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Filtering by Tag: Wellness

Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Linnea A.


There’s no time like the present (or a month like January) to declutter your home for a fresh start. Unless you declutter year-round, your space is probably in need of some organization with a dash of minimalism. For those of you who aren’t so much into getting rid of your possessions or things, I can’t stress enough how important it is to edit your space consistently throughout the year. I could go on and on about the benefits of decluttering, but here are my top 3:

It declutters your brain

Decluttering helps you see your space clearly, both physically and mentally. A clear house means a clear brain, so if you’re feeling like a mental detox, try giving your space a refresh or getting rid of a few items, and you’ll be surprised at how much lighter you feel.

It reminds you of what you have

Going through your things gives you an inventory of what you have on hand, what’s out-of-date, and what you actually need (there’s nothing worse than buying double of something because you didn’t know you already had it)! It also keeps things in order, and maintains “having a place for everything”, which we’ll get into later!

It gives you the opportunity to truly love the items you have

Even though you’re giving away/donating items, decluttering makes you appreciate the things you really love in your home that much more. For the things you don’t love anymore, it’s time to donate them to a thrift store or charity, for someone else to love. To get there, below are my top tips for tackling the beast that is decluttering your home.


Start with something small

To prevent intimidation and discouragement from that pile of junk hiding in your closet, start small. This could be the junk drawer in your kitchen, or maybe the cupboard under your kitchen sink that has way too many cleaning products to count. Starting your decluttering journey with a small “15 minute win,” as Shira Gill calls it, will give you instant satisfaction with that area, and will encourage you to continue these wins in other spaces. To do this, take a “before” photo of your space, take 15 minutes to organize it, and take an “after” photo of the result. The results will shock you! Something that tends to pile up for me? Reusable bags! I always seem to have way more than I need, so I constantly give them away to reduce the clutter.

Whatever you choose to declutter first, go through each item, ask yourself how often you use it, and if you really need it or love it.


Sort into categories

If you’re decluttering your kitchen, take everything out and sort it into categories. There’s no reason for some pots to be in one area, and other pots to be in another. Divide your items into categories to see what you have too many of, then figure out the best way to organize the volume of each category you have. Baskets, lid racks, jars, air tight containers and label makers are your best friends here.

Clean as you go

If you’re already removing everything from a certain area, it’s an opportune time to clean! Deep clean the space, and develop a plan of attack before you put everything back by using baskets, trays or dividers (with labels) to keep similar items organized together and easy to find. Every single item should have a home, so you don’t need to think twice about where it is.


Time for the bigger picture

When you move on to bigger spaces, look at the bigger picture. What’s bothering you about that space? What will make your life easier? Is there a certain area you avoid because you’re not happy with it? Here are items to think about when decluttering:

  • Extra furniture pieces that don’t necessarily fit in your space

  • Home decor items you no longer love/have too many of

  • Extra kitchen gadgets/appliances

  • Old clothes

  • Shoes you forgot you had

  • Old sheets and towels

  • Expired goods

Maybe it’s time to get rid of them, to make room for an item that does, or to clear the space entirely. Take time to ask yourself how much you love each piece, and go from there.

Sell the items you no longer love

Now, you may be asking yourself, how do I get rid of these items? Well, start with your high value items. List them for sale on local buy and sells like Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, or consignment stores (if they offer you a decent amount). People are constantly searching sites for items just like yours (it’s the sustainable way to shop!) so you may as well get some money back and contribute to the recycle culture. If they won’t sell, ask around if anyone wants them, or drop them off to a thrift store like Value Village or Habitat for Humanity ReStore.


If you buy something new, sell something first

With my textbooks, the only way I buy used ones is if I sell my old ones. The same rule should apply to the rest of your home. If you have enough clothing, sell or donate something before you add something new to your closet. If you’re looking to buy a new rug, sell your old one, then use that money to buy a new/pre-loved one. I’ll actually be doing this soon (let me know if you’re interested in my rug)! You’ll house items you love, save money, and sell someone else something they love—a win win situation!


Give yourself a deadline

Despite how long the process may take, don’t get sidetracked by going through photo albums or getting lost in a book. Set timers for each room, and give yourself a deadline so you can race yourself and make it a little more fun. And don’t think you have to do it all at once. Using each day of the week for each room is a realistic approach and gives you a little break in between.

