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Filtering by Category: Travel

How to Plan the Perfect Desert Bachelorette

Linnea A.


When the bridesmaids and I were tasked with planning my best friend’s bachelorette, I was ecstatic! I used to plan events for a living, so every time I get the chance to plan something new, I’m all in. And a desert bachelorette in Scottsdale sounded like a dream! But planning a group trip is not an easy feat - especially when there are 16 girls involved. I was a little nervous to have the fate of everyone’s vacation on our hands, but it’s safe to say that everyone had a great time - hangovers and all. Now that the wedding’s just around the corner, here are a few tips for planning the perfect bachelorette.


Pick a venue

My best friend is amazing, there’s no doubt about that! But because she’s so amazing, she has friends… many, many, many friends! There were a total of 16 girls that flew from Vancouver to Scottsdale to celebrate our bride to be, so it was a very big bunch. To make the trip as fun as possible, I knew we had to rent a house (preferably with a pool). The bridesmaids and I went straight to Airbnb to find the perfect spot for our girls weekend, and we stayed in a gorgeous bungalow with a sizeable pool, new kitchen, and plenty of beds for all the sleeping beauties. I highly recommend going the Airbnb route, because that way, you can mix and mingle with the other guests (screw secluded hotel rooms!), hang out at the pool any hour of the day (helloooo 4AM pool hangs), and easily cook meals together (lest we forget about access to ice and a massive fridge)!


Create an itinerary

With a big group of girls, a strict itinerary is key. The last thing you want is for everyone to be mulling over what they what to do, where they want to eat, what time they want to swim, etc. Our itinerary included everything from meal reservations to bottle service, dress code, approximate costs, and free time!


Stick with a theme

Before decorations and props get too out of hand, I strongly advise that you pick a theme. The destination of the bachelorette was in the sunny desert of Scottsdale, and our bride loves cacti with all her heart, so we knew that a tropical cactus theme was the way to go.


Once you pick your theme, you can start thinking about decor, balloons, and all the fixin’s. Thanks to the help of the bridesmaids, we also incorporated the theme into our goodie bags, itineraries, name tags, and even the menus at the restaurants, which was such a nice touch! We also decorated the Airbnb with tropical leaves, rose gold accents, confetti, and balloons scattered throughout the space.


Add a personal touch

The guests of the bachelorette already spent a ton to be on the trip, so it’s in your best interest to make them feel special when they get there. The bride purchased tropical shirts for everyone to wear at the pool, so we added a few other touches to everyone’s personalized pineapple goodie bag to coincide with the theme. We included matching pink visors, a cactus cup with a reusable straw, plenty of EmergenC for hangovers and hydration, a custom tattoo with the groom’s beautiful face, and name tags for everyone to wear during our mix and mingle game night.


Stock the fridge

In the desert, hydration is key. Because we were staying in one big house, the bridesmaids and I went straight from the rental car counter to Costco. We ran through the aisles as quickly as we possibly could, picking up items for breakfast, lunch, snacks, liquor (liquor and more liquor), tons of still and sparkling water (Spindrift is where it’s at!) and some creamy pastas and pizza for late night indulgence. After our Costco trip, we had 40 MINUTES to prep the food, decorate, and get everything done. My advice? Ask for help!!


Food wise, let’s just say that coming home to hot meals after a full night of dancing was heaven. Because Costco is so reasonably priced, it’s not a bad idea to over-purchase. The last thing you want is to run out of food or liquor halfway through the trip, or for any of the guests to feel like they can’t indulge or eat anything in the fridge, in fear that there won’t be enough. At the end of the trip, we gathered everything we never opened, and Costco accepted all of it back! Did someone say #travelhack?!


Start with a welcome fiesta

To get everyone warmed up, we welcomed the guests with a fiesta by the pool. We catered our fiesta with Mexican food from Los Sombreros, which included various tacos, guac, refried beans, tortilla chips, and plenty of fresh salsa. We had leftovers for days. Because we stayed in for dinner, we had less pressure to rush and get ready, so we spent time by the pool, ate dinner, and even had time to play a “guess which friend I am” game before we left for our first night out.


Whatever floats your boat

For the Scottsdale heat, floaties were key. We used the pool every single day, so it was very important that we had plenty of themed floaties to go around, for those that didn’t want to fully submerge into the water. Our floaties were supplied by Big Mouth, and they were amazing! To stick with the theme, I opted for a heart-shaped donut, rainbow float, swan, pineapple, and of course, an engagement ring! The cotton candy and cactus are also super cute options!


Figure out the finances later

With a group of 16, finances can be tricky. Most of the restaurants required one bill, so the bridesmaids paid for some meals, the Costco run, and a few other things. Rather than asking for money up-front or billing the guests as we went, we created a helpful spreadsheet after the trip that broke down everyone’s meals, bottle service, Ubers, and more! We were able to settle all the finances within one week of returning home, and it worked out seamlessly.


Make friends with promoters!


We weren’t exactly sure how much the girls wanted to go out, but we planned our nights out in advance pretty well. I booked bottle service at Riot House for Friday night, and we ended up loving it. The music was amazing, the crowd was super fun, and the costumes for Dom service were pretty freakin’ epic. We ended up coming back three nights in a row… THREE! We clearly could not get enough. And we tried other bars/clubs, but they just didn’t beat Riot. The fact that our promoter was amazing didn’t hurt either - he made it verrrry hard to leave (which made our entire trip) and all the girls loved him! If you’re heading to Scottsdale and want his digits, let me know, seriously! If you’re a female, Scottsdale is a breeze. If you’re a male… well, prepare to drop a whole lotta cash on cover and alcohol for the weekend. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.



This post was in collaboration with Big Mouth. All opinions are my own.


What I Packed for Scottsdale

Linnea A.


Well, the long-awaited bachelorette trip has ended… and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t super duper sad about it. The weekend was SOO much fun, I can’t even handle it! Most of us didn’t know each other very well, so it was either bound to be a success, or bound to be… well… an awkward trip. But I’m so happy to report that all went extremely well, and everyone loved each other so much! But more on that another time ;) In the meantime, here’s a breakdown of what I packed for Scottsdale - and most of it is on sale now… so here we go:


Travel Planning 101

Linnea A.


Well I'm off to New York next week, and I couldn't be more excited about it! It's hard to believe that I was there for my first time ever less than a year ago (read here for part 1 & part 2), and here I am visiting again!! Oooh, the inspiration and knowledge I’ll gain! You’re probably wondering how I plan all my trips in between everything else, and how I book my flights. And trust me, trip planning isn't for everyone, especially if you're not organized. Lucky for me, I'm a little too organized, so trip planning comes naturally. To help you have a better, more seamless trip, I'm sharing my trip planning tips below!

