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March Moodboard


March Moodboard

Linnea A.


This month... how do I even find the words! It was SOO fulfilling, almost to the point where I was overwhelmed with how great it was. It was short, but oh so sweet. I finished my first course while starting another, attended so many eye-opening field trips, reconnected with old friends and ladies that I LOVE (shoutout to Roots + Ardor - love you girls), and worked my butt off (especially with workouts). I learned to stop saying that "I'm busy", and replace it with "it's full-on right now", because “busy” is becoming a very negative term. Things aren't happening to me, I'm making things happen. It's all about the shift in perspective, and being grateful that you get to do all of the things you do! Just embrace the hustle, it’s as simple as that.

March has a lot more in store... I’ll be finishing my first semester (omgosh already?!), wrapping up a ton of projects, making a few home updates, and heading to New York for a little weekend breather! WHOOO cannot waitttt! Concrete jungle, I am so ready to see you again. I hope you have a beautiful start to spring!