If you have any other decluttering tips, feel free to share them below! Looking forward to making some swap outs in my space this year, and selling items as I go!



My Favourite Green Smoothie

Linnea A.


Smoothies have always been one of my favourite treats/meals/snacks/the works - so much so that I’m almost guaranteed to have one per day, depending on my other meals. Because I love my green smoothies so much, here’s one of my favourite recipes!


  • 1 handful of spinach

  • 1 handful of frozen raspberries (for a little tart kick)

  • 1/2 to 1 frozen banana (to make you happy and make the smoothie creamy)

  • ½ lemon, squeezed (to make sure you absorb the iron in the spinach)

  • 1/4 avocado (for healthy fat)

  • 1 scoop of maca powder (for energy)

  • 1 scoop of moringa powder (for extra dose of greens)

  • 1 scoop Vital Proteins collagen powder

  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk


Dump all the ingredients into a blender (liquid last) and blend!


Happy smoothie-making!



Self Care Favourites

Linnea A.


Although I’ve been sick for a few days, nothing beats a day of pampering and self care to make you feel like yourself again. And because I have so many favourites, I wanted to share my best picks with all of you! For the best essential oils, sprays, diffusers (in amazing new colours, might I add), Vitruvi is the way to go. They’ve also recently launched dynamic skincare… which I’ll be sharing more on next week. Oh, the excitement! If you’d like to try any Vitruvi products, simply enter the code vitruviXlinnea for 20% off your order.  No excuses - it’s time to start putting yourself first.


Manifestation & Changing Your Mindset

Linnea A.


"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny." - Ghandi

Over the last few weeks, I've been listening to quite a few podcasts surrounding manifestation, mindfulness and self improvement. Each time I listen to them, I'm immediately inspired and motivated to challenge my mental agility, and push myself to be the best person I can possibly be. I sincerely believe that if you let the universe do what it's meant to do, all while accepting what it serves you, incredible things can happen. Having an open, positive mindset is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and you may even notice some strange synchronicities happening while you're at it. Now I’m no manifestation/woo-woo expert, but I've picked up some gems from these podcasts, so I thought I’d share them with you. 

get uncomfortable

Mindfulness starts with sitting down with yourself, writing out your thoughts, journalling, and asking yourself some seriously tough questions. Because, when else do you take time to work on yourself? If you don't do this, you likely just live your life day by day, staying in your comfy little bubble. If you want to grow and evolve, working on yourself should be one of your top priorities. Questions you can ask yourself are...

What are the areas of your life that are bugging you? Why?

What can you do to improve those areas? Is there something in particular holding you back? What is it?

What makes you happy? How often do you do it? How often would you like to be doing it?

What are you grateful for? Do those things or people require more time or attention?

How do the people you hang out with make you feel? Do you aspire to be like them? Do they constantly challenge and inspire you to be the best person you can be?

If they don't, it might be time to reach out to new people, and start networking with individuals that you aspire to be. It's especially helpful to be around people that intimidate you. Yes, it's uncomfortable, and you might even feel inadequate, but you're your own worst enemy -- it's all in your head. Do it, and you'll learn so much from it. That's why mentors are so great. 

allow yourself to grow

If you're resistant to growth, you're not going to evolve as a person, and you're likely not going to reach your goals. Ok, maybe you're not the 'goalsetter type', but you're likely striving for something; otherwise, what's getting you up in the morning? What makes you tick? If you have something you're fighting for/living for/striving for, it's a lot easier to push yourself to constantly improve as the years pass. If you don't push yourself, how will you know how much you can do? How will you know what your limit is? Yes, life is stressful, but if you tolerate the distress that comes with the learning curve, you'll be totally fine. 

handle hardships with grace

Life's not about how smart you are, or how well you can ace a test; it's about how you bounce back from all the obstacles and sh*t life throws your way. And believe me, I've gone through my fair share (losing multiple jobs, loss of numerous loved ones back-to-back, loss of friends, breakups, legal battles, rejection, the works). But do I complain about it, or feel sorry for myself? No. I'm not going to mope around whining about my terrible life, because I don't look at it that way, ever. I have a pretty amazing life, and I'm very fortunate to have such incredible people surrounding me. Handle your hardships with elegance and grace, rise above the people that let you down, and you'll come out of it a stronger, better person - every single time.

