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Blogging with Intention


Blogging with Intention

Linnea A.


Hey friends, it’s been a while - but this time, the break was intentional. Before I picked my content back up again, I wanted to make sure I took a step back and reflected on the type of content I’d like to be sharing going forward.

Although I’ll be continuing to share my home/beauty/lifestyle tips and finds on here, I’d also like to go back to my roots a little bit by posting more meaningful, valuable content, particularly around positivity and mindset. I used to be an open book on this blog when I started it, sharing almost every little detail of my life as I blogged almost daily from a coffee shop before hot yoga class. And honestly, the blog became an extra outlet that let me explore different thoughts and ideas, which was incredibly helpful for my own mindset, self awareness, confidence, and where I placed my compass in life.

That portion of my content has been lacking… maybe, because I’ve been uninspired? Unmotivated? Or feeling like I don’t bring enough value to the table for anyone to learn anything new?

Regardless, I’ll be doing more of the work, and sharing more with all of you. So welcome back to the blogitty blog. Be prepared to read my rambling thoughts and how I navigate this little life of mine, finding snippets of joy along the way.

Speaking of joy, the most wonderful time of the year is right around the corner. Is it as joyful as everyone chocks it up to be? Well, it comes with its own baggage and associated memories for everyone. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely brightens the mood and gives everyone something else to focus on other than politics and the pandemic, but it’s also a little bit of a trigger for many, including myself. A significant moment in my life took place during the holidays, and I’ll never get that moment back. It’s taken time to rid of the bitterness, but year after year, the gratitude for that very moment grows. I wouldn’t be nearly as independent/spicy/self aware/cognizant of my time as I am today, and for that, I am beyond grateful. That being said, I love the holidays very much, and will do everything I can to celebrate them in all their glory. So over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing loads of exciting holiday content - decor, gift guides and all. Keep your eyes peeled and stay safe out there!

