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Filtering by Tag: Moodboard

February ~*Vibe Check

Linnea A.

Welcome to February, angels. A fresh blog post has been a long time coming, but 2021 left me feeling defeated and just overall… uninspired. Now that we’re back in the swing of things, the sun is finally shining and I'm moving my body again, I'm feeling a little more invigorated and energized, so we're back with a fresh February vibe check.

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July Inspo & Catch-up

Linnea A.


Hey guys, it’s been a while. Now that we’re 10 days into a new month, I thought I’d pick up where I left off and share some of the scenes that have been inspiring me lately. I had a few days off from school before my final semester (which started yesterday… the workload expected in 4 weeks is insane, so see you in 4 weeks!), so I tried to take advantage of my free time and enjoy the few sunny summer days we had in Vancouver during the break. I must say though, I’ve only been downtown once, and I did not feel comfortable at all. I totally understand we’re in phase 3, but no one’s really living like we’re in a pandemic anymore, so I’ll probably be staying home in my bubble a little longer… I mean I don’t have time to go out anymore anyway :)

Since turning 30, I’ve realized so many things… it’s like a switch has gone off in my life and my entire perspective has changed. In my twenties, I remember dreading the day I turned 30, hanging onto my twenties for dear life. Looking back on that twenty-something girl, there were still a lot of unanswered questions and unguided decisions. But now that I’m here, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve never been more content with my life, more comfortable in my own skin, more certain of what I want in life and what’s valuable to me, and I’ve never had so much confidence. I’m in tune with my body, I’ve been prioritizing my health and wellness, and I feel more empathy and compassion than ever before.

We’re growing up, and honestly, it’s a great feeling - it really does mean growing wiser. I’ve been continuing to educate myself about issues happening around the world, and if anything, this time in quarantine has grounded me, and released so much gratitude. I am very lucky for all the beautiful people and love in my life - having their support during this pandemic has been incredible.

If you told me that this year would include my dog being attacked twice during a pandemic, that my Grandma would be diagnosed – then free of cancer months later, all while a global revolution was taking place, I probably wouldn’t believe you. But although it’s been a tough year, it’s producing a huge wave of growth for everyone. Like I said in my manifestation post, be thankful for these little moments - they’re what build resilience, strength, and make you the beautiful human that you are.

Thanks for reading, I’m so grateful you’re here.



April Inspiration

Linnea A.


Well folks, after the longest month of all time (and we thought Jan was long), it’s finally April! Hopefully, that means warmer weather, flowers blooming, brighter colours, and ideally, more cheer and positivity. I know I haven’t been as active on the blog as of late, but to be honest, I haven’t found that much “extra” time to spend on here! I’ve been working from home, finished school just last week, and it starts back up again this weekend with my next semester (no disruptions, crazy!). During the free time that I do have, I’ve been decluttering/reorganizing my parents’ entire house, doing at-home workouts with my family, and taking turns cooking homecooked meals everyday for the fam.

Things that are inspiring me and helping me stay positive throughout all of this:

  • Laughing at TikToks (and learning all the dances with the fam)

  • FaceTime dates with my friends and fam, who I miss dearly!

  • At-home workouts, sometimes on Zoom calls with friends

  • Rewatching a series I love, like Lost. Omg, I forgot how good it was. Amazon, please don’t take it off Prime… pleeeease.

  • Cleaning everythinggggg

  • Cherry blossoms

  • Free IG Live concerts from your favourite artists

  • Simple interiors, and a simpler life

I wish you all a safe, productive month everyone! Please continue to do your part, staying safe at home, planning out your meals for at least a week at a time, and cooking as many of your meals as possible! Let’s limit the time we spend outside of our house, and remember, be mindful of your traffic. You should definitely be able to count where you’ve been on one hand in the last two weeks.



March Inspiration

Linnea A.


Spring, ahhh what a breath of fresh air. All of February, I’ve been trying to get out of a very restrictive mindset - it seemed like no matter what I did, I prevented myself from doing more. Going forward into a fresh month, I hope to find every opportunity to do more, give more, be more… without the burnout.