After sharing my 28 things I've learned in 28 years post, I've received a few questions about what podcasts I listen to, so I've included a round up of my favourites below! Let me know which one ends up being your favourite; I love them all equally.

What are your favourite podcasts to listen to? I'd love if you left them in the comments below!




28 Things I've Learned in 28 Years

Linnea A.


As I approach my birthday, I thought I'd make a list of the 28 things I've learned so far, especially when it comes to getting to know myself. I recently came across someone who helped me learn more about myself in a matter of hours than I ever even knew, so I may as well share what I learned. I've thought about whether or not to share this post, but sometimes we don't share enough, so here goes nothing.

  1. Doing things on your own isn't as scary as it sounds. I always thought I was someone who would never ever want to live or travel alone, but it's the most liberating thing I've experienced so far. Those who haven't got the chance are seriously missing out.

  2. A clean space provides a clean mind. My surroundings bring me joy, especially when they're clean and decluttered. Marie Kondo is my hero.

  3. Don't forget about yourself. I tend to be the go-to listener - the friend who soaks up everyone's problems and worries, offering the realest advice I can. Sometimes, their problems weigh me down, and I completely forget to think about myself - or let them know when I need them.

  4. In saying that, it's pretty obvious that I suck at asking for help. So here's your reminder. Ask for help.

  5. Cooking is good for the soul. I love entertaining at home. If I can put a smile on someone's face by having them over and sharing my energy, that makes me happy.

  6. Travelling should always be a priority, and no one should ever lead you to believe otherwise. The amount of lessons and experiences you'll have from one trip is exponential compared to a routine life at home.

  7. A dog can be a woman's best friend too - and life with Dash is pure bliss. He's like my living crystal, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  8. You can do anything you set your mind to. Put things out into the universe, write them down, or tell someone you're going to do something, and those things will happen time and time again. Manifestation is real. Wherever energy flows, intention goes.

  9. Health and wellness are of the utmost importance. Fitness in an infrared sauna, breathing and daily gratitude are my favourite ways to feel my best. You're living, be grateful. Also, solid morning and night routines can help a lot.

  10. Surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people are the only people worth your time. You have the power to choose who you spend your time with, so choose wisely. Your time is important.

  11. Be positive. It's one of the best things you can do for yourself, and it tremendously helps with your happiness level - something I've come to realize after weeding out all the negative people in my life.

  12. Trust your gut. As women, our instincts are incredibly strong - like scary strong. It's when we choose to ignore those senses in our head that we F up. So listen to them. All of them. They're always right.

  13. Hindsight is 20/20. So it's ok to make mistakes, look back at them and learn from them. As cliché as it sounds, everything happens for a reason, even if it doesn't feel like it in the moment.

  14. It's all about balance. Sometimes I'm extremely insecure, while other times I'm "sneaky" confident (or so I've been told). Finding people or things that balance and ground you will help you find peace with yourself.

  15. Horoscopes are true. I like to dabble in multiple things at once, and very rarely do I actually finish something before moving on to the next thing. The Gemini in me is real.

  16. It's okay to say no. You don't owe anyone anything.

  17. But also, say yes. Send that message. Go on that date. Travel the world. Have that one night stand. Because, why the F not. YO to the LO.

  18. Forgive everyone, even those that have hurt you the most. There's no point in holding grudges; that will get you nowhere. The meaning of friendship is to love, learn, inspire, grow and forgive. If your friendships don't have those things, you've got fake friends, my friend.

  19. Self love is the most important love of all. I recharge by being alone at home, and having a bed to yourself is extremely underrated.

  20. Forever isn't everything. You may think you have it all figured out, but things don't always work out as planned, and that's totally ok. You're a bolder person because of it.

  21. Keep learning. I love learning new things, and I'm constantly on the hunt to learn more. Podcasts focused on wellness and intention are my favourite.