Track your flights

Once you decide what dates you want to get away or where you want to go, always track your flights to keep an eye on prices. I regularly track Google flights for specific destinations I want to visit, and I use Hopper as well to keep an eye on the best time to buy my tickets. Other sites that help with finding the best flight deals are Sky Scanner and Momondo.


Be spontaneous

 Another thing I do to save money is I subscribe to YVR Deals and Next Departure. And YOU GUYS. They literally do all the work for you! If you have a job that’s pretty flexible with your vacation time, then this is the route for you. They send weekly flight deals all around the world, so you could be sitting at your desk job one day, and heading on a plane to Peru a few days later! The deals are incredible, and they let you know what dates will work best on the flight websites. One thing to keep in mind: the deals go FAST so you don’t have much time to decide. Act on it as soon as you see it, and you won’t be disappointed. You’re welcome :)

Pick your stops (and your outfits)

Before you book any accommodation, figure out how many stops you want to make on your trip. Are there certain hot spots you want to see? Specific cities you want to visit? Restaurants you want to check out? Make sure you plan out your route, make any necessary reservations, and figure out your overall plan. Make time for those things, and ensure you have enough time to stop there. P.S. - If you’re suuuper into planning like me, I create full-on itineraries (sample linked here!!) with times, addresses, photo ops, contact information, confirmation codes, and even outfits I’ll be wearing! That ensures I don’t miss anything I have on my list, and it makes packing so much easier.


Define the purpose of your trip

Depending on the purpose of your trip, your planning is going to look different every time. What are you looking to get out of your trip? Do you want to learn new things? Meet new people? Experience the destination like a local? Exercise? Relax? Take photos? Maybe it’s a combination of all those things, but either way, figure out what you want to get out of your trip, then go from there. There’s no point on planning activities that don’t give you what you’re looking for, so if you want to relax, maybe don’t go to New York… Bali is a much better bet - ya dig?

Have fun

And of course, make time for fun. This is your vacation, after all, so don’t forget to unwind, loosen up a little, and live in the moment. There’s nothing worse than focusing so much on social media, or little things happening at home, but you have to remember that this is your time to recharge, and those things can wait until you’re done recharging your battery.

Get travel insurance

Last, but certainly not least, buy travel insurance!! I may be a little biased being in the industry, but I’ve seen multiple friends of mine having to use their insurance, because you really never know what accident or emergency can happen when you’re having the time of your life. Do yourself a favour and get coverage!

I wish you all an abundant 2019 full of all the trips, safe travels!



Decor Inspo: Ett Hem Stockholm

Linnea A.


The first time I heard about Ett Hem, I was watching the Netflix documentary “Abstract: The Art of Design” back in February, and I absolutely fell in love. I knew I had to put this beautiful homey hotel on my bucket list, but I had no idea that I’d be able to cross it off just a few short months later.

Well, the universe works in mysterious ways, and Stockholm was added to my 2018 list just like that. So you better believe I planned a full day at Ett Hem, walking around the property, soaking in the scenery, inhaling all the different scents (their signature scent is amazing, sandlewood is my faaaaave), and appreciating every single design element and detail of each space. And that was the thing. Every single space was different. The overall feel to the space was welcoming, mature, traditional, and sophisticated, with a few pops of colour and unexpected quirks - just the way a home should be. Originally owned by Carl Larsson, the house was converted into a boutique hotel in 2012, designed by renowned interior designer Ilse Crawford. If you love Scandinavian design (and a mix of old and new) as much as I do, you’re in for a treat.


Without further ado, here’s a full look into my day at Ett Hem! Oh - and if you’re heading to Stockholm, make sure you eat in Ett Hem’s beautiful open kitchen, too. You’ll be treated exactly like house guests, served with a two-course, family style meal-of-the-day (yes, the menu changes everyday, just like a home). The price may be a little steep, but I promise you’ll thank me after you get there! One of the most memorable, healthy, fresh meals of my life!!!


Did you love it or did you love it?! What was your favourite room? Mine was definitely the greenhouse. House goals or what! Hope this tour inspired you as much as it did me.



Paris in Three Days

Linnea A.


If you’ve been waiting for this, I’m sorry! I feel like I needed a vacation from my vacation, and that included a break from writing about it. But now that it’s been about a month, I’m ready to relive it all over again. First up, here’s a look at how I did Paris in 3 days. Fair warning: this was mostly an eating, drinking, walking around type trip, so if that’s not for you, this itinerary won’t be either. My original itinerary definitely included a lot more than what we actually did, but that’s what happens when you’re tired, need sleep, and do chambongs every damn day, ok! Alright, here we go.

Day 1

We arrived in Paris around 11:30AM, but our Airbnb wasn’t supposed to be ready until 2:00, so we took a bus all the way to the luggage drop off, only for them to tell us our place was ready. What a time suck! I told you things don’t always go as planned. Regardless, we took an Uber to our place from there, settled in, and freshened up. Once we were ready to rock, we headed out the door for some much needed food (et vin).


2:00PM - Lunch at Le Petit Poucet

We sat down at one of the first cute cafes that we saw, and immediately got a taste of Paris. We ordered French fries and the most incredible burgers with house made sauce on the side. Just a little disclaimer: I don’t recommend going from Italy straight to Paris, because it will take some time for you to get used to Parisians and their attitude, as opposed to loving, welcoming, hospitable Italians. Maybe go to Paris thennnn Italy. Much better plan. Regardless, the spot we chose was so cute - I could have people watched in Place de Clichy all day!


4:00PM - Sacré Coeur

Our Airbnb was pretty close to the Sacré Coeur, so we thought that’d be a great way to spend the afternoon. We made a pit stop at the liquor store, bought some disposable flutes, and walked over to Montmartre! This was hands down one of my favourite days in Paris. I absolutely LOVED Montmartre, and wish I had more time to spend there. The cobblestone roads and buildings were so adorable, and once you get closer to the Sacré Coeur, all the little shops make you feel like you’re in a Christmas movie - ahh I can’t wait to go back. We spent the afternoon just enjoying the beautiful view !


6:30PM - Wine Stop #2 (Don’t judge)

We quickly realized that whatever we bought just hours before would not last us very long… especially with our intention of chambonging all over the world. We picked up a few more bottles, and headed straight to our apartment to chillax a little before dinner.


10:00PM - Dinner at The Little Italy

A few hours (and many, many chambongs) later, we headed out to dinner. We decided to check out a cute spot called The Little Italy just down the street, and it was hands down the best meal we had in Paris. We all ordered the fresh truffle pasta (which was served in our very own copper pans) and it was soooo good omg. I’ve never ever had a truffle pasta this good. Next time I go to Paris, I’m definitely coming here again! Oh, and we were a little drunk during this dinner, in case you can’t tell in these photos :D

12:00AM - Drinks with Friends

To cap off the night, we met up with some Parisian friends at a bar/club. It was great to meet some new faces and speak drunken French all night. I’m pretty sure I tried to hold as many French convos as possible (the only time the French 12 language award came in handy lol) and they actually believed I spoke fluent French! Pretty solid first night in Paris… but bed was calling my name.

