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Filtering by Tag: Fashion

April Inspiration

Linnea A.


Well folks, after the longest month of all time (and we thought Jan was long), it’s finally April! Hopefully, that means warmer weather, flowers blooming, brighter colours, and ideally, more cheer and positivity. I know I haven’t been as active on the blog as of late, but to be honest, I haven’t found that much “extra” time to spend on here! I’ve been working from home, finished school just last week, and it starts back up again this weekend with my next semester (no disruptions, crazy!). During the free time that I do have, I’ve been decluttering/reorganizing my parents’ entire house, doing at-home workouts with my family, and taking turns cooking homecooked meals everyday for the fam.

Things that are inspiring me and helping me stay positive throughout all of this:

  • Laughing at TikToks (and learning all the dances with the fam)

  • FaceTime dates with my friends and fam, who I miss dearly!

  • At-home workouts, sometimes on Zoom calls with friends

  • Rewatching a series I love, like Lost. Omg, I forgot how good it was. Amazon, please don’t take it off Prime… pleeeease.

  • Cleaning everythinggggg

  • Cherry blossoms

  • Free IG Live concerts from your favourite artists

  • Simple interiors, and a simpler life

I wish you all a safe, productive month everyone! Please continue to do your part, staying safe at home, planning out your meals for at least a week at a time, and cooking as many of your meals as possible! Let’s limit the time we spend outside of our house, and remember, be mindful of your traffic. You should definitely be able to count where you’ve been on one hand in the last two weeks.



September Mood

Linnea A.


Oh, September. I’ve been waiting for you for a while. I know it’s bound to be an exciting, eventful month, but it also means summer has come to an end, and the whirlwind that is September has finally arrived. It’s been a crazy, eventful summer, and I’ve accomplished a lot, but I think I’m ready for it to come to an end.

I’ve got a lot going on, not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. When people around you are going through a tough time, it immediately puts things into perspective and reminds you to snap out of it and realize how great you really have it. Less self, more love.

Speaking of love, I’ve got not one, but two weddings, one of which I’m very fortunate to be a part of! I can’t wait to see my bestie walk down that aisle… cue Linnea’s ugly cry at the altar! T minus 9 days until the big day.

On top of that, design school starts again next week, which I don’t think I’m quite ready for. I was in a good momentum going from one semester to the next, so it’s going to be a little challenging for me to switch from no classes/0 hours of homework to 4 classes/40 hours of homework a week. Hello no social life, we meet again.

But it will be good for me. I’m excited to get back into doing something I love solely because I want to do it. It’s the thing that gets my heart pumping and the industry I love most! I’m also excited for fall, chilly weather, and more time spent at home. Hygge life, here I come.

And remember, everyone’s going through something in their life, so be compassionate to those around you, offer love and support whenever you can, and most importantly, be kind. Have an amazing September, lovelies.



August Mood

Linnea A.


As the last month of my full summer “off”, it’s a bittersweet feeling. I’ve been trying my best to squeeze the most out of my summer because I know September’s coming any day now, and it’s going to be one of my busiest months yet (my bff’s getting married!). This month, I’ll be taking time to reset, refresh, and recharge. Even though my travels have been mini summer trips, I still feel like I’m barely ever home, so I’m very much looking forward to staying home for the fall. In terms of inspo, I’m currently obsessed with neutrals, calming interiors, out-of-the-box gallery walls, and greenery of all sorts. I’ll be focusing more on interiors as soon as I head back to school, and I’ll finally be learning AutoCAD - whooo! In the meantime, I’m game for more fun in the sun, concerts, friends, birthdays, and another mini trip!! Happy summering :)



Prime Day: Favourite Amazon Finds

Linnea A.

What I Packed for Scottsdale

Linnea A.


Well, the long-awaited bachelorette trip has ended… and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t super duper sad about it. The weekend was SOO much fun, I can’t even handle it! Most of us didn’t know each other very well, so it was either bound to be a success, or bound to be… well… an awkward trip. But I’m so happy to report that all went extremely well, and everyone loved each other so much! But more on that another time ;) In the meantime, here’s a breakdown of what I packed for Scottsdale - and most of it is on sale now… so here we go:


July Mood

Linnea A.


July!!! Well, June was quite the whirlwind, but I’m beyond excited to lay low, have some free time away from school, get back to having time to WORK OUT omg I’ve missed it, and simply enjoy a Vancouver summer! A few things inspiring me lately? Neon, bright colours, citrus, a dose of sass (probably from Scottsdale lmao), and FUN. IN. THE. SUN. Stay tuned for new blog posts coming your way shortly!