First on the agenda: prioritizing my sleep. I just finished “Why We Sleep” for my book club, and let’s just say… it all comes down to sleep—everything you do is affected by it. Sleep should hands down be your #1 priority!! In other news, my final classes have been secured, and I’m well on my way to graduation in a few months! I cannot wait to have more of my life back, start designing, and be productive on my own time. I’m already used to the side hustle life, so bring. on. the. projects!

Things inspiring me lately;

  • Cherry blossoms, and bright, natural light

  • Sunshiiiiiiine

  • All the loving, supportive people in my life

  • Surprise messages and visits from old friends

  • Pistachio green

  • Dramatic stone countertops

  • London, baby ♥️

Have a great month, lovelies!



February Inspiration

Linnea A.


Welcome, February. It seems like everyone’s been waiting for you for a long time, but I’m not mad at that – I could get used to January’s pace. It was a tough month, but it’s prepared me to have an even greater month with you.

The month confirmed that if I want to succeed, sacrifices have to be made, but not at the expense of taking care of myself. I’m so close to my goal, so I’ll be putting my head down and focusing on reaching it. One of the non-negotiables for reaching my goal is wellness and making time for my mental health.

I went to a beautiful Jaybird class yesterday (think Oxygen, but in a pitch black room like Ride, it’s the best), and something the instructor said really resonated with me.

You are you when you are still.

The only you that counts is the one you are when you’re still. How comfortable are you with that you? What do you need to work on to get to a place of contentment and love with that you? The busy you is part of your life, yes, but those things you’re “busy” with are just things. They’re not you. Learn to get comfortable with who you are in silence, embrace it, and enjoy the still. 

Current obsessions…

  • The Crown on Netflix

  • Bouclé furniture

  • Vintage Turkish rugs

  • Classic cafés (all the Parisian influence)

  • Sunlight (I’ve missed you)

  • Motivational podcasts

  • Manifestation (and just being a light in the world in general)

Let’s get it, February! ♥️



January Inspiration

Linnea A.

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I know everyone’s so excited for a fresh year and a new decade, and don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to the year too, but I’m not as excited as I thought I’d be just yet.

I think I’m in a weird stage of the unknown, starting a new role with new team members, starting new classes (with new classmates... ahhh!), starting a cleanse, so the whole month is pretty much a mystery (and if you know me, you know I hate the unknown). I’m up for the challenge of creating new winter routines, taking my time in the morning and getting organized before the day even begins.

Curious as to what’s inspiring me this month? Cozy, textured furniture, hybrid style interiors, grounding jute rugs, round dining tables, a deeper appreciation of art (support Australia’s helpless animals by purchasing Sara Sidari’s beautiful “Touched by a Koala” print), and as always, intentional pops of black.

A full list of intentions coming soon for you! Have a very happy 2020 loves.



December Mood

Linnea A.

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And, exhale. Phew, that was a tough few months. I know I take on a lot compared to most, but this semester, the struggle was real. Everything was put to the test: my tenacity, my mindset, and my ability to function on as little sleep as possible. I learned how to design a full house, all by hand. I developed sketching and rendering skills that I never thought I’d be capable of. I fine-tuned my InDesign and Photoshop skills, and I can officially use AutoCAD… slow clap! And after typing this out, all I can say is that I’m proud. Even though the semester wasn’t that intense compared to others, it wasn’t easy balancing my full time workloads (or sanity), with 4 courses, but I did it. And I’m effing proud. 

I tried my best not to let certain things fall by the wayside, but ultimately, workouts were the part I wasn’t able to maintain. My 6am workouts no longer made sense when I was sleeping at 2-3am staying up to finish homework or blog posts, and I just had to accept that. 

But I’m officially done with my third semester, and I couldn’t be happier to finally have half my life back for December. Cherish those free evenings, folks. They are glorious to me now. I can’t tell you how excited I was to just go home and cook, clean, chill out by myself and workout!

