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Filtering by Tag: Inspo

April Inspiration

Linnea A.


Well folks, after the longest month of all time (and we thought Jan was long), it’s finally April! Hopefully, that means warmer weather, flowers blooming, brighter colours, and ideally, more cheer and positivity. I know I haven’t been as active on the blog as of late, but to be honest, I haven’t found that much “extra” time to spend on here! I’ve been working from home, finished school just last week, and it starts back up again this weekend with my next semester (no disruptions, crazy!). During the free time that I do have, I’ve been decluttering/reorganizing my parents’ entire house, doing at-home workouts with my family, and taking turns cooking homecooked meals everyday for the fam.

Things that are inspiring me and helping me stay positive throughout all of this:

  • Laughing at TikToks (and learning all the dances with the fam)

  • FaceTime dates with my friends and fam, who I miss dearly!

  • At-home workouts, sometimes on Zoom calls with friends

  • Rewatching a series I love, like Lost. Omg, I forgot how good it was. Amazon, please don’t take it off Prime… pleeeease.

  • Cleaning everythinggggg

  • Cherry blossoms

  • Free IG Live concerts from your favourite artists

  • Simple interiors, and a simpler life

I wish you all a safe, productive month everyone! Please continue to do your part, staying safe at home, planning out your meals for at least a week at a time, and cooking as many of your meals as possible! Let’s limit the time we spend outside of our house, and remember, be mindful of your traffic. You should definitely be able to count where you’ve been on one hand in the last two weeks.



March Inspiration

Linnea A.


Spring, ahhh what a breath of fresh air. All of February, I’ve been trying to get out of a very restrictive mindset - it seemed like no matter what I did, I prevented myself from doing more. Going forward into a fresh month, I hope to find every opportunity to do more, give more, be more… without the burnout.

First on the agenda: prioritizing my sleep. I just finished “Why We Sleep” for my book club, and let’s just say… it all comes down to sleep—everything you do is affected by it. Sleep should hands down be your #1 priority!! In other news, my final classes have been secured, and I’m well on my way to graduation in a few months! I cannot wait to have more of my life back, start designing, and be productive on my own time. I’m already used to the side hustle life, so bring. on. the. projects!

Things inspiring me lately;

  • Cherry blossoms, and bright, natural light

  • Sunshiiiiiiine

  • All the loving, supportive people in my life

  • Surprise messages and visits from old friends

  • Pistachio green

  • Dramatic stone countertops

  • London, baby ♥️

Have a great month, lovelies!



October Mood

Linnea A.


It’s October, meaning cozy blankets, copious amounts of tea, rainy days at home, and diving headfirst into the lifestyle I’m meant to live: the hygge lifestyle. Hot girl summer, ooouuut, cozy girl fall, IN. Oh, and lest we forget, it’s officially ghosting season! Oh, the fun.

One of my main goals for this month is to focus more on myself. I took quite a lengthy break from working out in September and took on way too much to the point that I got sick for a week. This month, I’m making sure I get enough rest during my free time, and trying to stay as ahead of my homework as I possibly can. The people around you will understand if you can’t do it all - no one expects you to but yourself.

It’s also a month of reflection. This time last year, I came back from a few weeks in Europe (please take me baaaack), where my cousins in Stockholm convinced me to enroll myself into design school. I didn’t think much about the details (finances included), I just did it. And if you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it.

Now, I’m more than halfway through the program, and I can officially freehand sketch a room, draft floorplans by hand and with AutoCAD, create concept boards, suggest solutions, and so much more.

As far as inspiration, lately, it’s been moody interiors, vintage touches, sculptural furniture and easy fall basics. I’m excited for what’s to come, and looking forward to the challenge of not 3, but 4 classes working full time. October, let’s. GO.



September Mood

Linnea A.


Oh, September. I’ve been waiting for you for a while. I know it’s bound to be an exciting, eventful month, but it also means summer has come to an end, and the whirlwind that is September has finally arrived. It’s been a crazy, eventful summer, and I’ve accomplished a lot, but I think I’m ready for it to come to an end.

I’ve got a lot going on, not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. When people around you are going through a tough time, it immediately puts things into perspective and reminds you to snap out of it and realize how great you really have it. Less self, more love.

Speaking of love, I’ve got not one, but two weddings, one of which I’m very fortunate to be a part of! I can’t wait to see my bestie walk down that aisle… cue Linnea’s ugly cry at the altar! T minus 9 days until the big day.

On top of that, design school starts again next week, which I don’t think I’m quite ready for. I was in a good momentum going from one semester to the next, so it’s going to be a little challenging for me to switch from no classes/0 hours of homework to 4 classes/40 hours of homework a week. Hello no social life, we meet again.

But it will be good for me. I’m excited to get back into doing something I love solely because I want to do it. It’s the thing that gets my heart pumping and the industry I love most! I’m also excited for fall, chilly weather, and more time spent at home. Hygge life, here I come.

And remember, everyone’s going through something in their life, so be compassionate to those around you, offer love and support whenever you can, and most importantly, be kind. Have an amazing September, lovelies.



What I Packed for Scottsdale

Linnea A.


Well, the long-awaited bachelorette trip has ended… and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t super duper sad about it. The weekend was SOO much fun, I can’t even handle it! Most of us didn’t know each other very well, so it was either bound to be a success, or bound to be… well… an awkward trip. But I’m so happy to report that all went extremely well, and everyone loved each other so much! But more on that another time ;) In the meantime, here’s a breakdown of what I packed for Scottsdale - and most of it is on sale now… so here we go:


June Mood

Linnea A.


June!!! My favourite month of the year. Not only does the weather improve, but I’ve got a few bdays to celebrate (including my Grandma’s 80th - hellooooo twin Gemini’s), I’m hosting book club for a patio hang, and it’s the last month of the semester... which means it’s finally time for vacay!! I’m not getting overly excited yet, because school life is INTENSE. Like, I don’t have a life intense! But I’m on track for my goal and it will all be worth it in the end! Summer, I’m ready for you!  

