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Travel Essentials


Travel Essentials

Linnea A.


Now that it's a little warmer, I'll be travelling quite a bit, and I'm starting to prep for all my trips. With jet lag, long flights, lack of hydration and lots and lots of sunshine, your skin (and your sanity) need these essentials to have a great trip - and great flights to get there! Here are some of my favourite travel essentials, so you can focus on enjoying the grander things in life, like the Big Apple itself:

  1. Skincare - I've said it before and I'll say it again... skin is one of my top priorities. And one of my faaavourite products right now has got to be the Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask, created by none other than my fave, Marianna Hewitt! It's incredible, and I can't wait to use it on the plane.
  2. Electronics - Maybe I use it too much, but my phone is always dying... everyone around me can attest to that. So if you're travelling around all day, it's smart to have a portable charger or power bank with you. I've also been listening to so many different podcasts lately, so I always need my earbuds. I've linked both of my faves below! Is it weird that I'm super pumped to get through a whole bunch of podcasts during transit? Lol.
  3. Baggage (the good kind) - Let's be real - nobody loves baggage, unless, of course it's a set of new boujee luggage. When the time came to buy a new set (what a story that was), you better believe I chose Calpak. I absolutely love my set - they're lightweight, have built-in locks, and are so tremendously easy to travel with.
  4. H2o - Water is a must for travel, especially on the plane. Believe it or not, you're supposed to drink 5x the amount of water on a plane compared to on land, so a collapsible water bottle couldn't be more ideal.
  5. Eyewear - There are so many great shades on the market right now, and I'm obsessed with the retro cat eyes! Speaking of eyes, eye masks are everything. They help you sleep pretty much anywhere - especially on the plane (not to mention helping avoid those awkward convos with your seatmate).
  6. Insurance - I may be a little biased, but you definitely can't travel anywhere without travel insurance (unless you're staying in your home province, that is). Do yourself a favour, and make sure you're covered with adequate travel insurance as soon as you book your trip!