Day 2

9:30AM - Coffee

After the very first solid sleep of the entire trip, we got ready for the day (lewks and all), and headed out for some much needed coffee before heading toward the Arc de Triomphe.


10:00AM - Arc de Triomphe

When we arrived, I was blown away with how big it was. It was so beautiful! We walked around a little, as well as underneath (that’s where the lineup is to get up to the arc and see it), and of course, took a few photos here and there. We contemplated exploring the Champs-Élysées afterwards, but none of us were really in the mood for shopping, so to Eiffel we went!


11:00AM - Eiffel Tower

The walk from the Arc de Triomphe to Eiffel was absolutely stunning. We took a route that wasn't very busy, so it was nice to take our time enjoying the scenery and the beautiful Parisian architecture. Once we got to the Trocadéro, the view of the Eiffel Tower was beautiful! It was a little obstructed because of the fashion week set up, but that’s ok. We came, we saw, we conquered. The original plan was to continue walking towards Eiffel and maybe even have a picnic, but it started to rain, so we had to improvise.


12:00PM - Lunch

Instead, we chose to have lunch at Le Malakoff at the Trocadéro, and yet again, another beautiful café. You really can’t go wrong with which café you choose, because they’re all so damn cute! We spent quite a bit of time relaxing while the rain poured, and decided that shopping would be our next activity for the day, due to the annoying torrential downpour.


3:00PM - Galeries Lafayette

Despite the rain, we made it to Sephora and Galeries Lafayette for some rainy day shopping. The store was absolutely stunning, but I wish I had something in mind that I wanted to buy. Yes, I had A TON of candles and perfumes (Le Labo Gaiac 10 - whyyyy did I not buy it, Byredo, Diptyque) on my list, but those are all heavy/liquid items, and I knew that would be troublesome fitting into my luggage and dealing with the weight situation. Looking back on it now, of course I wish I purchased something special that I’d been wanting for so long, but all the more reason to go back.

5:30PM - Chillax

Finally, it was time to put the feet up, chillax, and maybe do a chambong (or three).


8:30PM - Dinner at Le Dulcinéa

We headed out to dinner in an area that we ended up loving (super artsy and lively) which was pretty close to our apartment, right by the Moulin Rouge. I believe the area is called Pigalle - St. Georges (the red-light district). We ended up at an Italian restaurant (surprise, surprise) called Le Dulcinéa, and once again, amazing food. Slow. Clap. You’d think we had enough pasta in Italy, but we actually ate pretty healthy, home cooked meals for the most part, so we gave ourselves permission to carb it up hard in Paris. The servers were all amazing (cuz they were Italian, shocker), the food and drinks were awesome, and I’d definitely recommend!

11:30PM - Drinks by Moulin Rouge

We were meeting up with a friend later on that night, so in the meantime, we killed time right across from the Moulin Rouge at a random bar. I honestly have no idea what it was called… all I remember is that the service was terrible, my drink was disgusting, and I’d never go back :D next we headed to the Boumboum, then headed home!


Day 3

10:00AM - Café Kitsuné

Deanna and I had been wanting to go to Café Kitsuné for a while, so it was on our must-do list. I ordered an almond milk matcha latte and a matcha financier, and they were both so bomb. Loved this place, their merchandise, and their branding.


11:00AM - Palais Royal

A quick skip and a hop later, and we were at Palais Royal! Deanna and I both spent some time on those stumps - you should have seen Maria’s footage of us during our shoot with our dad shoes… LOL I’m dead just thinking about it.


12:00PM - Louvre

I didn't really have much desire to go inside the Louvre because I’ve heard it’s crowded and overrated, but I did want to walk through and at least see the outside of it. So that’s exactly what we did! We walked through, took some snaps, and walked over the bridge to Saint Germain for some lunch. PS did you SEE the Louis Vuitton show at the Louvre?! UN.REAL.


1:30PM - Lunch at Café de Flore

We made it to Café de Flore in Saint Germain for lunch. It was a beautiful, classic French restaurant, and it had so much history! My salad was great (I desperately needed some veggies), but overall, I would say it’s a little overpriced/overrated for the food quality.


3:30PM - Musée de l’Orangerie

It was still raining a little bit, so our next best bet was to visit a museum. The only artist I was really interested in seeing was Monet (hello, Linnea in Monet’s Garden is my favourite book), so we all decided that we’d head to Musée de l’Orangerie to see the water lilies. They were massive paintings, and they did not disappoint! 

6:30PM - Pigalle - St. Georges

We knew we wanted to go to Pink Mamma for dinner at least once, and because they don’t take resos, we tried to make it down there as early as possible to put our name down. While we waited for our table, we grabbed some drinks in the Pigalle - St. Georges area again because there are so many cute spots to choose from!


8:45PM - Dinner at Pink Mamma

Once we got to Pink Mamma, we were absolutely floored. It’s a beautifully designed Italian (cough cough, duh) restaurant that’s made up of 4 different floors - each with different themes and different food cooked on each floor. We luckily got to sit on the very top floor, which is the nicest of them all! The ceilings were decked out in plants and chandeliers, the servers were so sweet and welcoming, and the high energy in the room was infectious. The food didn’t let us down either, and I’ll definitely be back!

Le Dépanneur Terrasse.jpg

11:30PM - Drinks at Le Depanneur Terrasse 

To end my time in Paris, we had one last drink at a cute restaurant called Le Depanneur Terrasse. Great music, awesome decor, and “very Vancouver” vibes in there.

The next morning, I left the girls bright and early to leave for the airport to head to Stockholm - but not before a quick crepe for breakfast! I absolutely loved my time in Paris, and I’ll definitely be back… maybe with more shopping in mind, less eating/drinking and more sightseeing. Here are a few things I wish I did, but didn’t have time to do:

  • Shop in Le Marais and Champs-Élysées
  • Explore Jardin du Luxembourg
  • Have a picnic at the Eiffel Tower
  • See Montparnasse Tower
  • Visit Notre Dame
  • Take a day trip to Versailles
  • Eat at Relais de l’Entrecôte

And that concludes my Parisian diary! What are your go-to spots in Paris?! I’d absolutely love if you left them in the comments below <3



Italian Summer

Linnea A.


