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Self Isolation Bucket List


Self Isolation Bucket List

Linnea A.


Hey guys, I know it’s been a few weeks since I last wrote a post, but I’m sure it’s pretty obvious as to why. Not only was I approaching the last few weeks of school (so I was extremely busy with final projects), but there were (and still are) a lot of unknowns. I’m not taking this virus lightly - I’ve taken it extremely seriously. After school last Thursday, that was the last time I was “out” taking transit and in a crowd besides work.

Since then, I only leave my house to walk Dash, and to go to my parents house to have dinner with with my family. I realize those dinners may not necessarily be “allowed” in the coming weeks, so I’m cherishing them while I have the freedom to spend time with them. Some may think I’m overreacting, but based on the science, I’m not. Slowing down the spread of this virus is a group effort - something I can’t stress enough. The best way to slow it down is by staying home. Leave the house for walks and groceries, and that’s it. And no, that doesn’t mean “let’s go grocery shopping everyday”. It means it’s time to plan out your meals for the week(s), make a very long list, and do a big grocery shop so you’re prepared and stocked for a few weeks at home. No, you don’t need extra toilet paper... this virus does not have that side effect!

We should all be keeping to ourselves, and finding what brings us joy. I repeat: finding what brings us joy. WHAT A BLESSING… to finally have the time and permission to be with yourself, in silence (or among the ones you love/live with), and discover who you are, what you love, what you like to cook, what you’d like to learn, what you’d like to watch, how you’d like to grow as a person. WHAT A TIME. We’re not being asked to evacuate our homes, or worry about unnecessary violence. It’s a silent enemy, but for now, we’re so blessed to be able to slow down its speed by spending time at our favourite place on earth. Now that I got that off my chest, here’s my self isolation bucket list to inspire a few ideas:

Move your body

Since social distancing, I’ve been doing at-home workouts everyday on the Nike app, or through live streams from some of my favourite fitness studios. I’m not the best “at-home” workout person - I’m a class person, but these live streams are helping me feel like I’m right there in class, and for that, I couldn’t be happier.


Learn something new

With this time “off” of school I have a whole slew of hours after working that I didn’t have before! I plan on spending this time learning something new, or a few things. I’ve already taught myself quite a few new Photoshop tricks and shortcuts, and I’m looking forward to learning way more in terms of rendering the floor plans I’ve made in AutoCAD! Hopefully with this extra time, you too, will be able to learn something new - whether that be from YouTube, Skill Share, or a podcast, your resources are endless.

Get outside

The virus may be airborne, but you should still be inhaling some fresh air and moving your body. I’m still going on multiple walks with Dash, but I know in other countries that are ahead of us, walks are limited, and you MUST walk alone. I’m trying to take advantage of the weather and giving Dash as much exercise as I can, while I can.

Read a book, weekly

Now that school’s pretty much off my plate for the next few weeks (or who knows how long), I finally have the time (and enough hours to sleep) to read before bed, daily. This is a game changer for me, and I definitely feel that I’ll be able to read at least a book a week. Book club, are you ready for bi-monthly Face-times?!


Cook something new

Have you always been scared to cook or bake a certain dish? Now’s your time to give it a shot! Include the ingredients in your meal prep list, and you’re set. For starters, try my Mediterranean Linguine!

Give yourself a mani-pedi

I know, I know, with all the hand washing, you may think it might not be worth it to do your nails, but manicured nails are clean nails, and if you have a gel polish that lasts longer than regular polish, now is the time to use it. I’ll be setting time aside to set up a mini spa for myself, foot spa and all!

Incorporate meditation

I’ve tried before, but now’s the time to try again. I’ll be using the Balance app to incorporate meditation into my mornings, because we all know our mental health needs to be a priority during this time. Stay calm, breathe, and think positively.

Organize your kitchen (or your whole house) once and for all

You’ll be using your kitchen more than you’ve ever used it before - what a blessing!! Take this time to ask yourself what you really need, and what you actually use. Does it make sense where it lives, or should it live somewhere else? Organize your kitchen into zones, such as: everyday items, cooking essentials, pantry items, appliances and items for special occasions.


Get a good night’s sleep, everyday

Now’s your chance to catch up on all that sleep you’ve been deprived of, no excuses. Sleep is the key to everything: health, healing, youth, energy, weight, so much! Try to create a morning routine and wake up early, so your body will naturally be tired by the evening, giving you signs that it’s time to go to bed. I’ve been tracking my sleep on my phone, and it’s so gratifying to see when I sleep 8 hours or more!

Sell those things you’ve been putting off

Poshmark makes it SO easy to sell your items, it’s unreal. You literally take a photo, describe it, and list it. Couldn’t be easier! Now, you will have to leave the house to go to the Post Office if it sells, so, only list it if you feel it’s worth leaving your house.


Dream up a travel bucket list

Lastly, fire up that travel bucket list. Don’t lose hope on visiting destinations you’ve never been to, and have been dying to visit. They’ll be that much more lively, more colourful, less polluted, maybe less crowded, when you do!

Continue to dream, and focus on what you’d like your life to look like after all of this is said and done. This is a great time for all of us to sit and reflect on what we can and can’t live without. Once we cut off those things we can live without, let’s focus on the things we can’t. They’re what we should be taking with us moving forward.

I know this was a heavy post, but feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

