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Filtering by Tag: Summer

How to Transform your Patio to an Outdoor Oasis

Linnea A.


Now that I’ve been home for more than a week, I’ve finally had a little bit of time to enjoy my patio! But if you know me, you know I wouldn’t fully enjoy it unless I made a few updates to my decor this year. Thanks to the help of H&M Home, I’m thoroughly enjoying my patio, one sip of vino at a time. Without further ado, here are a few tips on how to transform your patio into a new-found paradise.


Patio lights

I had some lights last season, but they were solar powered and cheap - not ideal for outdoor situations! I recently added some heavy duty LED lights, and they happened to be the perfect length for the perimeter of my patio railing. I don’t turn them on all the time, but when I do, the whole ambiance of the patio is immediately transformed.


Throw blankets and cushions

Summers in Vancouver are brief, but magical! Although we have steady temperatures during the day, they do tend to get a little chilly once the sun goes down. That’s where throw blankets come to the rescue! As long as it’s not raining, I’m happy to chill outside with a blanket until I absolutely have to get ready for bed. I’ve been loving my Cotton Throw and Cushion Covers - it’s casual and breathable, but super comfortable and cozy.



I have a few lanterns scattered throughout my patio, but my latest additions are adding such a nice modern touch. You can put standard tealights inside, or kick it up a notch and place a full-on candle inside. The glow of the candles adds to the ambiance of the space, especially with the patio lights turned on!



It wouldn’t be an outdoor oasis without greenery, now would it? I recently added a few ceramic planters and a mini herb garden in my planters, which includes basil, oregano, mint and herbed lavender. In addition, I just purchased an English lavender plant, and now my patio smells divine.



To entertain outside, trays (like this wooden one) make everything easier. Not only do they look cute when you style them with plants, drinks or accessories, but their effective, too! When you’re serving drinks outside, it’s easy to pass drinks and snacks along when you’re serving tray-side.



After all is said and done, I’m pretty proud of this space, and happy I’m able to enjoy it this summer (sans school)! What changes are you hoping to make on your patio? Let me know in the comments below.



This post is in collaboration with H&M Home. All opinions are my own.

Prime Day: Favourite Amazon Finds

Linnea A.

What I Packed for Scottsdale

Linnea A.


Well, the long-awaited bachelorette trip has ended… and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t super duper sad about it. The weekend was SOO much fun, I can’t even handle it! Most of us didn’t know each other very well, so it was either bound to be a success, or bound to be… well… an awkward trip. But I’m so happy to report that all went extremely well, and everyone loved each other so much! But more on that another time ;) In the meantime, here’s a breakdown of what I packed for Scottsdale - and most of it is on sale now… so here we go:


July Mood

Linnea A.


July!!! Well, June was quite the whirlwind, but I’m beyond excited to lay low, have some free time away from school, get back to having time to WORK OUT omg I’ve missed it, and simply enjoy a Vancouver summer! A few things inspiring me lately? Neon, bright colours, citrus, a dose of sass (probably from Scottsdale lmao), and FUN. IN. THE. SUN. Stay tuned for new blog posts coming your way shortly!



Horoscope Diaries: Life as a Gemini

Linnea A.


As the astrological sign of duality, Geminis are the most unpredictable of all zodiac signs. Known as the twin sign, we’re “quite the challenge,” yet some of the proudest and truest to our signs. If you haven’t heard a Gemini call their birthday month “Gemini season”, then frankly, you’ve been living under a rock! But we’re not terrible beings, I promise.

In order to help you understand the sign a little better, I thought I’d share what I’ve learned so far about the sign, based on experience and research. Into astrology? Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two from this post, too. Here we go.

We’re social butterflies  

Geminis love to talk, charm, socialize, tell stories, and laugh. A lot. You can’t make a Gemini happy if you don’t make her laugh! On top of the necessary humour, we need to be constantly stimulated mentally. We’re wise, curious individuals that live for a good challenge - things that really push us to stop and think. We loooove to learn new things everyday, so if you can hold an intellectual conversation like a podcast and teach us something new... let’s just say you win in our books!

We’re indecisive  

Because of our paradox, winning us over is never easy—we’re often hot and cold. One moment you might think we’re completely into something, and the next... poof. It’s just part of our duality—we’re very indecisive creatures. We change our minds about everything: plans, what to eat, what we want, and everything else. To sum it up in a nutshell: our hearts want roots but our minds want wings.

We hate boring routines  

To keep Geminis entertained, we can’t ever “do nothing” or be bored, and for this reason, neither will you. We need unpredictability, and people who can keep up with ours. We get bored very easily, and can’t stand when people want to do the same things over and over again—it makes us feel strapped down (let me tell you!!!). We also have trouble laying low... hellooooo type-A-always-busy-strict-schedule personality. This is exactly why I need to dabble in multiple hobbies/interests/career paths at once. Despite needing the thought-out schedule, we also need freedom and space. We’re comfortable spending time with ourselves, and a little spontaneity sprinkled in is never a bad thing (how many spontaneous trips do I book a year? Oh, all of them).

We’re adaptable

Based on my research and experience with other Geminis I know, we tend to be creative, imaginative, and highly adaptable. I can relate to this a lot, because I adapt very easily to my environments. I’m open-minded, and I’m entering an extremely creative field. Without having creative outlets, I don’t quite feel fulfilled.

We forgive, but never forget  

We don’t like being betrayed. In fact, if you do betray us, you may see a side of us you wish you didn’t (that’s where we get the bad rap from, but only if you betray us first!). Basically, you don’t want to test usor ignore us, for that matter. We always forgive, but we never forget. Let’s just leave it at that.

We put others before ourselves

Although we can be a little harsh, we’re apparently one of the most generous and giving of the zodiac women. And even though we’re unpredictable, we’re reliable and supportive; often very good friends, and always there when someone needs them. We give good, grounded advice, and have even greater love to give.

We’ve got a whole lotta love to give  

Speaking of love, ours is remarkably one of the strongest loves of all the signs, which makes it hard to forget. We aren’t afraid of ourselves, our bodies, or our opinions. We don’t hide behind anything, and we embrace our weakness like a strength - I know I do! I talk about my weaknesses like an open book… I’m not scared or ashamed to talk about them, because everyone has something. And if you don’t share, you’ll never hear other perspectives, or learn from other experiences. And after all is said and done…

She is, GEMINI.

Happy birthday to all my gemini boos!! xo


June Mood

Linnea A.


June!!! My favourite month of the year. Not only does the weather improve, but I’ve got a few bdays to celebrate (including my Grandma’s 80th - hellooooo twin Gemini’s), I’m hosting book club for a patio hang, and it’s the last month of the semester... which means it’s finally time for vacay!! I’m not getting overly excited yet, because school life is INTENSE. Like, I don’t have a life intense! But I’m on track for my goal and it will all be worth it in the end! Summer, I’m ready for you!  