I’ve gotta admit, it’s been pretty nice taking a break from blogging and just enjoying my travels! I’ve only been gone for just over a week, but I swear it feels like a month has gone by! I had an absolute blast in Milano, but my favourite day of all was visiting Lake Como again. It was SOO hot - like I had to change into another outfit hot! The wine was flowing, aperols were being downed, and the journey back to Sesto Calende with the girls was pretty hilarious/memorable! Here are a few of my favourite shots.


Baci e abbracci,


Euro Essentials

Linnea A.


Ok, ok, I know I’ve been talking about Europe a liiiittle bit too much lately, but I can’t really help myself - I’m too excited! I feel extremely lucky to be able to cross off so many places and things from my bucket list over the last two years... they really have been my most amazing years yet. I’m clearly addicted - and this travel bug is never ever going to go away. But I’m A-OKAY with that.

So for Europe… I’m travelling to three different cities: Milan, Paris and Stockholm, which just so happen to be the fashion capitals of Europe!! Not to mention all pretty different climates, so how could I NOT pack my entire closet?! Well let me tell you, it was tough. Very, very tough. And I know I’ve talked about my travel essentials before, but I’ve narrowed down my absolute euro must haves for this trip - outfits, shoes, accessories, skincare and all. Let’s dive in, shall we?

  1. Blazers - I’ll take one in every colour, please. And yes, I’m literally bringing 3.

  2. Dad Shoes - Because a girl’s gotta be able to walk all over the city (and look cute doing so). I’m so happy that man-repelling dad shoes are IN… and no I don’t care if my entire wardrobe repels men. If you get it, you get me.

  3. Fanny Pack - For all the gypsies comin’ at me. Lol. But really, could it be any more perfect to have fannies come back in style on my way to Europe?

  4. Tortoise Shades - Because what’s an outfit without them?

  5. Pleated Skirt - The most versatile piece I’ll be bringing with me. It can be styled with sneakers, heels, booties, a blazer, a cozy jacket, a bodysuit, a tee… literally everythinggg.

  6. Teddy Bear Coat - For those cozy rainy Parisian days... or days out in the countryside of Sweden.

  7. Sock Booties - To pair with almost every outfit. They’re one of my favourite fall staples for sure.

  8. Summer Fridays Overtime Mask - A PSL in a mask… that gives you a face like a baby’s bottom. Mmmhmm.

  9. Laneige Lavender Sleeping Mask - Fluffy, soft moisturizing clouds that literally give you sweet lavender dreams - and a plump, moisturized face in the morning!

  10. Ouai Wave Spray - With shorter hair, it’s the only ouai.

  11. Lanege Sleeping Lip Mask - Bomb. Dot. Com. Loved the Berry, and the Apple Lime is my new fave. I’m def buying the other scents too because this product is just that good!

Where are you off to next?! Let me know below.



Mexico Travel Diary

Linnea A.


Hi lovelies! As you probably know, I just came back from a relaxing trip to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, so I'm sharing my thoughts and experience staying at Ocean Riviera Paradise below. It was my first time visiting Playa Del Carmen, as I've been travelling to Cabo San Lucas since I was a wee little tot (my aunt and uncle used to own a place there!). I absolutely loved the jungle, and the resort was so incredible. It was pretty big, but it wasn't too big where you weren't able to walk from one end to the other - I would say the size was perfect. Now let's dive into the vacation, so I can relive it all over again.


The Resort

My expectations weren't overly high, because my previous all-inclusive experiences were mediocre at best; the food usually sucks and the decor is meh, not gonna lie! Then I looked up this resort a week before my trip - and OMG. I was absolutely blown away by the photos.


After about a 6 hour flight, we arrived at the resort, and I remember just staring at the entrance of the lobby from the shuttle bus, in complete awe of our new home for a week. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was, and this resort was hands down, the nicest place I've ever stayed at (I'd even say the design was nicer than the prestigious Ayana Resort in Bali!).


Once we walked into the lobby, we were immediately taken aback by the signature lobby scent - clean, refreshing citrus-ey goodness that I'm still dreaming about to this day. The design of the entire resort was so well thought out - every detail was accounted for. The lobby was decked out with modern, beachy boho accents, so if you know me, you know that's exactly what I love. The high ceilings were graced with bold beams and straw pendants, surrounded by palm leaves, plants, wicker and leather furniture, library walls - the works. If you love design as much as I do, you'll loooove staying at this resort. The designers really did think of every detail in every single space.



Continuing my obsession with the design, the rooms were so beautiful, with dark wooden beams across the ceiling, luscious, fluffy beds, a relaxing sitting area, and a ground floor patio with your own tanning bed, swing chair and sitting area. Talk about a relaxing hideaway!



Now like I said before, my expectations for food in Mexico is never very high based on past experiences, but I was pleasantly surprised. The resort had 10 restaurants and 12 bars in total. My favourite was La Locanda, the Italian a la carte restaurant. The burrata was mind blowing!


The steakhouse, Mexican restaurant, and all day buffet (plant walls for days) were also very good, and I loved being able to eat overlooking the beach at Pez Vela.


The resort also has a diner called Route 66, teppanyaki restaurant called Sakura (Vancouver's obviously better), a fine dining restaurant called Blue Moon (didn't get to try it, but I'm sure it's bomb), and a few snack bars (including a fresh crepe bar - omg yum) by the pools.


My favourite bar was the main lobby bar, because I mean, look at the decor! And their cocktails were top notch. If you wanted a good drink served in a real glass (lol), the lobby bar or adjacent piano bar is where it's at. I'm still dreaming about their fresh pressed espresso martinis! Lastly, there's an ice cream parlour dishing up 10 flavours every day. Let's just say I wasn't mad at that.



Now for coffee, I'm a little bit picky, so I was ecstatic that the resort had its very own coffee shop for my daily caffeine fix. Yes, everything you wanted and more was included! It was by far one of my favourite hang-out spots (before and after the gym). It was designed to be a cool, masculine-style space with top-of-the-line espresso machines, freshly baked pastries, and fresh fruit smoothies, too! Another thing I loved at this resort is that they didn't put straws in anything, unless you asked for one. They're definitely doing their part in order to waste as little as possible. I'm an avid straw user, so I use these amazing silicone straws at home!



To make the most of the trip, my brother, dad and I worked out (or did something active) every single day, and it made us feel so much better throughout the trip. I've typically been on tropical vacations where nobody else wants to work out or do anything (whaaaat a buzz kill), so it was a nice change to be pushed and motivated by the boys. It also prevented us from making terrible choices at the buffet and at dinner, so A+ for that. We usually started our morning with an espresso shot, then an early morning workout at the gym, followed by a fresh smoothie before breakfast.


