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Wild Rose Cleanse Diary


Wild Rose Cleanse Diary

Linnea A.


Now that I'm following a strict gluten-free, dairy-free diet, when two of my friends said they wanted to do the wild rose cleanse with me, I thought, why not. The only difference would be no sugar, no tropical fruits, no alcohol, and of course, digesting all the wild rose supplements twice a day for 12 days. Doing it with my friends helped a lot, so we wouldn't tempt each other or get annoyed that one of us didn't want to go out to eat. Here's what I ate and how it went:

Day 1:

On the weekend, I stocked up on loads of veggies and various proteins, because really, that's all you can eat on this cleanse. My stomach is in quite a bit of pain today, but I'm pretty sure that's normal for the first day.

  • B: Sugar-free chocolate chia pudding with frozen berries

  • L: Tuna salad on rice crackers with chopped apples, celery and avocado

  • D: Quinoa with baked lemon pepper salmon with sweet potato and broccoli

Day 2:

Waking up, I feel a lot lighter, and I'm actually feeling pretty good. Heading to a Hot Power Core class after work today...I hope my stomach will let me do so! 

  • B: Veggie omelette, because the chia pudding just wasn't gonna cut it today

  • L & D: Exactly the same as yesterday

Day 3:

Day 3, let's go! I haven't been drinking any coffee so far during this cleanse, but I still feel energized, so bonus! After work, I'm heading to Hot Total Body Conditioning, followed by Hot Deep Stretch class.

  • B: Chocolate chia pudding (getting tired of it without maple syrup)

  • L: Homemade veggie japchae

  • D: Leftover lemon pepper salmon with sweet potatoes...nothing too exciting

Day 4:

I think I'm getting used to the no sugar thing (keyword - think). I'm meeting one of my  "cleansing" friends tonight, so we'll likely treat ourselves to brown rice sushi. Can't wait!

  • B: Sugar-free vanilla chia pudding with apples and cinnamon

  • L: Last portion of lemon pepper salmon with brown rice and broccoli

  • D: Brown rice sushi and a vegan salad


Day 5:

Alright, day 5 let's do this. Feeling strong with lots of energy, so 2 hot fitness classes sounds perfect to me.

  • B: Vanilla chia pudding with apples

  • L: Japchae

  • D: Healthy takeout option from Good Bowl, my fave! My go-to order is 1/2 chicken 1/2 tofu with kale, spinach, cabbage, onion, peppers, broccoli, bean sprouts and snap peas on brown rice. Mmm mmm.

Day 6:

Heading to breakfast with my family this morning, but not before I make a veggie omelette (just in case I can't eat anything at the restaurant). I'll be hanging out with my Grandma the rest of the day! Feeling good,  but getting a little tired of no form of sweetener in my cooking...

  • B: Almond milk latte at the cafe

  • L: Buckwheat (gf, df) crepe with egg, turkey and basil

  • D: Tofu stirfry with brown rice

Day 7:

Sunday, lazy Sunday. I took Dash for a long walk to the park, and cleaned/organized my place to prep for the week. I'm starting to be turned off by meat and fish, so I'm opting for more plant-based meals instead. Can the cleanse be over now??

  • B: Berry smoothie

  • L: Tofu stirfry

  • D: Cauliflower fried rice

Day 8:

Oh hi, Monday. The studio's closed because it's a holiday, so that rules out class. Instead, I'll be taking Dash for a long walk and a trip to the dark park instead. 

  • B: Tofu veggie scramble

  • L: Remaining tofu scramble with avocado on gf toast

  • D: Cauliflower fried rice

Day 9:

It's Tuesday, but feels like a Monday. Remind me again why I did this cleanse falling on a long weekend? I'm not feeling much different than usual today, and I'm getting tired of the cleanse - 12 days is way too long.

  • B: Vanilla chia pudding with berries

  • L: Rice cakes with avocado, tomato and hummus

  • S: Apple with almond butter before Hot Power Core

  • D: Cauliflower fried rice


Day 10:

Just 3 more days to go! Still feeling good, just missing sugar. Heading to Hot Body Conditioning class tonight with my fave instructor!

  • B: Oatmeal with apple slices

  • L: Rice cakes with hummus and avocado

  • D: Last portion of cauliflower rice (finally)

Day 11:

I have a last minute family dinner tonight, so I'll definitely have to modify something from the menu. This also means skipping class, but family first!

  • B: Vanilla chia pudding

  • L: Kale salad with broccoli, beets and avocado

  • D: Cajun chicken with asparagus and yam fries from the very gluten/dairy-heavy menu. The yam fries were obviously deep fried, but at that point I didn't care :D The fam all drank without me and did a toast while I drank water, but sorry, no alcohol pour moi.

Day 12:

Omg it's the last day!! And it's Friday, thank goodness. I'm having a wild Friday night - going to Hot Tone & Sculpt class, because #whynot - #ilovemylife. 

  • B: Oatmeal with apples and cinnamon

  • L: Kale salad with broccoli, beets and avocado

  • D: Leftover chicken from dinner last night with some kale salad on the side

And that's it, cleanse over! Slow clap.

All in all, I'm so happy I did this cleanse. I feel so much better, and eating healthier foods has become the norm. I'm getting really good at saying no (which I sucked at before), especially at work!

I'll definitely be doing this cleanse again, and I think I'll stick to doing it at least 3 times a year as a "reset", and a reminder of just how much sugar is in our food. That was by far the hardest part of the cleanse, because it's literally in everything. Staying away from sweets wasn't hard because I usually don't have dessert, but saying no to bananas and all forms of sugar (honey, maple syrup, stevia), especially in Asian sauces/flavours, was pretty difficult for me. Regardless, it was totally worth it!

Have you ever tried the wild rose, or any other cleanse? What were your thoughts?

