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A Note on Worthiness


A Note on Worthiness

Linnea A.


Wor·thi·ness /ˈwərT͟Hēnəs/ The quality of being good enough; deserving of respect, which tends to mean something different to everyone. I recently listened to a session on Mine’d focused on self worth, and it was too good not to share some of the golden nuggets, along with my thoughts on the topic. For years I believed I was unworthy - unworthy of attention, the time of day, honesty, respect, commitment, unconditional love. Every now and then, I still have to remind myself that I am worthy of all of those things. Maybe you’re in a similar situation, on the hunt for worthiness within yourself, or maybe you’ve lost it in your current situation. Whatever the scenario, before you can choose worthiness, you need to ask yourself what your self-worth means to you. How do you view worthiness? What does it look like? How do you want it to make you feel? How do you know when you have self worth?

Before you even begin your search for it, you need to understand exactly what you’re searching for. Take time to embody the notion that you are worthy. Worthy of time, thought, care, dedication, attention, respect, humour, alone time, adventures, slow sundays, home cooked meals, self care, nice gestures… worthy of love. You need to sincerely believe all those things before you can receive them in abundance. The quality of your relationships - the people you surround yourself with and allow into your life - are all directly correlated with how you view yourself, and in turn, your worth.

The quality of your self worth dictates the quality of your life. If you really see your value, you’re not going to put yourself in a situation that’s detrimental to your well being (guiltyyyy 🙋🏻‍♀️). You know how valuable your time is, so you shouldn’t accept anything less than that.

In order for worthiness to really work, you have to ensure it’s unbreakable - and it’s a constant work in progress to keep it that way. Are you journaling daily? Meditating? Making time for yourself and your thoughts? Or is your day constant chaos, bowing down to the needs of others? If you were royalty, how would you present yourself differently? Why do you think that is?

When you stop giving out second chances to those who’ve constantly let you down, that’s when things start changing. Remember: there never has been and never will be another you. You are a unique human being that brings your own light and gifts to the world. So remember to choose YOU. Lean into your growth and watch the magic happen. You’re worthy of the magic, after all.