But enough of that, let’s give a warm welcome to December. I love this time of year because everyone seems to be a little bit happier, and the Christmas spirit is ev.er.y.where. Before the year was complete, I wanted to give back to my community, so I spent time helping 2 causes: Women Helping Women and Homes for the Holidays. For Women Helping Women, a few of my coworkers and I headed to London Drugs to fill 20 identical bags with the best goodies a woman could have. Think toothbrushes, gloves, toiletries, and makeup! Putting the bags together was so fun, and I can’t wait to hear how much the women at the Nova Transition House love the goodies! I also helped decorate one of the homes in the Homes for the Holidays tour, in which all proceeds benefit the Kids Help Phone. It was great to style a gorgeous West Van home, see some familiar faces, and put my creativity into a home other than my own.

For the rest of the month, I’ll be *trying* to spend more time at home, including fitness into my regular routine, spending time with close friends, finishing a few projects I have on the go, and working on organization before the next decade. I’ll also be working on the blog a little more, so if there’s anything specific you’d like to see/read/hear from me (design/school/dating/finance/what would you like to read?!), please let me know in the comments! I wish you all a lovely month ahead!



November Mood

Linnea A.


Progress, progress, progress. That’s my overall mood and focus for the month. I’m doing my best to make the most of every minute, and trying to be as productive as possible. 

Free time commuting to school? Cool, let’s get this blog post finished. Having a slumber party? Nice, let’s make sure we work out and meal prep while we’re at it. More time? Awesome, let’s work on some concept boards and catch up on this month’s book club book in the bath... and yes I really made time for all that this weekend!

Doing all these things at once isn’t easy, but it will be rewarding, and that’s what I’m focusing on. Another thing on my mind? Sweden. It’s on my radar, and I’m trying to finish school at lightning speed to get there sooner rather than later. To be honest, I’m feeling that I need a break from the city. I’m starting to take it for granted and, dare I say it, getting pretty tired of it. 

I need a challenge (not that I’m not already challenging myself) but you know, a real challenge. One that forces me to leave my comfort zone, perhaps move to a totally different country, learn a different language, and gain a new perspective on life. It will happen eventually, I know it! 

In the meantime, your girl will likely be working 7 days a week, 13 hour days. You don’t know what you can accomplish unless you push yourself to test your limits, so give yourself that push! And just a friendly reminder go-getters: we’ve got less than 2 months of the year before the next decade (2-0-2-0!!), so November, let’s get it! 



October Mood

Linnea A.


It’s October, meaning cozy blankets, copious amounts of tea, rainy days at home, and diving headfirst into the lifestyle I’m meant to live: the hygge lifestyle. Hot girl summer, ooouuut, cozy girl fall, IN. Oh, and lest we forget, it’s officially ghosting season! Oh, the fun.

One of my main goals for this month is to focus more on myself. I took quite a lengthy break from working out in September and took on way too much to the point that I got sick for a week. This month, I’m making sure I get enough rest during my free time, and trying to stay as ahead of my homework as I possibly can. The people around you will understand if you can’t do it all - no one expects you to but yourself.

It’s also a month of reflection. This time last year, I came back from a few weeks in Europe (please take me baaaack), where my cousins in Stockholm convinced me to enroll myself into design school. I didn’t think much about the details (finances included), I just did it. And if you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it.

Now, I’m more than halfway through the program, and I can officially freehand sketch a room, draft floorplans by hand and with AutoCAD, create concept boards, suggest solutions, and so much more.

As far as inspiration, lately, it’s been moody interiors, vintage touches, sculptural furniture and easy fall basics. I’m excited for what’s to come, and looking forward to the challenge of not 3, but 4 classes working full time. October, let’s. GO.



September Mood

Linnea A.


Oh, September. I’ve been waiting for you for a while. I know it’s bound to be an exciting, eventful month, but it also means summer has come to an end, and the whirlwind that is September has finally arrived. It’s been a crazy, eventful summer, and I’ve accomplished a lot, but I think I’m ready for it to come to an end.

I’ve got a lot going on, not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. When people around you are going through a tough time, it immediately puts things into perspective and reminds you to snap out of it and realize how great you really have it. Less self, more love.

Speaking of love, I’ve got not one, but two weddings, one of which I’m very fortunate to be a part of! I can’t wait to see my bestie walk down that aisle… cue Linnea’s ugly cry at the altar! T minus 9 days until the big day.

