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10 Things I've Learned in 2020


10 Things I've Learned in 2020

Linnea A.


As we put a close to 2020, I'm taking a look back on the year that changed everything, for everyone. We started the year off with the theme of 20/20 vision - hoping to achieve our goals, dreams, trips, and more. Little did we know that the entire world was going to be shaken up. We were forced to rethink everything, take a step back from the hustle, and refocus on the things that matter most. A clearer-than-2020-vision, if you will. My year was full of hard work, focusing on my goals, adjusting to change, overcoming fears, and welcoming new challenges. Without further ado, here are just a few of the things I've learned from the year that was... 2020.

1. Connection is everything.

Even if it's a short FaceTime or coffee date, connecting and catching up with someone can change your entire day. We all experienced the power of connection this year - both virtually and with the ones we love. I haven't seen many of my closest friends much at all this year - some are in other parts of the world - but weekly FaceTimes are pretty much a ritual at this point. It's amazing how much one person can boost your mood!

2. You're not superwoman, and you don't have to be.

You can try as hard as you want, but you have to remember to rest. I started the year very ambitiously with 4 design courses while working full time, and although I knew I could do it, I eventually broke down from the workload, and had a panic attack in a line-up at Staples. I fainted, as my old self tended to do, and woke up to a bunch of strangers staring down at me making sure I was okay. It was a major wake up call to go back to the basics: nourish, move, sleep, repeat. I was going 8383729 miles an hour, and I needed to take a moment to slow it down, rest and just breathe. Little did I know this was some major foreshadowing for the year ahead.

3. Discipline is no easy feat.

This year, like everyone else, I was forced to stop attending my fitness classes and seeing my yoga fam, and that was a big part of my self care routine that was completely cut off. Thanks to quarantine, I had two, sometimes three workout buddies to run or workout with almost everyday, but I was still missing my yoga studio deeply. Having said that, self-discipline is hard. Working out from home is NOT my forté, because I'm someone who needs external encouragement to push harder and keep going. Adapting to the workout-from-home lifestyle has been a struggle and a half to this day!

4. Family time is underrated.

Quarantining with my brother and his gf was definitely one of the highlights of my year. It was nice to avoid isolation during such a trying time, and the cooking-cleaning-workout rotation was VERY much appreciated! It was also a great chance for me to spend time with my brother before he moved away, so that was a blessing in itself.

5. When it rains, it pours.

Along with the rest of the world, I felt like bad thing after bad thing kept happening, and as a mostly positive person, the negativity was really weighing on me. Just as the pandemic was starting, Dash was attacked by the neighbour’s dog, then attacked again 2 months later. A month after that, my Grandma was diagnosed with cancer. The whirlwind of events in combination with my school workload, the travel industry dwindling, and the uncertainty of it all was very heavy, but I kept reminding myself to look on the bright side. At the same time, we were all asked to take a big look in the mirror and recognize our privilege across the globe - we all have tons of it. Recognize it, and find ways to support those who don’t.

6. It's okay to have a bad day.

It's ok to be sad and to have a bad day. You wouldn’t be human if you had beautiful, blissful days all the time anyway. The bad times are what build character and make you who you are. But remember: you can still find golden nuggets in each day. Journaling in the morning and in the evening can help you recognize those nuggets - and make you appreciate each day that much more. Highly recommend it.

7. Friends are real-life heroes.

I have some of the greatest friends a girl could ever ask for, so it's very important to be the best friend I can be in return. Spending any amount of time with my friends immediately lifts my spirits, and my girls trips this year did wonders for my mindset and overall happiness. My book club also didn't die in 2020 - we remained strong over Zoom, and even got to meet our newest bookie irl this summer (2 more coming 2021)! I love each and every one of you!!

8. Clear communication trumps all.

Lessons are constantly learned, unlearned, and relearned again. Remember not to force anything; clear communication is the only way any relationship can work. If you’re not communicating (or being communicated to) effectively, you’ll end up in a huge misunderstanding at the end of the day, and that’s a waste of everyone’s time.

9. If you want something, go and get it.

Want to switch careers? Do it. Go back to school if you have to. Want a new job? Find one you're passionate about and go get it. Want to conquer your fears? Go and do something that scares you. After years of not needing to drive much, I’m finally driving again, and I have no idea why I waited so long. Something so basic and trivial was accomplished in one day of being back on the road. Our fears are often much bigger in our minds than in reality. You might be surprised at how easy some of them are to overcome!

10. Trust the timing.

Time. Is. King. There are so many events in my life that I never understood at the time, but you have to trust the timing. If something doesn't work out, it wasn't meant to, at that time. If something comes back, maybe now is the right time. This has happened to me time and time again, and it couldn't be more true. You never know unless you trust the process and let things be when they need to be.

And with that, my friends, I welcome 2021 with open arms. Not that it will be any less difficult - it will be full of its own challenges - but perhaps we'll all have a slightly better, less self-focused outlook on life, and on what matters most. Sending love and light to all of you for this new year! ✨

