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Filtering by Tag: November Moodboard

November Mood

Linnea A.


Progress, progress, progress. That’s my overall mood and focus for the month. I’m doing my best to make the most of every minute, and trying to be as productive as possible. 

Free time commuting to school? Cool, let’s get this blog post finished. Having a slumber party? Nice, let’s make sure we work out and meal prep while we’re at it. More time? Awesome, let’s work on some concept boards and catch up on this month’s book club book in the bath... and yes I really made time for all that this weekend!

Doing all these things at once isn’t easy, but it will be rewarding, and that’s what I’m focusing on. Another thing on my mind? Sweden. It’s on my radar, and I’m trying to finish school at lightning speed to get there sooner rather than later. To be honest, I’m feeling that I need a break from the city. I’m starting to take it for granted and, dare I say it, getting pretty tired of it. 

I need a challenge (not that I’m not already challenging myself) but you know, a real challenge. One that forces me to leave my comfort zone, perhaps move to a totally different country, learn a different language, and gain a new perspective on life. It will happen eventually, I know it! 

In the meantime, your girl will likely be working 7 days a week, 13 hour days. You don’t know what you can accomplish unless you push yourself to test your limits, so give yourself that push! And just a friendly reminder go-getters: we’ve got less than 2 months of the year before the next decade (2-0-2-0!!), so November, let’s get it! 



November Moodboard

Linnea A.


Is it just me, or has 2018 just flown by?! Regardless, October was a little bit of a hard month for me, so I’m pretty glad to see it go. I definitely wasn’t feeling myself, and just felt genuinely “off” all month long, for a number of reasons. But things are looking up for November, and boyyy do I have a busy month. Not only am I heading out for a little weekend getaway, but between birthdays (and sadly, death anniversaries), I literally have a family event every single week. Yes, every week. But I’ll definitely have some exciting content coming up for you! Don’t want to jinx it, but my creative block is finally gone - I’m feeling like I can finally breathe again, and feeling more inspired than ever! I also have some exciting news to share… but more on that later. Hope you’re excited for all the holiday content coming your way! Have a beautiful November, lovelies!