Other mornings, we did yoga on the beach followed by fresh pressed juice, just the 3 of us and our amazing instructor. Shout out to everyone else for not attending sunrise yoga - you gave us private classes!! It was so relaxing; I couldn't believe how lucky we were to be on the beach greeting the sun, breathing in the ocean air and being one with the sand - definitely one of my highlights. Inhalo, exhalo.


Throughout the day, we'd swim in the pools, the ocean, play beach volleyball (still have sand burns from that, and my team almost beat Tristan's), do zumba on the beach (reluctantly, for everyone to watch), then workout again, if we weren't too tired. I have received a few questions about the seaweed on the beach, and yes, it's there, but it's still a beautiful beach, and I honestly don't mind swimming next to a few plants.


Back at the resort, there were also multiple foam parties (sooo much fun - s/o to Ash for sneaking in and getting a squirt shot right before being kicked out), aquafit classes, a bowling alley, salsa lessons, and so much more. To say that there was enough going on throughout the day was an understatement! 



The entertainment team at the resort did such an incredible job making sure everyone was having a great time. They're literally working almost every hour of the day - I don't know hoowwww they do it! Throughout the day, they'd get everyone involved in whatever was happening, and remind us what was on the schedule for that day. Every night, they put on a theatrical show in the theatre (which was massive, by the way) and I was actually really impressed with their talent. We watched a pop show, the lion king (amazing), and a circus show similar to cirque de soleil (the best of the 3 - omgggg these people are strong!).



Outside of the resort, we did a day trip to Tulum to see the Mayan Ruins and the beach. It was a super hot day, but I'm not one to complain about that! The ruins were beautiful, but next time I'd like to go to Chichen Itza instead.


We also went to Rio Secreto, the secret underground river. Yes, we went in a cave while everything was happening in Thailand... but that didn't stop us! It was by far one of the coolest experiences I've ever had, and I can't wait to do a different route. Basically you walk through the jungle, and walk down a staircase into a fully enclosed, all natural cave. Some parts have the clearest water you ever did see, while other parts are dry, with crystals and rocks surrounding you everywhere you turn. I could spend hours in there - I absolutely loved it!


All in all, this was a vacation to remember, and I'd definitely go back to Playa Del Carmen to explore more of the town, see more ruins, explore more cenotes, and stay at this resort again (at least for a few nights)! If you want more info, feel free to reach out by commenting below or sending me an email.



Vacation Must Haves

Linnea A.


July has arrived, meaning I'm finally sun bathing in Mexico! I've been dying for this vacation, especially because we've been so sunshine/heat deprived in Vancouver this year. While I prepped for my trip, I thought I'd round up a bunch of my Mexico essentials - outfits, skincare, accessories and all!


Swim Tank | Swim Bottoms | Printed Headwrap | JORD Wooden Cassia WatchGingham Dress with Knot | Gingham Jumpsuit | Denim Jumper | Crop Top

Outfits & Swimwear

I'm going for a very relaxed vibe on this vacay; lots of crop tops with culottes, summer dresses, denim, and of course, linen. I can't live without jumpsuits, skirts, shorts or bodysuits, so you better believe my luggage is full of them! As for swimwear, I'm still loving high cut one pieces, as well as bandeaus for optimal tanning, and some tank styles. 


Accessories & Skincare

For accessories, I packed tons of sunnies and hats and straw bags - because switching up your accessories can transform your whole outfit! For skincare, first and foremost, Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask is number one, followed by my new Dewy Sunscreen Spray... you guys, this stuff is amazing! Its SPF 50 and it gives you the nicest glow to set your makeup. It will definitely be empty by the time I return. I'll also be using lots of Balm Dot Com, and my favourite Sleeping Lip Mask by Laneige.


Jet Lag Mask | Glossier Balm Dotcom | Cateye SunglassesSleeping Lip Mask | JM Solution SPF Glow SprayBamboo Clutch | Straw Hat | Slingback Espadrilles | Star SneakersRattan Round Crossbody | Black Basket Tote

I may be a tad bit of an over-packer, but when else do I get to wear all my clothes lol. A vacation is the optimal time. Anyway, time to work on my tan. See you in a week, friends!



Zaful Women Beachwear Sale

A Day at Her Majesty's Pleasure

Linnea A.


As soon as I booked my flights to the east coast, I immediately messaged my bestie to let her know, and she booked an appointment at Her Majesty's Pleasure without even telling me! She knows me pretty much better than anyone else (because let's face it, we're basically the same person). Once she told me the plan, I was sooo stoked to be pampered once I got to the 6ix - especially after walking all over NYC.


She hadn't been to HMP either, so it was extra special sharing our first experience together. When we arrived, I was immediately taken aback by the numerous decor elements in the space. The bar was clean, with vintage glam touches, and hints of feminine tones throughout the space. If this space didn't speak to me... it's hard to say what space does! We waited a little before our services and shopped their little boutique (which has so many hard-to-find trinkets, like Boy Smells candles and Herbivore products), and were then escorted to our seat at the bar. We carefully selected our colours, and sat in awe of the beauty of the space. It was so cool to be sitting at a bar with a bunch of other lovelies, all while getting our nails did.


We also chose to do some nail art (make sure you book that in advance), so I was transferred to Grace (@gracenaillab, Korean nail artist to the stars) right after my base colours were done. And omg, I'm sooo happy I got to see Grace's nail skills put to work! She is so talented, and my nail art literally lasted for 5 weeks straight, with gel polish only! Don't worry, I finally changed them this past weekend lol. Nat and I both do our own shellac nails at home, so she definitely inspired us to stock up on Korean nail art tools and little embellishments to make our nails a little less "basic". You better believe the first thing we did when we got home that night was search for Korean nail kits online!


The service and atmosphere was incredible; I'd definitely go back again. Such a cute little spot to have a girls day! If you're heading to Toronto, and you have an hour or two to spare, I highly suggest you pay a visit to HMP - you won't be disappointed.



Toronto Weekend Guide

Linnea A.


Hi friends, I hope you're not sick of these travel guides yet, because I've got plenty more coming your way, and I don't plan on stopping. Next on deck: Toronto. As a child, I visited Toronto pretty often, but I hadn't been back in the city since I was 10, so it was definitely time to go back. I also needed to visit my elementary school bestie of 21 years, Nat. Yes, 21 years. Insane, right?! I had such a great time spending time with her and Jord, eating such incredible food, and shopping til' I dropped some serious $$$... all thanks to Jord for Kanye-ing my closet and being my personal shopper, for real. Keeping my eyes peeled for your blog, because it's happening! Big thanks to both of you for being my home away from home on the east coast... project "move Linnea to Toronto" isn't dead yet LOL. Here's a guide to everything to see and do in TO (without the touristy fuss):


where to eat


It was my first meal of the trip, and KIIN was a beautifully designed upscale Thai spot - the lighting, atmosphere, food, drinks, staff, brass finishings... loved it all. Our server was incredible, walking us through every part of the menu, and suggesting the absolute best! We started with the 2 sweet/2 savoury dumplings, and they were omggg amazing. I'm drooling just thinking about them. Something about the coconut, palm sugar, garlic, salt combination is absolutely mind-blowing.