June Mood

Linnea A.


June!!! My favourite month of the year. Not only does the weather improve, but I’ve got a few bdays to celebrate (including my Grandma’s 80th - hellooooo twin Gemini’s), I’m hosting book club for a patio hang, and it’s the last month of the semester... which means it’s finally time for vacay!! I’m not getting overly excited yet, because school life is INTENSE. Like, I don’t have a life intense! But I’m on track for my goal and it will all be worth it in the end! Summer, I’m ready for you!  



May Mood

Linnea A.


Oh hello, May! I’m welcoming you with open arms because I’m so excited you’re here! Spring weather has finally arrived, things are being crossed off my to do list, and I’m ready to dive into spring.

To be honest, April wasn’t the greatest month of all time... it was full of late, restless nights, early mornings, and constantly trying to make time for meal prep and workouts, despite being dead tired (I’ve never felt so tired and drained in my life!). 

For first semester, my schedule was pretty easy for the most part, and because the classes were “theory” heavy, I excelled in all of them. But this semester, I’m taking three in-person courses that are all more challenging, and require hours and hours of practice to make perfect. It’s not like you can just learn to draw/write and immediately apply what you learned... if my left hand smudges the page or makes a mistake, it’s literally back to the drawing board until I get it right (which is usually hours later). So it’s an experience, to say the least, but it’s a cool experience nonetheless and I’m loving it!

On another note, I’ve been busy with the bridesmaids planning my bff’s 15-gal bachelorette (yes, you read that right... 15!), and I’m getting sooo excited to get away!! But more details on another day :) here’s a little bucket list for the month:

  • Get outside and run
  • Do a spring purge; sell unwanted items
  • Finalize blog calendar
  • Celebrate Dash’s 4th birthday (holy crap where has the time gone) 
  • Stop and smell the roses
  • Embrace the homebody life (you’ve got no energy to go out, anyway) 

Let’s do this May!



The Best Heels for Spring

Linnea A.


Heels. I used to have no problem wearing them to work, on weekends, out for dinner or drinks, events, whenever. I think it was mostly because growing up, my mom always wore heels (still does) no matter where she was going, so they always meant something special to me.


Unfortunately, they’re not always the comfiest shoes to rock all day, and paired with the fact that I live in Vancouver where nobody dresses up, I rarely opt for heels. That is, until I found the Everlane Day Heel. The perfect, not-too-formal, not-too-casual heel that you can literally wear everyday (especially for spring), with anything!


These heels look amazing with my favourite denim, and they’ll be so versatile for spring. Made in Italy, the block heel is only 2 inches high, giving you a flattering ballet-inspired silhouette that’s extremely easy to walk in... All. Damn. Day. And the sole? Oh my goodness does it have soul. It’s cloud-cushioned to perfection with an elastic backing for the perfect fit, so believe me when I tell you, these heels are seriously one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own… more comfortable than most of my boots and flats! And in case you didn’t already know, Everlane is always transparent about how much it costs to make their pieces. I’m all about transparency, so this makes it even easier to throw these bad boys into your cart.


If you’re in the market for a casual pair of spring heels (in super fun colours, might I add), this is the pair for you! I highly recommend them. Happy shopping!



This post was in collaboration with Everlane. All opinions are my own.

6 Tips for Time Management

Linnea A.


*This giveaway is now closed*

Between working, going back to school, eating healthy, spending time with friends, and ultimately, keeping up with life in general, time management is definitely necessary - especially at the beginning of the year.

Thanks to JORD watches, I’ve been able to keep up with the chaos-called-life (and look like it, too)!  They’re an amazing company that’s passionate about making quality, hand-crafted watches. I don’t know about you, but having a watch that pairs well with everything I wear helps me keep track of my time, and gets me where I need to go. And since 2019 seems to be “the year of organization”, I thought I’d share my tips on how I organize my time while reaching my goals. Read to the very the end, and you’ll have a chance to win $100 to shop at JORD watches (*enter HERE for the giveaway)! ! Without further ado, let’s get to my time management tips:


Plan ahead

Planning my week on Sundays has saved me time and time again. To make sure I eat healthy all week, I simply take a few minutes every Sunday to choose healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, go to the grocery store with a list (just stick to produce and protein sections!), then meal prep for Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday, it’s time to cook my next few meals with the remaining groceries I have in my fridge.

To get my workouts in, I usually workout the same days of the week, every week. Scheduling workouts in your calendar keeps you accountable, and ensures you’re making time for your body.

