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Filtering by Tag: Inspiration

July Inspo & Catch-up

Linnea A.


Hey guys, it’s been a while. Now that we’re 10 days into a new month, I thought I’d pick up where I left off and share some of the scenes that have been inspiring me lately. I had a few days off from school before my final semester (which started yesterday… the workload expected in 4 weeks is insane, so see you in 4 weeks!), so I tried to take advantage of my free time and enjoy the few sunny summer days we had in Vancouver during the break. I must say though, I’ve only been downtown once, and I did not feel comfortable at all. I totally understand we’re in phase 3, but no one’s really living like we’re in a pandemic anymore, so I’ll probably be staying home in my bubble a little longer… I mean I don’t have time to go out anymore anyway :)

Since turning 30, I’ve realized so many things… it’s like a switch has gone off in my life and my entire perspective has changed. In my twenties, I remember dreading the day I turned 30, hanging onto my twenties for dear life. Looking back on that twenty-something girl, there were still a lot of unanswered questions and unguided decisions. But now that I’m here, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve never been more content with my life, more comfortable in my own skin, more certain of what I want in life and what’s valuable to me, and I’ve never had so much confidence. I’m in tune with my body, I’ve been prioritizing my health and wellness, and I feel more empathy and compassion than ever before.

We’re growing up, and honestly, it’s a great feeling - it really does mean growing wiser. I’ve been continuing to educate myself about issues happening around the world, and if anything, this time in quarantine has grounded me, and released so much gratitude. I am very lucky for all the beautiful people and love in my life - having their support during this pandemic has been incredible.

If you told me that this year would include my dog being attacked twice during a pandemic, that my Grandma would be diagnosed – then free of cancer months later, all while a global revolution was taking place, I probably wouldn’t believe you. But although it’s been a tough year, it’s producing a huge wave of growth for everyone. Like I said in my manifestation post, be thankful for these little moments - they’re what build resilience, strength, and make you the beautiful human that you are.

Thanks for reading, I’m so grateful you’re here.



May Inspiration

Linnea A.


Hello, May! Although we’ve all been living in this weird limbo mode at home, I’m actually starting to get used to the routine, and I’m not minding it to be honest! It’s given me the opportunity to have my brother as a roommate again, to spend time in my childhood home, to spend copious amounts of time with Dash, and to save some money! To be as productive as possible, I’ve been breaking down my days by the half hour to keep me accountable and make sure I get everything crossed off my list. School is in full swing, and things are starting to pick up again with homework. I’m hoping to be able to share more of my work with you as the weeks pass. Things that are inspiring me lately include fresh branches, round shapes, bold, veiny marble… and cane - all the cane! I wish you all a fun, light-hearted month, with lots of positivity and growth, wherever it is you’re spending it.



March Inspiration

Linnea A.


Spring, ahhh what a breath of fresh air. All of February, I’ve been trying to get out of a very restrictive mindset - it seemed like no matter what I did, I prevented myself from doing more. Going forward into a fresh month, I hope to find every opportunity to do more, give more, be more… without the burnout.

First on the agenda: prioritizing my sleep. I just finished “Why We Sleep” for my book club, and let’s just say… it all comes down to sleep—everything you do is affected by it. Sleep should hands down be your #1 priority!! In other news, my final classes have been secured, and I’m well on my way to graduation in a few months! I cannot wait to have more of my life back, start designing, and be productive on my own time. I’m already used to the side hustle life, so bring. on. the. projects!

Things inspiring me lately;

  • Cherry blossoms, and bright, natural light

  • Sunshiiiiiiine

  • All the loving, supportive people in my life

  • Surprise messages and visits from old friends

  • Pistachio green

  • Dramatic stone countertops

  • London, baby ♥️

Have a great month, lovelies!



August Mood

Linnea A.


As the last month of my full summer “off”, it’s a bittersweet feeling. I’ve been trying my best to squeeze the most out of my summer because I know September’s coming any day now, and it’s going to be one of my busiest months yet (my bff’s getting married!). This month, I’ll be taking time to reset, refresh, and recharge. Even though my travels have been mini summer trips, I still feel like I’m barely ever home, so I’m very much looking forward to staying home for the fall. In terms of inspo, I’m currently obsessed with neutrals, calming interiors, out-of-the-box gallery walls, and greenery of all sorts. I’ll be focusing more on interiors as soon as I head back to school, and I’ll finally be learning AutoCAD - whooo! In the meantime, I’m game for more fun in the sun, concerts, friends, birthdays, and another mini trip!! Happy summering :)



July Mood

Linnea A.


July!!! Well, June was quite the whirlwind, but I’m beyond excited to lay low, have some free time away from school, get back to having time to WORK OUT omg I’ve missed it, and simply enjoy a Vancouver summer! A few things inspiring me lately? Neon, bright colours, citrus, a dose of sass (probably from Scottsdale lmao), and FUN. IN. THE. SUN. Stay tuned for new blog posts coming your way shortly!