For mains, we tried the Soft Shell Crab and the Khao Yum, a mixture of different rices, and a burst of flavours including lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, toasted coconut, pomelo, fried chilli, edible flowers, and tamarind. Every single bite was different. But I found that the best thing about this dinner was sitting with my friends, in complete awe of the food. We all appreciated the flavours so much that it made it the best meal of the trip. I was so incredibly happy in that moment! Couldn't have asked for a better start.


After dinner, I got to soak in the best views of Toronto from the 40th floor of the office building where Suits is filmed... I have no words!



Ok, I just told you how much I love Thai food... and my friends know me really well, so they knew that 2 Thai places would be A-OKAY with me. And boy were they right. Pai was a completely different experience than KIIN. What started as a match made in heaven in Thailand, eventually turned into a love child - an incredible restaurant with authentic Northern Thai flavours called Pai. I'm always told that I need to go to Thailand and just eat all the food (don't worry, I'll do that soon), because when you compare it to here in Canada, there's no comparison. And I completely agree about Vancouver (Thai food here really does suck), but this place. In Toronto. OMG. I was completely blown away. Nat and Jord talked up a big game (and we ordered all the food) but it was so. damn. good. Highly, highly recommend, just make sure you book your reso in advance because they do get really busy.



As the rooftop restaurant of one of Nat's development projects, KOST was high on my list to visit! I mean, I had to see everything she worked so hard on in real life. It's on the very top floor of the Bisha Hotel & Residence, with open walls and a pool with 180 degree views of the CN Tower and the Toronto skyline. I definitely didn't feel like I was in Canada when I was up there.. very beachy, Miami vibes. The decor was right up my alley, but I'm sure I don't need to point that out. Coastal, relaxed, decked out with plants and palm leaves, sprinkled with a little hint of boho = my jam. Their brunch and fresh pressed juice was also noteworthy, as it should be. We later took a visit to the restrooms and checked out a little bit of the hotel, and WOW. If anything inspired me to jump into Interior Design for real, it was being at the Bisha Hotel.



Vegan food... my love! Sometimes, people assume I'm vegan, because I don't eat much meat and very rarely eat dairy, but I'm not. I do, however, make a conscious effort to eat meat-free throughout the week, so if I wanted to go vegan, I think I most definitely could - I just love seafood so much. Anyway... Planta! What a cute, trendy palm-leaf-wallpapered spot! Their iced Cashew Chai Latte was bomb, as were their Truffle Fries, GF Frenchie Pizza (umm... how the heck was that gluten free) and their Kale Caesar with pickled onions. All amazing. We really need more spots like this in Van! Yum yum.


Piano Piano

I saw a few snaps of Piano Piano on Instagram, and their menu definitely caught my eye. As the last dinner of my trip, it was a great place to cap off my last night. Decor was pretty cool, and the outside of the restaurant is so unique! Very Tiffany Pratt - I love how she injects herself into all the spaces she touches. 


RH Yorkdale

As a decor fanatic, I knew I had to make a stop at Restoration Hardware Yorkdale. We had lunch at their cafe (so freakin' cute), walked around the store, and treated ourselves to my last decadant meal of the trip. I would say you're definitely paying for the atmosphere here, but loved it nonetheless.

cafes and sweet treats 


Cafe Cancan

Also designed by Tiffany Pratt, Cafe Cancan is such a cute, instagrammable cafe through and through. The branding is so adorbs, and the coffee and treats were so fresh and delicious. I'd definitely go back again, because I loved the area with all the cute shops - specifically the ones with plants and crystals!



This gluten-free-vegan-nut-free-everything-free bakery is the epitome of a millenial bakery. It's very fancy and frilly, and their treats and drinks (mostly made with hemp milk) are to die. I still have no idea what ingredients they use in anything, but damn. Yes please.


Jacked Up Coffee

We stopped here mostly because we needed a photo taken of us, and if I didn't already have a coffee in my hand, I'd definitely give this cute truck a try. Jord did the honours for us.



Hands down best matcha soft serve I've ever had - super potent flavour and oh so delicious. Now if only they'd hurry up and open their Richmond location! I swear that "coming soon" sign has been up for a year.


where to shop



As one of the stores we don't have in Vancouver, Jord and Nat made sure I stopped at TNT. And good thing we did, because that's where I spent the most. I bought two staple items that I wear all. the. time. We also became triplets after that trip, because we all need CDG high tops, am I right? Obsessed with everything in this store!


Loved this store - great for basics and pieces you'll wear time and time again. 


Eaton Centre


Ok, I know we have Uniqlo here in Vancouver, but for some reason, the Toronto location has so much more selection! The Uniqlo U line is especially my favourite. Thanks again to Jord for picking all the things out for me... I feel like a different person :D 

M Brand Shop

If you're looking for any Korean beauty products, this is where you need to go! You'll find pretty much anything you're looking for here, just watch the markup on prices. 


Queens Street


Trendy, man-repelling, unique items are my jam, because man repelling is my forté, right? And this is the store for just that! Haha jk, but I've really stopped caring what other people think when it comes to what I wear/my style. If I love it, I wear it. Chunky platforms? Into it. Cat eye shades? All over it. Mom/dad style/retro everything? Yessss. And I'm so so happy that lavender is in and all the Clueless 90's vibes are backkkk. 

The Siista'r

This cute little Korean store had everything and more! I found such cute items for Mexico, along with a silk dress for an upcoming wedding. Definitely a hidden gem!

Milk Bar  

Because I was going to Toronto after New York, I didn't bother going to Milk Bar in NY, and just stocked up on the last day in Toronto. Nothing is gluten free, dairy free or remotely healthy, but my fam was very satisfied with the goodies I picked up for them.


And that's a wrap! There were so many other spots I wanted to go while I was there, but obviously we didn't have time for everything. Stay tuned for our day at Her Majesty's Pleasure - another must-go spot in TO. What are your must see spots in the 6ix? Let me know and I'll add them to my next trip out east :)




In a New York Minute: Part 2

Linnea A.


Okay loves, back with my NY city guide part 2. I hope it helps you when planning your next trip! I absolutely loved my time while I was there, but my appreciation for travel and the places I visit increases significantly once I'm back at home... and oh my goodness, what I would give to be back in the city. Also, a BIG shout out to my friends Andrea and Jason for being so generous and for showing me around - my trip wouldn't be what it was without you! Ok, here we go.