If I were to slack off on the weekend, I’d probably be eating takeout almost everyday (gross), because I don’t have time throughout the week to sit down and pick out a meal, go to the grocery store, and cook the meal. That’s just unrealistic (unless I’m using a meal kit delivery service). Similarly, I can’t be at work on a random day and think, “Yeah, I’m gonna work out today.” I need to be in the mindset that I’m scheduled/booked to work out that day, otherwise I likely won’t go. Find what works for you, and just do it!!


Track your habits

To be mindful about my habits I like to take note of, I have my trusty bullet journal to thank. I’ve been tracking each habit with a W or L for everyday. It’s a great way to keep yourself accountable and remind yourself daily of your goals - because let’s be honest, you’re not gonna remember the half of them come Feb. 15! Plus, it’s way less clutter (physically and mentally) if you have them all on one page, so you’re not wasting time and energy writing them all over the place. These habits can be anything from drinking lemon water first thing in the morning, to not buying coffee/lunch, or simply remembering to take your vitamins!

You may think that writing things down is a complete waste of time, but research shows that writing notes on paper helps you recall the information a lot better than typing, and it drastically improves your understanding of what you’re writing down.


Prioritize your time

I’ve talked about using my colour-coded Google calendar before, but I’ll say it again. It’s so helpful to block time in your calendar for meetings, events, tasks, bill payments, cooking, and even “me” time. I also highly recommend saying no whenever you feel like you’re stretching yourself too thin. As much as I’d like to spend more time with my friends, sometimes, downtime is exactly what I need.


Learn to single task

Focusing on the task at hand is the best way to get things done - especially if you complete your gruelling tasks first! As a gemini, single-tasking is actually really difficult for me. I tend to start a task, get bored, and start a new one… all while leaving the other task for “another time”. This isn’t a habit I’m proud of, so I’ve started setting a timer to complete one task at a time, and it’s become a game-changer! It’s also a great way to find out what tasks take you wayyy too long to complete.


My productivity has increased tremendously since time-blocking, and it’s been so nice to have a beautiful watch to check the time during my tasks. Lately, my favourite watch is my Sier Arcadia watch. The one-of-a-kind dial is rough cut from black marquina marble and paired with rose gold hardware, making it so unique! And for a gemini who can never make up her mind, being able to decide whether I’d like to use the tan leather strap or the rose gold mesh strap is the BEST part - it suits any occasion no matter what.


Put your phone down

Because I work a lot with social media, my phone can be a verrry dangerous rabbit hole… but guess what! Nothing crazy happens if you ignore your phone for a few hours... the world doesn’t end, your friends won’t cut you if you don’t respond right away (or at least mine don’t lol)! So put down that phone, focus on the things you need to do, and keep screen time to a minimum. You’ll gain at least an extra hour a day, just watch.


Lower your expectations

With so many things on my plate, it’s pretty obvious that my expectations for myself are high, but if you can’t get everything done during the week, don’t beat yourself up about it. Prioritize it for the following week, and move on. Things don’t move unless you do, but you also have to remember to give yourself free time, too. Too much structure is never a good thing!

If you’ve read through all of my tips up until this point, bravo!! I’m so grateful to all of you, so to thank all of you for being here, I’ve partnered with JORD watches for a watch giveaway! Simply click the link below to enter to win $100 toward a beautiful JORD watch of your choice. You’ll also receive 10% off just for entering, so spread the news about the giveaway!

Enter HERE.

This giveaway closes on March 5, 2019 at 8:59PM (PST). Good luck!



*This post is in collaboration with JORD Watches. All opinions are my own.

My Signature Stack

Linnea A.


I've been trying to create my “signature ring stack” for what feels like years, so when I finally found what I was looking for, I was over the moon! I’m a big believer in investing in everyday jewelry that will last, and I used to be a huge silver-lover, but I’ve been over it for a while. Let’s face it: gold is the new black. GLDN, to be exact. When they came into my life, my ring stack dreams literally came true. All of their pieces are hand-crafted and engraved in La Conner, Washington, which is so crazy because I used to visit La Conner all the time as a kid! I have so many great childhood memories there… and the GLDN team is beyond sweet. Just genuinely good people… people I absolutely love working with!

If you haven’t heard of them before, they literally have soo many options, from simple stacking rings to engraved, personalized pieces, so you’re sure to find something you love. A signature stack allows you to dress up your everyday look, all while shining a little bit of that personality you have with how you style your rings. Plus, you get to mix and match in so many ways, so you’ll never get bored. I knew I wanted simple, everyday rings that could be worn together, and so far, I’m thrilled with the progress of my stack!


