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28 Things I've Learned in 28 Years


28 Things I've Learned in 28 Years

Linnea A.


As I approach my birthday, I thought I'd make a list of the 28 things I've learned so far, especially when it comes to getting to know myself. I recently came across someone who helped me learn more about myself in a matter of hours than I ever even knew, so I may as well share what I learned. I've thought about whether or not to share this post, but sometimes we don't share enough, so here goes nothing.

  1. Doing things on your own isn't as scary as it sounds. I always thought I was someone who would never ever want to live or travel alone, but it's the most liberating thing I've experienced so far. Those who haven't got the chance are seriously missing out.

  2. A clean space provides a clean mind. My surroundings bring me joy, especially when they're clean and decluttered. Marie Kondo is my hero.

  3. Don't forget about yourself. I tend to be the go-to listener - the friend who soaks up everyone's problems and worries, offering the realest advice I can. Sometimes, their problems weigh me down, and I completely forget to think about myself - or let them know when I need them.

  4. In saying that, it's pretty obvious that I suck at asking for help. So here's your reminder. Ask for help.

  5. Cooking is good for the soul. I love entertaining at home. If I can put a smile on someone's face by having them over and sharing my energy, that makes me happy.

  6. Travelling should always be a priority, and no one should ever lead you to believe otherwise. The amount of lessons and experiences you'll have from one trip is exponential compared to a routine life at home.

  7. A dog can be a woman's best friend too - and life with Dash is pure bliss. He's like my living crystal, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  8. You can do anything you set your mind to. Put things out into the universe, write them down, or tell someone you're going to do something, and those things will happen time and time again. Manifestation is real. Wherever energy flows, intention goes.

  9. Health and wellness are of the utmost importance. Fitness in an infrared sauna, breathing and daily gratitude are my favourite ways to feel my best. You're living, be grateful. Also, solid morning and night routines can help a lot.

  10. Surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people are the only people worth your time. You have the power to choose who you spend your time with, so choose wisely. Your time is important.

  11. Be positive. It's one of the best things you can do for yourself, and it tremendously helps with your happiness level - something I've come to realize after weeding out all the negative people in my life.

  12. Trust your gut. As women, our instincts are incredibly strong - like scary strong. It's when we choose to ignore those senses in our head that we F up. So listen to them. All of them. They're always right.

  13. Hindsight is 20/20. So it's ok to make mistakes, look back at them and learn from them. As cliché as it sounds, everything happens for a reason, even if it doesn't feel like it in the moment.

  14. It's all about balance. Sometimes I'm extremely insecure, while other times I'm "sneaky" confident (or so I've been told). Finding people or things that balance and ground you will help you find peace with yourself.

  15. Horoscopes are true. I like to dabble in multiple things at once, and very rarely do I actually finish something before moving on to the next thing. The Gemini in me is real.

  16. It's okay to say no. You don't owe anyone anything.

  17. But also, say yes. Send that message. Go on that date. Travel the world. Have that one night stand. Because, why the F not. YO to the LO.

  18. Forgive everyone, even those that have hurt you the most. There's no point in holding grudges; that will get you nowhere. The meaning of friendship is to love, learn, inspire, grow and forgive. If your friendships don't have those things, you've got fake friends, my friend.

  19. Self love is the most important love of all. I recharge by being alone at home, and having a bed to yourself is extremely underrated.

  20. Forever isn't everything. You may think you have it all figured out, but things don't always work out as planned, and that's totally ok. You're a bolder person because of it.

  21. Keep learning. I love learning new things, and I'm constantly on the hunt to learn more. Podcasts focused on wellness and intention are my favourite.

  22. Speaking of learning, I'm done fighting the urge to go back to school - it's gonna happen, just watch.

  23. Smile more. As someone who's deemed unapproachable by many, I need to get rid of that RBF and smile, damnit.

  24. Scare yourself. I'm pretty open-minded, and I've learned to start embracing new experiences and give my courage a big stretch. If you don't constantly challenge yourself in every area of your life, you'll remain stagnant or even feel depleted. Everyone's a constant WIP, so put in the work. Scribble a little. Make mistakes. How the F else will you grow.

  25. Common values above all. If someone doesn't understand your passions or values, and doesn't take them seriously (maybe even thinks they're outright ridiculous) they're clearly not the right fit for you. Shared values and good old fashioned r-e-s-p-e-c-t are imperative to any relationship - something that's not so obvious when you're in la la land.

  26. Let your creativity flow. I've always had a creative side, and I'm feeling more inspired than ever. I know I need to work on this area more, so I'm going to start making more time for diy projects. You heard it here first, folks.

  27. Write it down. My mind is always running - hence the reason I feel the need to constantly write down calendar events, ideas, and thoughts... like starting this blog (and this post, which is literally 4 months in the making, tbh). You never know what will come of something if you don't write it down.

  28. Lastly, life is what you make of it, and happiness is a choice. So wake up and get happy!