Day 3

8:00AM - Brooklyn Bridge

After my first solid sleep of the trip, I walked over to the Brooklyn Bridge. The view from the bridge is something else, because you really can see the whole NYC skyline. The bridge was so close to the apartment, so I'm glad I made the trip!


9:30AM - Fika

After walking over the bridge, it was definitely time for coffee. I found this super cute Swedish coffee chain called FIKA in the financial district, which means "coffee break" in Swedish. They had strong Swedish coffee, and all my fave fixin's (princess cake, dammsugare, mazariner (almond tarts), almond croissants, kanelbullar (cinnamon rolls)... they had it all). Thankfully, I controlled myself, but OMG was it good. I would definitely go back next time for sure.


10:00AM - Statue of Liberty

A short walk over to Whitehall Terminal, I jumped on the Staten Island ferry (which is completely free, btw), to see the Statue of Liberty from the water. She was a lot bigger than I thought she'd be! If you're looking for a budget-friendly, fast way to see her, I definitely recommend jumping on this ferry, because you get a view of the statue to and from Staten Island, and you can just jump on the next ferry back to Manhattan once you get to the island. Time was of the essence, so that's exactly what I did! Highly recommend.


11:00AM - World Trade Centre

Once I got back to Whitehall Terminal, I walked over to the World Trade Centre, walked down Wall Street, and popped into a few stores to do some shopping around Fulton Center. I dropped my bags off at the apartment, and headed back to the subway to spend the rest of the day in Soho. 


12:45PM - Laduree

I went to Laduree for lunch, and treated myself to an Ispahan and a lavender macaron with a pot of Marie Antoinette tea... so good! Thank goodness macarons are gluten free :) The patio is soo stinkin' cute, I couldn't put my camera down!


1:45PM - Shopping in Soho

The rest of my day consisted of jumping from store to store, trying things on, crossing off the spots on my list that we don't have back home (Everlane, Sezane, Little Cupcake Bakeshop, Madewell, Mansur Gavriel, Glossier, Byredo, etc). My first stop? Nike. Because I NEEDED new shoes - my back was dead.


I spent the rest of my time at Everlane and Glossier... but Glossier takes the cake for taking all my money in New York lol. I came in with a long list, and the girls in there thought I was crazy... but #noshame.


7:00PM - Rooftop BBQ 

After meeting up with Andrea for a little more shopping, we walked over to Jason's apartment, and went grocery shopping for dinner. The two of them made the most incredible dinner, and I literally had the best steak of my life. I don't know how you do it Jason... but DAMN. And I don't even like steak! 


We ate dinner on his rooftop patio overlooking all of NYC. You could see both the World Trade Centre and the Empire State building, and it was definitely the highlight of the trip. I felt like I was on cloud 9 all night, and couldn't believe the million dollar 360 view. Can't thank you enough!!


11:00PM - The Jane Hotel

After freshening up, Andrea and I headed out on the town for the Jane! It felt like a house party in a fancy, old fashioned mansion, and the music was bomb - always a plus.


1:00AM - Marquee

A few hours later, it was time for Marquee! We met up with some Vancouver friends and listened to Oliver Heldens DJ the night away, all while laughing at the table beside us quite literally throwing bills in the air. It was the most obnoxious thing I've ever seen. I got home in time for 2 hours of sleep (especially after I finished packing), then it was time to wake up again. 


Day 4

7:00AM - Royal Wedding with Mimosas and Marathons

The wake up call for the marathon was a little early for my liking, but we were all present at Jason's apartment to catch bits of the Royal Wedding, make marathon signs, down some coffee with oat milk and sip on boozy mimosas! Nothing like more champagne to keep you going.


8:00AM - Uber Around Brooklyn

To catch the marathon runners, we uber'd to Brooklyn and chased the three of them around, trying to find the best spots to see them so we could embarrass them with our obnoxious signs and cowbells. Yes, we were those people.


11:30AM - Brunch at Krupa Grocery

After some well deserved celebratory beers in Coney Island, we all headed to brunch in Brooklyn at Krupa Grocery - SUCH a cute restaurant and such tremendously good food! I'd definitely go back here to eat again.

3:00PM - Goodbye for now

There was torrential downpour by this time after brunch, but I needed to be at the airport by 3, so I rushed in an uber back to the city to finish packing and deal with my overweight luggage situation (thanks Glossier), and booked it to the airport. I made it just in the knick of time, and it was finally hitting me... my New York visit was over!! I was pretty sad, but I was excited to be continuing on to Toronto to visit more friends of mine (more on that trip later).

Overall, I did pretty much everything I set out to do on my itinerary. There were a few spots I missed that I wish I went to, but I'm pretty proud of how much I was able to accomplish in the few days I was there. One of my best trips, by far, and I can't wait to come back to NYC... likely sooner rather than later :) 

Do you have any must do/see things in NY? Let me know below!



In a New York Minute

Linnea A.


Alright guys, I want to start off with a big apology for being soo MIA on my blog, but I've quite literally been on vacation mode. I needed to take a breather, make the most out of my time on the east coast, and soak up as much quality time as possible with my east coast girls! On top of that, I got super sick as soon as I landed, so I've been out of commission for a few days to say the least. Without further ado, here's part 1 of my guide to NYC! Warning: this itinerary is NOT for lazy, slow-paced people. I created an itinerary that was a totally type-A-to-the-minute-resos-booked-outfit-included schedule, so... you've been warned! Day 3 & 4 coming your way shortly ;)


Day 1

I arrived in New York to rainy, dreary weather, with traffic to the nines. My uber ride took about an hour and half to get to my friend's apartment, so I did my makeup in his car, dropped my bags off, did a quick wardrobe change, and jumped straight into another uber to meet my friends for dinner at Momofuku Nishi. I arrived a little late, but I came to realize that traffic will always screw you over in New York. Dinner was incredible, and it was so great seeing my friends and kicking off the trip with my first meal in NY! 


10:30PM - Times Square

After dinner, my friends headed home and I started walking towards Times Square. I shopped around for a few hours (because when else can you shop at F21 or Sephora at midnight), admired the signs and billboards like the Marketing nerd I am, then picked up some groceries and snacks before heading home to unpack and get settled. Day 1 was complete, and I was already in absolute love with the city.


Day 2

7:45AM - Empire State Building

The next day, I woke up bright and early (minimal sleep night #1) to get ready and take the subway to get to the Empire State building before they opened. There was barely a line-up, so I got the snaps I needed, then walked over to my next stop: Grand Central Station - but not before a much needed Almond Milk Latte!


8:45AM - Grand Central Station

Once I arrived at Grand Central, I was mesmerized at how big it was. It wasn't as busy as I thought it'd be, but it was definitely something to see for sure. There are a ton of shops inside the station, if you have free time to peruse.


