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Filtering by Tag: Health

Making Wellness a Priority

Linnea A.


This year, I decided to finally get down to the bottom of my nutritional health. I eat a pretty healthy diet overall, and I religiously hit up Oxygen Yoga & Fitness (mostly fitness) at least 4 times a week (#ilovemylife), but I still felt like something was off, so I decided to see a nutritionist. I started the first week of 2018 by seeing Jenn at My Edible Advice, who tested all my intolerances in one go. She was super helpful, and I've been eating a gluten-free, dairy-free diet ever since. 

Because I didn't eat much dairy to begin with, cutting out dairy wasn't very hard for me. Now, I simply switch out my cheeses for dairy-free cheese when absolutely necessary (or stay away from cheese altogether). On the gluten side of things, I'm used to cooking gluten free pasta and eating minimal bread anyway (I never dared to buy it at the grocery store, because that's too dangerous lol), so I didn't think it would be difficult.

As it turns out, there are so many gluten-free, dairy-free/vegan options out there, so I'm not finding it that hard! If anything, I've found that this new way of eating has pushed me to stop and think about what I'm consuming before I consume it. Before, I tracked my calories, but I never thought about exactly what was in my food. Now, I take a minute to look at ingredient lists and take my time at the grocery store, especially with gluten free items. They load some of those products with SO MUCH crap, so be careful!


If you haven't visited a nutritionist, and aren't sure what you should or shouldn't be eating, I highly recommend visiting one. My session was only an hour long, and it was a painless test for intolerances of every type of food possible. A lot of the reason why so many people are intolerant to dairy and gluten is because of the harsh genetically modified foods we have available in North America. If you can find ancient grains that haven't been modified in anyway, then they're probably safe, but the other ones, I recommend staying away from. That being said, if I happen to be in Europe (which I will be this fall), I'll eat everything and more, because their grains and cheeses aren't nearly as genetically modified as the crap that's available to us here :)

After 2 months of my new way of eating, I've annoyed the s*** out of my family and friends, but I feel awesome! I'll check back in a few months time to let you know if there's anymore progress ;)

Next up, wild rose cleanse!