On top of that, design school starts again next week, which I don’t think I’m quite ready for. I was in a good momentum going from one semester to the next, so it’s going to be a little challenging for me to switch from no classes/0 hours of homework to 4 classes/40 hours of homework a week. Hello no social life, we meet again.

But it will be good for me. I’m excited to get back into doing something I love solely because I want to do it. It’s the thing that gets my heart pumping and the industry I love most! I’m also excited for fall, chilly weather, and more time spent at home. Hygge life, here I come.

And remember, everyone’s going through something in their life, so be compassionate to those around you, offer love and support whenever you can, and most importantly, be kind. Have an amazing September, lovelies.



August Mood

Linnea A.


As the last month of my full summer “off”, it’s a bittersweet feeling. I’ve been trying my best to squeeze the most out of my summer because I know September’s coming any day now, and it’s going to be one of my busiest months yet (my bff’s getting married!). This month, I’ll be taking time to reset, refresh, and recharge. Even though my travels have been mini summer trips, I still feel like I’m barely ever home, so I’m very much looking forward to staying home for the fall. In terms of inspo, I’m currently obsessed with neutrals, calming interiors, out-of-the-box gallery walls, and greenery of all sorts. I’ll be focusing more on interiors as soon as I head back to school, and I’ll finally be learning AutoCAD - whooo! In the meantime, I’m game for more fun in the sun, concerts, friends, birthdays, and another mini trip!! Happy summering :)



July Mood

Linnea A.


July!!! Well, June was quite the whirlwind, but I’m beyond excited to lay low, have some free time away from school, get back to having time to WORK OUT omg I’ve missed it, and simply enjoy a Vancouver summer! A few things inspiring me lately? Neon, bright colours, citrus, a dose of sass (probably from Scottsdale lmao), and FUN. IN. THE. SUN. Stay tuned for new blog posts coming your way shortly!



June Mood

Linnea A.


June!!! My favourite month of the year. Not only does the weather improve, but I’ve got a few bdays to celebrate (including my Grandma’s 80th - hellooooo twin Gemini’s), I’m hosting book club for a patio hang, and it’s the last month of the semester... which means it’s finally time for vacay!! I’m not getting overly excited yet, because school life is INTENSE. Like, I don’t have a life intense! But I’m on track for my goal and it will all be worth it in the end! Summer, I’m ready for you!  



April Moodboard

Linnea A.


Well friends, April started out in the best way possible... travelling! To take a little breather after my first semester, I decided to go on a little getaway and jump on a plane to NYC. It was another incredible trip full of endless inspiration, amaaazing food, newfound motivation, and lots of love from old (and new) friends. I already can’t wait to go back... but more on my trip at another time. This month, I’ll be starting a new routine, heading to school a lot more frequently, and really trying to balance it all (without burning out). New content is coming very soon, and I’m excited to share it all with you! April, here. we. go.



March Moodboard

Linnea A.


This month... how do I even find the words! It was SOO fulfilling, almost to the point where I was overwhelmed with how great it was. It was short, but oh so sweet. I finished my first course while starting another, attended so many eye-opening field trips, reconnected with old friends and ladies that I LOVE (shoutout to Roots + Ardor - love you girls), and worked my butt off (especially with workouts). I learned to stop saying that "I'm busy", and replace it with "it's full-on right now", because “busy” is becoming a very negative term. Things aren't happening to me, I'm making things happen. It's all about the shift in perspective, and being grateful that you get to do all of the things you do! Just embrace the hustle, it’s as simple as that.

March has a lot more in store... I’ll be finishing my first semester (omgosh already?!), wrapping up a ton of projects, making a few home updates, and heading to New York for a little weekend breather! WHOOO cannot waitttt! Concrete jungle, I am so ready to see you again. I hope you have a beautiful start to spring!



February Moodboard

Linnea A.


