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Filtering by Tag: Kitchen styling

Before & After: Kitchen Transformation

Linnea A.


To say that working with Wayfair on this kitchen transformation was a dream… well that’s not saying enough! I’m elated to be working with a company that I love, especially when they can help me share tips on how to improve your home.

Now it’s no secret that this (mortgage-paying-night-student) girl is on a budget, so a renovation is not anywhere in my near future. Because of that, I wanted to make a few small updates to my kitchen that were economical, yet made a big impact. And with just a few additions, I was able to make that happen. Check out the full transformation below to see how you, too, can update your kitchen without breaking the bank!


It’s not that I didn’t love my kitchen before, but I knew I wanted to make use of the blank wall with some shelves, and potentially play with a little bit of black. 



To make these updates, I did three things. I switched out the kitchen faucet, kitchen hardware, and installed floating shelves. Let’s just ignore my different sized bulbs for now… the new one is arriving soon lol!


Kitchen Faucet

Finished with a matte black coating, this faucet is all that I wished for and more. Not only does it look pretty, but it’s just as functional as my old one, with a pull down hose and sprayer (super important)! It’s incredible how much a faucet can change an entire kitchen.


Kitchen Hardware

To tie in with the faucet, I introduced matte black hardware on the cabinets. The old hardware was dated and wearing out anyway, so it was time for a change! The cabinets are a lot easier to open now, too! 


Floating Shelves

And the moment we’ve all been waiting for… the shelves!! I knew I wanted floating wooden shelves for a very long time, but they had to be the right measurements, and I wanted to ensure that they came with hardware that would support a few decor pieces to have on display. Luckily, I found a shelf on Wayfair that had my exact measurements I was looking for, so I got two, and they give the perfect amount of warm and rustic to my bright, white space. I love displaying some of my Farmor’s heirlooms on the shelves, including a vintage canister meant for flour. It originally belonged to my Grandpa’s Grandma… so it dates way back, and it’s extra special to me. Other items you can put on display include greenery, glassware, candles, cutting boards and storage jars, to name a few!


Shop the look:

And with that, I hope you’re fully inspired to make a few small tweaks to your kitchen (especially with the things you don’t love about it), because at the end of the day, the more you love your kitchen, the more time you’ll spend cooking in it! Have you made any kitchen updates lately? Share them in the comments below!



This post was in collaboration with Wayfair. All opinions are my own.

Kitchen Inspo

Linnea A.


Now that Spring is right around the corner (it’s almost March, holy mokes!), I’d love to start crossing things off my home improvement list. First up: my kitchen. There aren’t any major kitchen renovations I’ll be doing just yet (hello, this student’s on a budget!), but there are a few updates I’ll be making to revamp the space. And it really goes to show that a few simple updates can make all the difference. For my kitchen revamp, I’m thinking matte blacks, whites, wood tones, open shelving and a touch of gold and greenery. Fail proof recipe if you ask me! Get ready to swoon.

Matte black fixtures


Black cabinets

kitchen inspo.jpg

All white everything


Open shelving


Shop the look

I’ll be making updates to my kitchen in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for my full kitchen transformation! I’ll be sure to link all my sources, so you can make the same budget-friendly updates to your space, too!



How to Organize Your Pantry

Linnea A.


Pantries are one of those places in your home that tend to get messy and cluttered, real fast. And because I'm someone who loves to have everything organized with its own place, an organized pantry brings me so much joy. So today, I'm sharing the final result of my organized pantry! And to help you organize yours, I've linked all of the containers and storage solutions I used below. Let's get to it.


Airtight Containers

To start your pantry, you're going to need containers to hold your dry goods, ideally of the same type so they can stack, and give an overall cohesive look. I absolutely love using airtight containers, because they keep everything fresh. And the fact that they're labeled and clear helps me see what I have stock of, what I'm low on, and what I use the most! I have containers that are easy to replace from my local supermarket, so if I happen to need another one in a specific size, I can always buy extra. I also love the fact that these containers are "reversible" because they’re identical from front to back, so if I run out of a certain product, but have another product I need to store, I can just clean out the container, put a new label on the other side, and voila! That way I don’t have to constantly wipe the white marker off.


Mason Jars

When the airtight containers are a little to big for what you need to store, mason jars work just as great! You can easily see what's inside of each jar, what you're running out of, and labelling them couldn't be easier. I love keeping all my smoothie items easily accessible and in close proximity to each other, because I use them pretty much everyday! I placed the other items that aren’t used frequently higher up the cabinet, and the layout has been working out great.


What to Store

As far as what you want to store in your pantry goes, think about the dry goods you use on a regular basis, and what products are easy to store in the clear containers. I’ve got everything from different types of flour and sugar, to gluten free pastas, cricket protein powder and all the superfood essentials! For everything that doesn’t fit in my pantry cabinet, I store it in my corner under-counter lazy Susan. That’s where I store all my nut butters, spice overflow, and other miscellaneous pantry items. 


Magnetic Spice Jars

A huge part of this transformation was transferring my spices into uniform magnetic jars that now live on my fridge. I have sooo many spices, and originally, I thought turn tables inside my pantry would work well for me, but noooo. I can't even count the amount of times my spices would fall off of them when I was looking for something, smashing onto my counter, glass and spices everywhere! And trust me, my friends can attest to this. My new magnetic spice jars are soo handy, and they look really good, too. I bought an amazing retro label maker, and the spices are now labelled to perfection, in all their retro glory.


Label Maker

Ok, now what makes my spice jars so damn special is definitely my label maker. Call me a crazy old lady but I am so obsessed with this thing, I can't stop labelling everything! I highly recommend investing in one of these bad boys, so your labels are all identical, and you can change what you store in each jar once it's finished, just rip the old label off! Eazy peazy lemon sqeezy.

Shop my pantry storage

Airtight Containers | Chalk Labels & PenMagnetic Spice Jars | Label Maker | Label Tape | Mason Jars 

 What would you like to see organized next? Let me know below! 

