

My blog name, linneacarmen is a true reflection of my heritage. I'm named after two ancestors; Linnea being the middle name of my Swedish great-grandmother, and Carmen being my Filipino great-grandmother's name. Needless to say, my name holds a lot of importance to me.

I'm a born and raised Vancouverite with an insane love of interior decor and home styling. I believe in creating spaces that make you feel good, that you feel comfortable in, and that really make you feel at home. If you don't surround yourself with things that mean something special to you, why bother living in that space? Why do you have those things if you don't love them? In my opinion, a home should be a place that inspires you daily, and that comforts you when you have nowhere else to be, and nothing else to do. I believe you should love being at home.

Over the last year, I've grown to absolutely love being at home, and believe it or not, I never used to be a homebody. I was always someone who made an effort to keep busy, whether it was with friends, family, dinners, workouts, what have you, I was always trying to avoid being at home.

Then life threw me lemons, and I had to leave the home I was living in. I was determined to go on the hunt for a home that I could call my very own. Once I found it, I put every ounce of energy into it to create a place I couldn't wait to come home to. Yes, it's a work in progress, and I change my mind on the daily about where to put things or how to style them, but I've grown to learn that that's just how my brain works... I'll never be completely happy with how something looks (most interior lovers aren't).

Another thing that helps to love being at home? Living alone! With my bichon poodle, of course. I never thought I'd like living alone, but trust me, it's pretty much the best thing ever. If you have the chance, I highly recommend it. 

Now that you know a little more about me, I hope to inspire you in some way with this blog. Always feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or just want to say hello!

