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Filtering by Tag: Books

Prime Day: Favourite Amazon Finds

Linnea A.

8 Inspirational Books I've Been Loving

Linnea A.


Being part of a book club, I read quite a few books throughout the year. And because I’m a gemini, I tend to read multiple books at once, and squeeze them in whenever I can. To save some time, for self-improvement/wellness books that aren’t as fun to cuddle up with, I loooove to listen to them like a podcast. So like podcasts, I put them on while I’m commuting, cooking, getting ready, or even doing homework (multi-tasking at it’s finest). So while I’m sitting here blogging in bed, about to dive into another book, I thought I’d share a few of the books I’ve been absolutely loving, which will all inspire you to grow and be your best self in 2019!


1. A Tribe Called Bliss

I read this book a while ago after listening to a few episodes of the Earn Your Happy podcast, but I recently picked it up again because I needed a refresher for 2019, and omg! It’s such a great book to help you realign, reevaluate who you want to be around, the energy you want to surround yourself with, and ultimately, who you want to become. Your tribe is sooo important for the life you want to live. Do you want a life of growth, prosperity and honesty? Or a life laying low, staying small and being meek? It’s a pretty obvious answer to me, but one that’s a tough one to address if you’re not ready for it. If you’re ready, pick it up for serious girl gang inspo.

2. Becoming

I’ve always loved Michelle, so it’s no surprise that her book made my list! If you need a push to feel empowered to do what you’re set out to do, give it a read.

3. The Magnolia Story

This book is one of my favourite books of all time. I absolutely love the story of Chip and Joanna Gaines, probably because I relate a lot to their story, and they’re just so darn cute. It’s also such a huge reminder that you can start out with literally nothing. One day your life really can change forever, and you can have a show, store, books, brands, a target collection - anything is possible with a vision! 

4. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

This has been one of my go to textbooks in my house for a very, very long time. And now that Marie Kondo has come out with her TV series, her techniques are becoming more popular than ever. But this book, along with the sequel, Spark Joy, are both so great to inspire you to live a clutter free life, full of the things that bring you the most joy! Unlike the show, she explains all the reasons behind her tips, and the importance behind them.

5. You are a Badass

Also a book I read quite a few months ago, but Jen Sincero really is a badass. I had the pleasure of hearing her speak at a Tony Robbins event, and she is amazing! She’s hilarious, doesn’t give a f***, and pretty much shoves the fact that you ARE a badass down your throat until you believe it. Read it to kick your butt into the right mindset for 2019. 

6. The Archetype Diet

As my latest read, this book blew my mind. The way Dana has been able to pinpoint 4 different body types down to how we think as women is incredible! I highly recommend reading this book to help you understand your relationship with food, and to learn what foods you should be eating for your body type! This book is serious food for the soul.

7. China Rich Girlfriend

Ok, maybe this book isn’t that inspirational, but some of the characters really are, like Rachel, for instance. Reading books like this is one of the reasons I love reading to begin with; you find yourself in places you’ve never been, with people you’ve never met, and maybe they’ll inspire you to go see those places and get out and meet those people! I’ll be moving onto book #3 soon, but it’s pretty obvious that I’ve been hooked since we read the first one at book club last year! 

8. Grit

If you love stories that push you to exercise perseverance and strength, this is just the book for you. Sometimes, we need to be reminded that other people have it way worse than we do, so we need to push ourselves even further to build that grit and resilience. Only then will we come out stronger, more independent, and more confident than ever.

What are your book recommendations to kick the year off right?! I’d love to hear them! Don’t be shy - leave them in the comments below or DM me on Instagram!