  22. Speaking of learning, I'm done fighting the urge to go back to school - it's gonna happen, just watch.

  23. Smile more. As someone who's deemed unapproachable by many, I need to get rid of that RBF and smile, damnit.

  24. Scare yourself. I'm pretty open-minded, and I've learned to start embracing new experiences and give my courage a big stretch. If you don't constantly challenge yourself in every area of your life, you'll remain stagnant or even feel depleted. Everyone's a constant WIP, so put in the work. Scribble a little. Make mistakes. How the F else will you grow.

  25. Common values above all. If someone doesn't understand your passions or values, and doesn't take them seriously (maybe even thinks they're outright ridiculous) they're clearly not the right fit for you. Shared values and good old fashioned r-e-s-p-e-c-t are imperative to any relationship - something that's not so obvious when you're in la la land.

  26. Let your creativity flow. I've always had a creative side, and I'm feeling more inspired than ever. I know I need to work on this area more, so I'm going to start making more time for diy projects. You heard it here first, folks.

  27. Write it down. My mind is always running - hence the reason I feel the need to constantly write down calendar events, ideas, and thoughts... like starting this blog (and this post, which is literally 4 months in the making, tbh). You never know what will come of something if you don't write it down.

  28. Lastly, life is what you make of it, and happiness is a choice. So wake up and get happy!



Homemade Lavender Kombucha

Linnea A.


As my housewarming present, my best friend Megan gave me the perfect gift - my very own kombucha set: scoby, organic cane sugar, black tea, a big jar... literally everything I needed to get my first homemade kombucha batch started. To make the gift even better, she gave me a full tutorial on how to make it the same day! Since then, I've been consuming homemade kombucha regularly, experimenting with different flavours and teas all the while.

If you're not familiar with what kombucha is, it's fermented, fizzy tea. The benefits are endless, as it helps with digestion, boosts your immune system, builds a strong gut, and has a load of b and c vitamins. And when you brew it at home, it couldn't be cheaper. Need I say more?


Since I've been brewing at home for about 8 months now (omg, where did the time go), I thought I'd take you along for a recipe and tutorial for homemade Lavender Kombucha. Here's what you need to get started:

Let's begin by making a batch of original kombucha. You'll need to do this regardless of how you want to flavour it.




  1. Kombucha is made from bacteria and culture, so make sure you clean and sanitize everything with white vinegar to prevent any mishaps. To begin, boil approximately 1/2 a gallon of water to brew your black tea.

  2. Once the water is boiled, pour it into your glass jar and steep the tea bags for at least 15 minutes. Remove the tea bags, add the sugar and stir well to dissolve.

  3. Once the sugar has completely melted, add the remaining 1/2 gallon of cool water and let the mixture cool.

  4. Once the tea has cooled completely, carefully place the scoby in the jar with all of the starter liquid that came with your SCOBY. If this is your first batch and you don't have much starter liquid, buy an original flavoured kombucha, and add half a bottle of it to the tea.

  5. Cover the jar with a coffee filter or cheesecloth, and seal it with a rubber band. Place it in a dark, relatively warm spot, undisturbed by people or light.

  6. And now we let the fermentation begin! Let your kombucha to brew for 1-2 weeks, depending on your preference. The longer you leave it, the stronger it will become.

  7. After 1-2 weeks, your kombucha is ready. Carefully remove the scoby (I place mine in a sterilized bowl with some kombucha liquid for my next batch). If you want to leave your kombucha plain, this is the time to transfer your finished product to a pitcher, then swing-cap bottles. You can store it in the fridge for up to 1 month. If you'd like to do a second round of fermentation and flavouring, here's how to do that:


Ingredients for Lavender Kombucha

  • 1.5 gallons homemade kombucha (made above)

  • 1 cup dried lavender buds

  • 8 organic black tea bags

  • 1 cup golden sugar

  • 1 gallon water


  1. Boil 1 gallon of water, transfer to a pitcher, and add the teabags and lavender buds.

  2. Let the tea steep for roughly 10 minutes, and remove the teabags (not the lavender). Add your sugar, and stir until it's dissolved.

  3. Once the tea has cooled to room temperature, combine your prepared kombucha with your lavender tea (you may need to do this in batches with various pitchers/vessels in your home). Once both mixtures are thoroughly combined, pour the mixture into swing-cap bottles, and let them sit in a dark, warm spot for about 3 days.