First up, the classic, elegant Kenai Stacking Ring. It’s the perfect polished gold, so comfortable to wear, and ideal to buy in multiples! If you don’t love solid 14K gold (but I mean, who doesn’t), they have other material options available at different price ranges, so you can choose exactly what you want.


One of my favourite rings from my stack is my Marcie Small Oval Ring. I knew I wanted a personal touch of some sort, and because I’m a gemini through and through, my zodiac sign made the cut. I luuuurve it.


Last but certainly not least is my Personalized Rhone Band. The width of the band is just right - not too skinny, and not too thick. And to personalize it, I had to put my one and only’s name down, duhh! Absolutely love how it turned out.

And that, my friends, is my signature stack so far. Next on the list? Probably a thick pinky ring - just need to decide what kind. What are your go-to places to buy your everyday jewelry? Let me know in the comments below!



Euro Essentials

Linnea A.


Ok, ok, I know I’ve been talking about Europe a liiiittle bit too much lately, but I can’t really help myself - I’m too excited! I feel extremely lucky to be able to cross off so many places and things from my bucket list over the last two years... they really have been my most amazing years yet. I’m clearly addicted - and this travel bug is never ever going to go away. But I’m A-OKAY with that.

So for Europe… I’m travelling to three different cities: Milan, Paris and Stockholm, which just so happen to be the fashion capitals of Europe!! Not to mention all pretty different climates, so how could I NOT pack my entire closet?! Well let me tell you, it was tough. Very, very tough. And I know I’ve talked about my travel essentials before, but I’ve narrowed down my absolute euro must haves for this trip - outfits, shoes, accessories, skincare and all. Let’s dive in, shall we?

  1. Blazers - I’ll take one in every colour, please. And yes, I’m literally bringing 3.

  2. Dad Shoes - Because a girl’s gotta be able to walk all over the city (and look cute doing so). I’m so happy that man-repelling dad shoes are IN… and no I don’t care if my entire wardrobe repels men. If you get it, you get me.

  3. Fanny Pack - For all the gypsies comin’ at me. Lol. But really, could it be any more perfect to have fannies come back in style on my way to Europe?

  4. Tortoise Shades - Because what’s an outfit without them?

  5. Pleated Skirt - The most versatile piece I’ll be bringing with me. It can be styled with sneakers, heels, booties, a blazer, a cozy jacket, a bodysuit, a tee… literally everythinggg.

  6. Teddy Bear Coat - For those cozy rainy Parisian days... or days out in the countryside of Sweden.

  7. Sock Booties - To pair with almost every outfit. They’re one of my favourite fall staples for sure.

  8. Summer Fridays Overtime Mask - A PSL in a mask… that gives you a face like a baby’s bottom. Mmmhmm.

  9. Laneige Lavender Sleeping Mask - Fluffy, soft moisturizing clouds that literally give you sweet lavender dreams - and a plump, moisturized face in the morning!

  10. Ouai Wave Spray - With shorter hair, it’s the only ouai.

  11. Lanege Sleeping Lip Mask - Bomb. Dot. Com. Loved the Berry, and the Apple Lime is my new fave. I’m def buying the other scents too because this product is just that good!

Where are you off to next?! Let me know below.



Forever in Blue Jeans

Linnea A.


I've always been a big denim lover, and I've especially been loving the family denim trends: mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, your brother's friend, the works. But although these denim trends are flattering, the comfort level of thick, rigid denim just doesn't quite scream "let's get cozy by the fire", yenno? So what's the next denim trend for fall, you ask? Comfy, stretch denim that actually looks like real denim - a no brainer if you ask me.


Thankfully, Everlane answered my prayers with their newly launched Authentic Stretch. If I wasn't already obsessed with Everlane before, I am even more so now. The Authentic Stretch line is made sustainably (no surprise there, because ALL of their products are), and actually looks like rigid, authentic denim - with all the comfort of stretch jeans. Yes, there are other stretch denims out there, but they don't even look remotely close to real denim - and let's be real, they look cheap! I don't know about you, but there's nothing worse than cheap-looking-denim. I'm telling you, this new wave of denim is something else.


My favourite pair from the line is the High Rise Skinny Ankle Jean in Mid Blue, but I definitely want this pair in all the washes. They have a form-hugging fit, and the fabric is made of 4% stretch that literally lifts and snaps back - without any of the annoying bag out (I can't tell you how many pairs of boyfriends jeans I have that are too big now!) Plus, the hardware is simple and timeless, with a leather patch that just gets better with wear.


