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Filtering by Tag: December

December Mood

Linnea A.

December Mood.jpg

And, exhale. Phew, that was a tough few months. I know I take on a lot compared to most, but this semester, the struggle was real. Everything was put to the test: my tenacity, my mindset, and my ability to function on as little sleep as possible. I learned how to design a full house, all by hand. I developed sketching and rendering skills that I never thought I’d be capable of. I fine-tuned my InDesign and Photoshop skills, and I can officially use AutoCAD… slow clap! And after typing this out, all I can say is that I’m proud. Even though the semester wasn’t that intense compared to others, it wasn’t easy balancing my full time workloads (or sanity), with 4 courses, but I did it. And I’m effing proud. 

I tried my best not to let certain things fall by the wayside, but ultimately, workouts were the part I wasn’t able to maintain. My 6am workouts no longer made sense when I was sleeping at 2-3am staying up to finish homework or blog posts, and I just had to accept that. 

But I’m officially done with my third semester, and I couldn’t be happier to finally have half my life back for December. Cherish those free evenings, folks. They are glorious to me now. I can’t tell you how excited I was to just go home and cook, clean, chill out by myself and workout!

But enough of that, let’s give a warm welcome to December. I love this time of year because everyone seems to be a little bit happier, and the Christmas spirit is ev.er.y.where. Before the year was complete, I wanted to give back to my community, so I spent time helping 2 causes: Women Helping Women and Homes for the Holidays. For Women Helping Women, a few of my coworkers and I headed to London Drugs to fill 20 identical bags with the best goodies a woman could have. Think toothbrushes, gloves, toiletries, and makeup! Putting the bags together was so fun, and I can’t wait to hear how much the women at the Nova Transition House love the goodies! I also helped decorate one of the homes in the Homes for the Holidays tour, in which all proceeds benefit the Kids Help Phone. It was great to style a gorgeous West Van home, see some familiar faces, and put my creativity into a home other than my own.

For the rest of the month, I’ll be *trying* to spend more time at home, including fitness into my regular routine, spending time with close friends, finishing a few projects I have on the go, and working on organization before the next decade. I’ll also be working on the blog a little more, so if there’s anything specific you’d like to see/read/hear from me (design/school/dating/finance/what would you like to read?!), please let me know in the comments! I wish you all a lovely month ahead!