  4. After 3 days, strain your kombucha into a pitcher, and pour the strained kombucha back into the swing-cap bottles (unless you want to strain the lavender out every time you drink it). Your bottles are now ready for refrigeration, and can be stored up to 1 month!


It seems like quite a few steps, but trust me, it's easier than you think. You're basically just making various batches of sweet tea, except the bacteria in the kombucha eats all the sugar up, making a drink that's OH SO good for you! And the best part? Kombucha makes for an incredible cocktail mix :) Interested in more kombucha recipes? Let me know which ones you'd like me to try!



Gluten Free Banana Waffles

Linnea A.


In light of #InternationalWaffleDay today, I thought I'd share my favourite gluten free waffle recipe I've tried thus far! And bonus, they're vegan too! As long as you control your toppings, this recipe is a delicious healthy breakfast. 


For the waffles:

  • 1 banana, mashed

  • 1 cup rolled oats

  • 1/2 cup almond milk

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tbsp chia and hemp seeds (optional)

  • 1 cup spinach (optional, if you don't mind green pancakes)

Blend the ingredients together in a blender to form a batter. Heat your waffle iron, grease with coconut oil, and let each waffle cook until golden. If you don't have a waffle iron, you can make these into pancakes too, but I've found my mini iron to be  soo  handy!

For the toppings:

  • 1/2 banana, or fruit of your choice

  • 2 tsp maple syrup

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tbsp almond butter (optional - I just loooove almond butter)

Drizzle and dress your waffles, and there you have it, guilt-free waffles! Happy #InternationalWaffleDay, let me know what you think once you try the recipe! 




Bullet Journaling

Linnea A.


Bullet journaling has been a part of my daily routine for a few months now, and it's made such a huge difference in my well-being. Not only does it change your mindset with a positive intention to start your day, but it puts the small things into perspective, and it really makes you reflect on all the great things that happened during your day.


Gratitude is so important, especially when you're not feeling your best, or unfortunate things are happening in your life that you can't control. I've had my fair share of ups and downs, and it's helped me tremendously. Just when you think that things can't get worse, sometimes they do, so by reflecting on the good things that happened throughout your day, they overshadow the bad, making you much happier and thankful for your day.

I've been using my Five Minute Journal for a few months now, and I love it not only because of the minimal design (or the fact that's it's Canadian, made by 2 of my favourite Youtubers - s/o Alex and Mimi!) but it's so easy to use. It's a dateless journal (meaning you can skip days and not feel bad about it), and you write in it morning and night. In the morning, it asks you to list 3 things you're grateful for, 3 things that would make your day great, and one positive affirmation about yourself. At night, you list 3 amazing things that happened during your day, and what you could have done to make your day a little better. This one pushes you to strive for improvement! The whole process literally takes 5 minutes out of your day to complete, and there's a different quote or challenge on every page, allowing you to reflect on that message throughout the day. 


The journal has pushed me through some really hard times, especially with loss, but now I'm able to look back on the times that I was sincerely happy spending time with those loved ones. If I didn't document my happiness on those days, it would have been a lot harder for me to cope. 

So do yourself a favour... buy a Five Minute Journal! It will change your life for the better, I promise.



Berry Protein Smoothie Bowl

Linnea A.


If you know me, you know how much I love smoothie bowls, and smoothies in general. It's my go to breakfast M-F, and on weekends, I always treat myself to at least one smoothie bowl, whether that be an acai bowl, or some sort of protein bowl. There are soo many good smoothie recipes out there, but I love trying different variations on my own. Here's my latest creation:


For the base

For the toppings

  • Fruit of your choice (I chose banana chips because I didn't have any fresh fruits)

  • 1 tbsp chia and hemp seeds

  • 1/2 cup gluten-free granola

Put all the ingredients into a blender. Blend, pour, sprinkle, and enjoy.




Current Skincare Favourites

Linnea A.


It's no secret that I'm getting older...I mean, who isn't? And with that in mind, 2018 is the year that I'm putting myself first in all aspects of my life. Sounds a little selfish, but if i'm gonna do it, now's the time. In doing so, I'm making my health, nutrition, and beauty from within more of a priority. Skincare goes hand in hand with that, and I have quite a few favourites to share.