Believe it or not, the first month of 2019 has come to an end! I had sooo much going on, but I made sure to chillax a little too. For starters, I went back to school (the first day was soo weird, but in a good way... and yes, I’m loving it), saw friends pretty much every weekend (necessary), refreshed my home for a clean start, meditated and reflected a lot, tried new things, and worked out/did yoga as much as my schedule allowed (s/o to all my amaaaazing instructors this month, including Will who literally SINGS to you during class and guides such beautiful meditations!). For those of you that have already dropped your resolutions, reality checkkkk... it’s time to get back on track. You still have a whole 11 months to crush ‘em! But don’t you worry, I’ve got a post comin’ at you next week to help out with that.

This month’s hopefully going to slow down a notch, but it will still be one for the books. I’ll be starting a new course, so my schedule will be all over the map again, but I’m looking forward to keeping up with my intentions and fully embracing change. Yes, it can be exhausting to feel like your mindset is  constantly evolving, but if it brings growth, I’m a-okay with that. No matter what you’ve got on your plate, it’s all about perspective. Stay positive, believe in yourself, and keep working toward your goals. Have a beautiful February, loves!



January Moodboard

Linnea A.


Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all enjoyed quality time with your loved ones over the holidays - I know I did! This month, I’m starting 2019 with a clean, organized, purged home... and it feels amazing! It’s already setting the tone for 2019 with a fresh mindset, and I’m feeling inspired to live more of a simple life. If you can’t already tell, my decor palette is leaning toward lots of white, black, neutrals, and lots of fresh greenery. I’m feeling ready to challenge myself at school, create new routines, lay low and focus, and nourish my body with loads of whole foods post-holiday. Curious about my 2019 intentions? I’ll be sharing those very soon! Happy 2019, all the best to you and yours!



2018 Recap

Linnea A.

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2018, you were definitely one for the books. There were a ton of ups and downs, but the amount of invaluable time I got to spend with my friends and family makes everything worth it, and without the downs, there are no ups. Here are a few of the highlights from the year…

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I took the plunge and finally started this blog, which has been on my mind for years. It’s been amazing to collaborate with some of my favourite brands, to share all the things I love, and to stretch my passion for interiors that much more. It’s easy to listen to the little voice in your head that’s worried about what other people will think, who will even take the time to read the posts, who will judge you, blah blah blah… but at the end of the day, WHO FLIPPIN’ CARES. This blog has been a passion project of mine, and continues to be such a joy for me to inspire all of you, as long as you’re still interested in seeing/reading my content! That’s all that really matters.

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I took travel extremely seriously this year, and I was fortunate enough to return to some of my favourite places, all while knocking multiple bucket list trips off my list! I went to New York (bucket list!), Toronto (still want to move there for a bit), Mexico, Milan, Paris (bucket list!) and Sweden (my fave), all while reuniting with so many amazing faces - my BFFs, friends of friends, and all my beloved family in Sweden. Travelling continues to be one of my favourite hobbies, and always will be. But one thing I know for sure? I LOVE being on my own schedule and travelling alone :)

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For about a year and a half, I’ve been part of a book club. It’s by far one of my favourite things in my life, and I look forward to our meeting every single month. I’m so so grateful to have these people (and babies) in my life. We read one book a month (which we vote on at the previous book club), and each contribute a food item to the dinner party based on the theme/setting of the book (we’ve got some serious chefs, so this is my favourite part). We then discuss the book over food and wine (lots and lots of wine), rate it, and choose another one all over again. These guys are amazing people, and I seriously hope the tradition lives on.

I started listening to podcasts, and they have changed my entire perspective on life. I find them so helpful, and such an easy, productive way to spend your time, rather than listening to music you always listen to. If you’re not listening to motivating, positive, educational podcasts while you’re walking, driving, cooking, working, reflecting, diffusing, whatever, start right now. I listed some of my faves here. You’ll thank me later.

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I continued making time for my health and wellness. My active lifestyle continued to be that: a lifestyle, which is exactly what the goal was. I still go to hot fitness classes at least 3-4 times a week, cut out pretty much all gluten and dairy, and thoroughly relied on so many incredible superfoods to nourish my body. I also started cooking and entertaining 840932840 times more, rather than going out... the hygge life is here to stay! I may not have much of a social life in 2019, but you better believe I’ll still be raining buckets on my yoga mat.


