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Filtering by Tag: Mood

September Inspo & Catch-Up

Linnea A.


Hi guys!! I haven’t been on here as often as I would like, and I apologize, but that will change - I’ll be posting on here a lot more regularly again. To be honest, with this roller coaster of a year, I think I just needed an extra long break after school, especially with the side gigs occupying the majority of my time outside of work… I’ve just been drained all around. But all good things! With the arrival of September, it always feels like it’s a fresh start, a clean slate, and the perfect opportunity to reset your goals, check in with yourself, and reach for the stars. I’m already taking on e-design clients on the side, and I’m really excited to bring you along during the process!

If you need to update your space or have no idea where to begin in terms of selecting furniture and decor, that’s exactly what my e-design service can provide. I can create everything from floor plans to furniture selects, mood boards and everything in between. Feel free to email me at linneacarmen@gmail.com if you’re interested, and I can walk you through the full process/answer any q’s you have!

In other news, I had a great time getting away to the Okanagan and forgetting about work for a weekend! It was just what I needed, and we felt completely safe the whole trip (and trust me, I was so scared about covid!!). This month, I’m feeling inspired, refreshed, and very ready to just chill out indoors for fall. Nothing like sipping on one of my 827392 bottles of wine I brought back and a great TV show to binge! I hope you all have a promising fall transition - sending lots of love your way.



May Inspiration

Linnea A.


Hello, May! Although we’ve all been living in this weird limbo mode at home, I’m actually starting to get used to the routine, and I’m not minding it to be honest! It’s given me the opportunity to have my brother as a roommate again, to spend time in my childhood home, to spend copious amounts of time with Dash, and to save some money! To be as productive as possible, I’ve been breaking down my days by the half hour to keep me accountable and make sure I get everything crossed off my list. School is in full swing, and things are starting to pick up again with homework. I’m hoping to be able to share more of my work with you as the weeks pass. Things that are inspiring me lately include fresh branches, round shapes, bold, veiny marble… and cane - all the cane! I wish you all a fun, light-hearted month, with lots of positivity and growth, wherever it is you’re spending it.



November Mood

Linnea A.


Progress, progress, progress. That’s my overall mood and focus for the month. I’m doing my best to make the most of every minute, and trying to be as productive as possible. 

Free time commuting to school? Cool, let’s get this blog post finished. Having a slumber party? Nice, let’s make sure we work out and meal prep while we’re at it. More time? Awesome, let’s work on some concept boards and catch up on this month’s book club book in the bath... and yes I really made time for all that this weekend!

Doing all these things at once isn’t easy, but it will be rewarding, and that’s what I’m focusing on. Another thing on my mind? Sweden. It’s on my radar, and I’m trying to finish school at lightning speed to get there sooner rather than later. To be honest, I’m feeling that I need a break from the city. I’m starting to take it for granted and, dare I say it, getting pretty tired of it. 

I need a challenge (not that I’m not already challenging myself) but you know, a real challenge. One that forces me to leave my comfort zone, perhaps move to a totally different country, learn a different language, and gain a new perspective on life. It will happen eventually, I know it! 

In the meantime, your girl will likely be working 7 days a week, 13 hour days. You don’t know what you can accomplish unless you push yourself to test your limits, so give yourself that push! And just a friendly reminder go-getters: we’ve got less than 2 months of the year before the next decade (2-0-2-0!!), so November, let’s get it! 



July Mood

Linnea A.


July!!! Well, June was quite the whirlwind, but I’m beyond excited to lay low, have some free time away from school, get back to having time to WORK OUT omg I’ve missed it, and simply enjoy a Vancouver summer! A few things inspiring me lately? Neon, bright colours, citrus, a dose of sass (probably from Scottsdale lmao), and FUN. IN. THE. SUN. Stay tuned for new blog posts coming your way shortly!



March Moodboard

Linnea A.


This month... how do I even find the words! It was SOO fulfilling, almost to the point where I was overwhelmed with how great it was. It was short, but oh so sweet. I finished my first course while starting another, attended so many eye-opening field trips, reconnected with old friends and ladies that I LOVE (shoutout to Roots + Ardor - love you girls), and worked my butt off (especially with workouts). I learned to stop saying that "I'm busy", and replace it with "it's full-on right now", because “busy” is becoming a very negative term. Things aren't happening to me, I'm making things happen. It's all about the shift in perspective, and being grateful that you get to do all of the things you do! Just embrace the hustle, it’s as simple as that.

March has a lot more in store... I’ll be finishing my first semester (omgosh already?!), wrapping up a ton of projects, making a few home updates, and heading to New York for a little weekend breather! WHOOO cannot waitttt! Concrete jungle, I am so ready to see you again. I hope you have a beautiful start to spring!

