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Filtering by Tag: March

March Inspiration

Linnea A.


Spring, ahhh what a breath of fresh air. All of February, I’ve been trying to get out of a very restrictive mindset - it seemed like no matter what I did, I prevented myself from doing more. Going forward into a fresh month, I hope to find every opportunity to do more, give more, be more… without the burnout.

First on the agenda: prioritizing my sleep. I just finished “Why We Sleep” for my book club, and let’s just say… it all comes down to sleep—everything you do is affected by it. Sleep should hands down be your #1 priority!! In other news, my final classes have been secured, and I’m well on my way to graduation in a few months! I cannot wait to have more of my life back, start designing, and be productive on my own time. I’m already used to the side hustle life, so bring. on. the. projects!

Things inspiring me lately;

  • Cherry blossoms, and bright, natural light

  • Sunshiiiiiiine

  • All the loving, supportive people in my life

  • Surprise messages and visits from old friends

  • Pistachio green

  • Dramatic stone countertops

  • London, baby ♥️

Have a great month, lovelies!