9:30AM - The MET

Since I was already at the train station, I took the subway to the Upper East Side (one of my fave neighbourhoods by far), where I arrived at the steps of the MET, then explored the Heavenly Bodies exhibit inside - one of the most surreal parts of my trip! As a fashion lover, seeing the dresses up close and personal was mesmerizing... so if you're heading to New York, I highly recommend going to the MET to see this exhibit before it's gone - it's worth every penny!


10:45AM - Central Park

After the MET, I took a stroll through part of Central Park along 5th Ave, and made my way to Rockefeller Center. This walk is not for everyone, as it's almost an hour long, but I was totally up for the challenge (my feet would feel it later - DO NOT wear chucks).


11:30AM - Top of the Rock

I made it to my booked time slot, and the view at the Top of the Rock was spectacular!! If you only have time for one viewpoint, I definitely recommend the Top of the Rock over Empire State, because the view of the Empire State building is everything, and you get a good view of Central Park, too!


1:00PM - Lunch

After photos and looking around, I headed downstairs for some much needed lunch. I've been dying to try By Chloe for years now (mostly because of my fave youtuber Ash Brooke), and I finally got my chance! It's a cute vegan restaurant that's well known for their salads and burgers (which are mostly gluten free as well). My meal was bombdiggity, and I was really starting to love travelling/eating alone. Thumbs up all around!


2:00PM - MoMa

After lunch, I walked over to the MoMa, and I have to say, I was a little underwhelmed after the MET. There were some pieces that were really cool, and lots of interactive (and some really weird) exhibits, but I think I would skip the MoMa next time. I did get to see Vincent Van Gogh's famous Starry Night up close, so that was cool!


3:30PM - While We Were Young

A short subway ride later, I wound up at While We Were Young for a cocktail - the cutest little restaurant (you already know I went for the decor) in the heart of West Village - hands down the cutest neighbourhood in NYC. My cocktail was amazing - named after the restaurant itself, and finished with hints of pure vanilla bean... mm mmm.


4:30PM - Carrie's Apartment

Because I was in West Village... the SITC fan in me just HAD to take a photo on the steps of Carrie's apartment, and that I did. I even got to meet the owner of the house! Fair warning: it looks identical to all the homes around it, and he's got tacky anti-trump signs in his window, along with a chain on his steps. Also, don't sit on his steps... you've been warned! 


4:45PM - Sockerbit

I stumbled upon the cutest little Swedish candy store you ever did see... so obviously I had to go in and stock up. We hadn't had Swedish-quality candy in a while, so my fam (Farmor included) definitely appreciated it! 


5:30PM - And break!

By this point I was super duper tired, so I needed to head back to the apartment to lie down, freshen up, and get ready for dinner. Before I knew it, it was time to jump back on the subway!


7:00PM - Chumley's

For dinner, my friend Andrea made a reso at Chumley's - a traditional speakeasy where the coolest of cool writers used to hang out, including Ernest Hemingway! Really great underground spot with the walls decked out in their photos. The food was also delightful - no surprise there.


9:30PM - Friends Apartment

Just beside Chumley's is the Friends apartment, so it was neat to see on our post-dinner walk. We explored West Village and Andrea took me around to some of her favourite spots in the neighbourhood.

10:00PM - Marie's Crisis

First stop: Marie's Crisis Cafe - a Broadway lover's dream bar! You don't need to pay for a show when you're in NY, just head to Marie's Crisis, and you'll get performances all night for free. Everyone in there will know every word to every song played on the piano... and if you're lucky, they'll play some Disney showtunes so you can sing along, too! 

11:00PM - Joe's Pizza

Neither Andrea or I are real dessert people, so rather than feasting on dessert after dinner, we had a traditional slice of New York pizza instead! And OMG, it was actually so damn good. Definitely worth the gluten, and VERY glad I opted for pizza over ice cream :)

12:00AM - Whole Foods

After walking Andrea home to SoHo, I popped into Whole Foods to stock up on goodies that the Americans like to keep from us Canadians... (you know, Vital Proteins, better LaCroix flavours, Unreal Almond Butter cups, etc), and took an uber home. Day 2, complete! 

Stay tuned for days 3 & 4... I promise they're just as packed and full of fun :D


Gossip girl

Travel Essentials

Linnea A.


Now that it's a little warmer, I'll be travelling quite a bit, and I'm starting to prep for all my trips. With jet lag, long flights, lack of hydration and lots and lots of sunshine, your skin (and your sanity) need these essentials to have a great trip - and great flights to get there! Here are some of my favourite travel essentials, so you can focus on enjoying the grander things in life, like the Big Apple itself:

  1. Skincare - I've said it before and I'll say it again... skin is one of my top priorities. And one of my faaavourite products right now has got to be the Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask, created by none other than my fave, Marianna Hewitt! It's incredible, and I can't wait to use it on the plane.
  2. Electronics - Maybe I use it too much, but my phone is always dying... everyone around me can attest to that. So if you're travelling around all day, it's smart to have a portable charger or power bank with you. I've also been listening to so many different podcasts lately, so I always need my earbuds. I've linked both of my faves below! Is it weird that I'm super pumped to get through a whole bunch of podcasts during transit? Lol.
  3. Baggage (the good kind) - Let's be real - nobody loves baggage, unless, of course it's a set of new boujee luggage. When the time came to buy a new set (what a story that was), you better believe I chose Calpak. I absolutely love my set - they're lightweight, have built-in locks, and are so tremendously easy to travel with.
  4. H2o - Water is a must for travel, especially on the plane. Believe it or not, you're supposed to drink 5x the amount of water on a plane compared to on land, so a collapsible water bottle couldn't be more ideal.
  5. Eyewear - There are so many great shades on the market right now, and I'm obsessed with the retro cat eyes! Speaking of eyes, eye masks are everything. They help you sleep pretty much anywhere - especially on the plane (not to mention helping avoid those awkward convos with your seatmate).
  6. Insurance - I may be a little biased, but you definitely can't travel anywhere without travel insurance (unless you're staying in your home province, that is). Do yourself a favour, and make sure you're covered with adequate travel insurance as soon as you book your trip!

May Moodboard

Linnea A.


May, you're going to be one incredible month, I can feel it! Patio parties, New York City, Toronto, DIY projects around the house, spring sunshine, plenty of time spent with my girls... the list goes on. And did I mention how excited I am to be reunited with my bests on the east coast?! Can't handle it!! Believe it or not, this will be the first trip (that's not for business) that I'm taking on my own, and I literally cannot wait to explore the Big Apple solo dolo! Let's just say I won't be surprised if I'm convinced to move there :) Let's do this May 💕