I changed my mindset, and embraced all the pain/heartache/change/hilarious situations/obstacles that came my way. That’s where growth stems from, and you have to go through various uncomfortable stages in order to develop and evolve as a person. I started to take my mental health seriously, regularly found daily gratitude, and attended various events to connect with the soul. I realized that truth and brutal honesty is the best policy, even if it hurts sometimes, and even if people aren’t ready to hear it. I also learned that the people you surround yourself with have a major influence on you, your potential, and your mindset. In saying that, surrounding myself with people who are honest, just as willing to grow and evolve as I am (maybe even more so), and focused on their goals are the people I need by my side to motivate me, encourage me, and reach as high as I possibly can. Those resistant to growth will only hinder your own growth, because mindset is 100% contagious.


My family and I surprised the hell out of my mom for her birthday, because experiences and memories are the best presents ever. She isn’t really a “gift” person, so I knew a party that she wasn’t expecting would be the best gift of all. And boy was it ever. She had no idea, and her friends from all walks of life were there to surprise her - some of whom she hadn’t seen in years! It was pretty epic… but now I owe her a dinner at Pepino’s, cuz that’s where she thought she was going :D


I met so many incredible people this year, who I believe have each taught me something different, even when it comes to myself. I’ve taken time to reflect on my life and love it as-is (just like the IKEA section, imperfections and all), but I’ve also been striving to live the life I want to live, because it’s also become pretty evident that life can literally be taken from you in a heartbeat. No day is really ever guaranteed. And if you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it. Which brings me to my next highlight…

I couldn’t strap down my passion any longer, so I’m going back to school, starting this month!! I’m beyond grateful for all the experiences and people I’ve met thus far in my marketing & pr career, but I’d be lying if I said I never think back on that time I attended an Interior Design Degree orientation in senior year, only to find out they wanted a portfolio worth of 5 years of my artwork and sketches to apply, and chickening out thinking that I didn’t have enough talent to take the plunge. But after being in Sweden this year and seeing all the incredible spaces I could be creating, I was sure. I knew I had to make it happen. It’s all coming full circle, my friends. It’s now or never.

All in all, it was an incredible year. I’m grateful for every memory made, every person I met, every soul I inspired, and every lesson I learned. Thank you for everything, 2018!



December Moodboard

Linnea A.


November, how to find the words! From party after party to secretly getting back into event planning mode for my mom’s surprise bash (which seriously made me realize that lying really isn’t my thing), it was a pretty epic month! I also forgot how much I loooove planning events. It was always one of my favourite parts of PR.

But I’m very ready to slow things down a notch, settle into December, and let the quality time with my friends and family sink in. I’ll be hosting Christmas Eve for my family this year, so you better believe I’m going all out with the tablescape. As the first Christmas without my Farfar, it will be difficult, because he was always the life of the party at Christmas dinner, but we’ll have a great time nonetheless. And then there’s that other awkward reason that could easily make this time of the year a little depressing. Maybe some would let that experience put a damper on Christmas (like Jesse Metcalfe (who’s still my #1 crush btw) in Christmas Next Door lol), but I’ve removed it from my memory entirely. Plus, who loves a grinch anyway?! And how can I not be stoked when some of my nearest and dearest are all returning home for the holidays? I obviously cannot WAIT to see their beautiful faces. You’ll likely see a face or two on the gram when they arrive :) Happy holidays, all!



November Moodboard

Linnea A.


Is it just me, or has 2018 just flown by?! Regardless, October was a little bit of a hard month for me, so I’m pretty glad to see it go. I definitely wasn’t feeling myself, and just felt genuinely “off” all month long, for a number of reasons. But things are looking up for November, and boyyy do I have a busy month. Not only am I heading out for a little weekend getaway, but between birthdays (and sadly, death anniversaries), I literally have a family event every single week. Yes, every week. But I’ll definitely have some exciting content coming up for you! Don’t want to jinx it, but my creative block is finally gone - I’m feeling like I can finally breathe again, and feeling more inspired than ever! I also have some exciting news to share… but more on that later. Hope you’re excited for all the holiday content coming your way! Have a beautiful November, lovelies!

