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In a New York Minute


In a New York Minute

Linnea A.


Alright guys, I want to start off with a big apology for being soo MIA on my blog, but I've quite literally been on vacation mode. I needed to take a breather, make the most out of my time on the east coast, and soak up as much quality time as possible with my east coast girls! On top of that, I got super sick as soon as I landed, so I've been out of commission for a few days to say the least. Without further ado, here's part 1 of my guide to NYC! Warning: this itinerary is NOT for lazy, slow-paced people. I created an itinerary that was a totally type-A-to-the-minute-resos-booked-outfit-included schedule, so... you've been warned! Day 3 & 4 coming your way shortly ;)


Day 1

I arrived in New York to rainy, dreary weather, with traffic to the nines. My uber ride took about an hour and half to get to my friend's apartment, so I did my makeup in his car, dropped my bags off, did a quick wardrobe change, and jumped straight into another uber to meet my friends for dinner at Momofuku Nishi. I arrived a little late, but I came to realize that traffic will always screw you over in New York. Dinner was incredible, and it was so great seeing my friends and kicking off the trip with my first meal in NY! 


10:30PM - Times Square

After dinner, my friends headed home and I started walking towards Times Square. I shopped around for a few hours (because when else can you shop at F21 or Sephora at midnight), admired the signs and billboards like the Marketing nerd I am, then picked up some groceries and snacks before heading home to unpack and get settled. Day 1 was complete, and I was already in absolute love with the city.


Day 2

7:45AM - Empire State Building

The next day, I woke up bright and early (minimal sleep night #1) to get ready and take the subway to get to the Empire State building before they opened. There was barely a line-up, so I got the snaps I needed, then walked over to my next stop: Grand Central Station - but not before a much needed Almond Milk Latte!


8:45AM - Grand Central Station

Once I arrived at Grand Central, I was mesmerized at how big it was. It wasn't as busy as I thought it'd be, but it was definitely something to see for sure. There are a ton of shops inside the station, if you have free time to peruse.


9:30AM - The MET

Since I was already at the train station, I took the subway to the Upper East Side (one of my fave neighbourhoods by far), where I arrived at the steps of the MET, then explored the Heavenly Bodies exhibit inside - one of the most surreal parts of my trip! As a fashion lover, seeing the dresses up close and personal was mesmerizing... so if you're heading to New York, I highly recommend going to the MET to see this exhibit before it's gone - it's worth every penny!


10:45AM - Central Park

After the MET, I took a stroll through part of Central Park along 5th Ave, and made my way to Rockefeller Center. This walk is not for everyone, as it's almost an hour long, but I was totally up for the challenge (my feet would feel it later - DO NOT wear chucks).


11:30AM - Top of the Rock

I made it to my booked time slot, and the view at the Top of the Rock was spectacular!! If you only have time for one viewpoint, I definitely recommend the Top of the Rock over Empire State, because the view of the Empire State building is everything, and you get a good view of Central Park, too!


1:00PM - Lunch

After photos and looking around, I headed downstairs for some much needed lunch. I've been dying to try By Chloe for years now (mostly because of my fave youtuber Ash Brooke), and I finally got my chance! It's a cute vegan restaurant that's well known for their salads and burgers (which are mostly gluten free as well). My meal was bombdiggity, and I was really starting to love travelling/eating alone. Thumbs up all around!


2:00PM - MoMa

After lunch, I walked over to the MoMa, and I have to say, I was a little underwhelmed after the MET. There were some pieces that were really cool, and lots of interactive (and some really weird) exhibits, but I think I would skip the MoMa next time. I did get to see Vincent Van Gogh's famous Starry Night up close, so that was cool!


3:30PM - While We Were Young

A short subway ride later, I wound up at While We Were Young for a cocktail - the cutest little restaurant (you already know I went for the decor) in the heart of West Village - hands down the cutest neighbourhood in NYC. My cocktail was amazing - named after the restaurant itself, and finished with hints of pure vanilla bean... mm mmm.


4:30PM - Carrie's Apartment

Because I was in West Village... the SITC fan in me just HAD to take a photo on the steps of Carrie's apartment, and that I did. I even got to meet the owner of the house! Fair warning: it looks identical to all the homes around it, and he's got tacky anti-trump signs in his window, along with a chain on his steps. Also, don't sit on his steps... you've been warned! 


4:45PM - Sockerbit

I stumbled upon the cutest little Swedish candy store you ever did see... so obviously I had to go in and stock up. We hadn't had Swedish-quality candy in a while, so my fam (Farmor included) definitely appreciated it! 


5:30PM - And break!

By this point I was super duper tired, so I needed to head back to the apartment to lie down, freshen up, and get ready for dinner. Before I knew it, it was time to jump back on the subway!


7:00PM - Chumley's

For dinner, my friend Andrea made a reso at Chumley's - a traditional speakeasy where the coolest of cool writers used to hang out, including Ernest Hemingway! Really great underground spot with the walls decked out in their photos. The food was also delightful - no surprise there.


9:30PM - Friends Apartment

Just beside Chumley's is the Friends apartment, so it was neat to see on our post-dinner walk. We explored West Village and Andrea took me around to some of her favourite spots in the neighbourhood.

10:00PM - Marie's Crisis

First stop: Marie's Crisis Cafe - a Broadway lover's dream bar! You don't need to pay for a show when you're in NY, just head to Marie's Crisis, and you'll get performances all night for free. Everyone in there will know every word to every song played on the piano... and if you're lucky, they'll play some Disney showtunes so you can sing along, too! 

11:00PM - Joe's Pizza

Neither Andrea or I are real dessert people, so rather than feasting on dessert after dinner, we had a traditional slice of New York pizza instead! And OMG, it was actually so damn good. Definitely worth the gluten, and VERY glad I opted for pizza over ice cream :)

12:00AM - Whole Foods

After walking Andrea home to SoHo, I popped into Whole Foods to stock up on goodies that the Americans like to keep from us Canadians... (you know, Vital Proteins, better LaCroix flavours, Unreal Almond Butter cups, etc), and took an uber home. Day 2, complete! 

Stay tuned for days 3 & 4... I promise they're just as packed and full of fun :D


Gossip girl