If you've never heard of Everlane, you're in for a treat. I've been a fan from the very beginning, and visiting their storefront in Soho was an amazing experience. Pretty sure I spent at least an hour in there. Now what you waiting for, get shopping!





















Vacation Must Haves

Linnea A.


July has arrived, meaning I'm finally sun bathing in Mexico! I've been dying for this vacation, especially because we've been so sunshine/heat deprived in Vancouver this year. While I prepped for my trip, I thought I'd round up a bunch of my Mexico essentials - outfits, skincare, accessories and all!


Swim Tank | Swim Bottoms | Printed Headwrap | JORD Wooden Cassia WatchGingham Dress with Knot | Gingham Jumpsuit | Denim Jumper | Crop Top

Outfits & Swimwear

I'm going for a very relaxed vibe on this vacay; lots of crop tops with culottes, summer dresses, denim, and of course, linen. I can't live without jumpsuits, skirts, shorts or bodysuits, so you better believe my luggage is full of them! As for swimwear, I'm still loving high cut one pieces, as well as bandeaus for optimal tanning, and some tank styles. 


Accessories & Skincare

For accessories, I packed tons of sunnies and hats and straw bags - because switching up your accessories can transform your whole outfit! For skincare, first and foremost, Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask is number one, followed by my new Dewy Sunscreen Spray... you guys, this stuff is amazing! Its SPF 50 and it gives you the nicest glow to set your makeup. It will definitely be empty by the time I return. I'll also be using lots of Balm Dot Com, and my favourite Sleeping Lip Mask by Laneige.


Jet Lag Mask | Glossier Balm Dotcom | Cateye SunglassesSleeping Lip Mask | JM Solution SPF Glow SprayBamboo Clutch | Straw Hat | Slingback Espadrilles | Star SneakersRattan Round Crossbody | Black Basket Tote

I may be a tad bit of an over-packer, but when else do I get to wear all my clothes lol. A vacation is the optimal time. Anyway, time to work on my tan. See you in a week, friends!



Zaful Women Beachwear Sale

Wooden Watch Giveaway: A Timeless Summer Accessory

Linnea A.


*Thanks for your entries! This giveaway is now closed*

As the weather warms up, I can't help but gravitate toward neutrals, linen, straw and wooden accents - especially when it comes to summer accessories. You already know how much I love my woven straw bags, and I've found the perfect wooden watch to match them all!


My favourite wooden accessory

I recently stumbled upon JORD watches, and absolutely fell in love with their all-natural men’s and women’s wooden timepieces. My favourite of them all is the Cassia watch in Zebra and Ivory. It’s made of natural zebrawood, with subtle hints of gold detailing throughout the strap, and a domed sapphire glass face with classic roman numerals. The strap is dainty enough to be worn everyday, and you have the option to engrave the backplate, so you can customize it however you like.


Packaged to perfection

When I received my JORD Cassia watch, it was packaged ever-so-nicely in a beautiful wooden box, which can also be engraved to your liking. I especially love the tone of the box - it's a great neutral storage piece in my home!  


Unique graining

The colour of the zebrawood is remarkable, with different grains running throughout the watch. Because of its unique colour, it matches perfectly with all my summer outfits, and I can’t wait to wear it on my upcoming trip to Mexico. Bonus - it's water resistant too, so I don’t need to worry about wearing it by the beach or the pool!


Does this sound like the perfect summer accessory to you? Well, you’re in luck! I’ve partnered with JORD watches for a giveaway.

Enter to win $100 toward a beautiful JORD wooden watch of your choice by clicking the link below. You’ll receive a 10% off coupon code just for entering, so be sure to let your friends know about the giveaway!

Enter HERE.

This giveaway closes on July 22, 2018 at 11:59PM (EST), and all promo codes expire on August 5, 2018. Good luck!



Spring Bag Overload

Linnea A.


The cat's outta the bag... straw and geometric bags are taking the world by storm! And I'm so, so into it. I literally cannot stop myself from buying yet another straw bag... I don't even want to tell you how many I've got because it's getting out of hand lol. Maybe it's because they remind me of roaming the streets of Bali (or my favourite store in the world, Kim Soo), or because they immediately evoke feelings of carefree, sunny thoughts. Either way, I can't get enough, and I've already gathered quite the collection. Good thing they're pretty affordable, for the most part! 


Here's a roundup of my favourites (but let's be real, the list will only get longer as more brands come out with them):