First off, let's just say one word. Serums. Oh my goodness, these bad boys are changing the game. I used to use some higher-end drugstore serums that made my skin feel nice and made my makeup application super duper smooth, but I never looked at the ingredients... I was all about the price. Since then, I've experimented a bit with different serums for various issues/benefits, and let me tell you, I am obsessed. They are one of the best inventions ever. Especially when you apply them with your refrigerated jade roller...game changer.

Without further ado, here's a roundup of my absolute faves:

Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil: This is a little of a splurge, but this retinoid is everything. Not only is the bottle amazing to look at, but the potion inside is magic, and I love the smell, too! The chamomile essential oil in this seriously makes me sleep like a baby.

Glossier Super Pack: Glossier's a brand that's doing big things in the skincare industry, and their packaging gets me every time. For tired, dull skin, use Super Glow. For breakouts, use Super Pure, and for dehydration (aka hangovers), use Super Bounce. These small but powerful serums really do work, and I love them, but I've found that they're almost identical to The Ordinary's products, so if you're on a budget, buy those instead!

The Ordinary, everyfreakin'thing: I use A LOT of products from the Ordinary, and I love everything about them. They're Canadian, have perfect minimal packaging, AND they're all silicone-free, alcohol-free and cruelty-free. But my favourites are the Hyaluronic Acid + B5 for instant hydration, as well as Niaciminide + Zinc for blemishes and redness (these are equivalent to the Super Bounce and Super Pure, above). I also love using The Buffet as a daily "anti-aging" multivitamin for my skin, as well as the Granactive Retinoid 5% in squalene, which is similar to the Sunday Riley Sleeping Oil (without the nice smell and at a much cheaper price).

Jade Roller: Besides the fact that serums are amazing on their own, I've grown to love applying them with my jade roller. It's a super affordable tool that you can put in the fridge for the next time you feel puffy. The feeling you get when you apply your serum with the cooled jade is incredible! Seriously, try it.

Thayers Witch Hazel Lavender Toner: I've been using this toner for a while now, and it's great for calming and purifying the skin before serum application. Plus, it's lavender, so bonussss! 

What are your go to skincare items? I'd love to know if you have any favourite invisible SPF's! 

xo                                                                                                                                                  Linnea



Making Wellness a Priority

Linnea A.


This year, I decided to finally get down to the bottom of my nutritional health. I eat a pretty healthy diet overall, and I religiously hit up Oxygen Yoga & Fitness (mostly fitness) at least 4 times a week (#ilovemylife), but I still felt like something was off, so I decided to see a nutritionist. I started the first week of 2018 by seeing Jenn at My Edible Advice, who tested all my intolerances in one go. She was super helpful, and I've been eating a gluten-free, dairy-free diet ever since. 

Because I didn't eat much dairy to begin with, cutting out dairy wasn't very hard for me. Now, I simply switch out my cheeses for dairy-free cheese when absolutely necessary (or stay away from cheese altogether). On the gluten side of things, I'm used to cooking gluten free pasta and eating minimal bread anyway (I never dared to buy it at the grocery store, because that's too dangerous lol), so I didn't think it would be difficult.

As it turns out, there are so many gluten-free, dairy-free/vegan options out there, so I'm not finding it that hard! If anything, I've found that this new way of eating has pushed me to stop and think about what I'm consuming before I consume it. Before, I tracked my calories, but I never thought about exactly what was in my food. Now, I take a minute to look at ingredient lists and take my time at the grocery store, especially with gluten free items. They load some of those products with SO MUCH crap, so be careful!


If you haven't visited a nutritionist, and aren't sure what you should or shouldn't be eating, I highly recommend visiting one. My session was only an hour long, and it was a painless test for intolerances of every type of food possible. A lot of the reason why so many people are intolerant to dairy and gluten is because of the harsh genetically modified foods we have available in North America. If you can find ancient grains that haven't been modified in anyway, then they're probably safe, but the other ones, I recommend staying away from. That being said, if I happen to be in Europe (which I will be this fall), I'll eat everything and more, because their grains and cheeses aren't nearly as genetically modified as the crap that's available to us here :)

After 2 months of my new way of eating, I've annoyed the s*** out of my family and friends, but I feel awesome! I'll check back in a few months time to let you know if there's anymore progress ;)

Next up, wild rose cleanse!

