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Filtering by Tag: Fall

Cozy Pumpkin Spice Recipes

Linnea A.


With September comes fall, and you know what that means. Pumpkin s p i c e everything! I’m a huge pumpkin fan - not only for the flavour, but for the health benefits too. It’s incredible for your skin with a ton of Vitamin A, great for your immune system, and my dog loves it too! I’ve included some of my favourite fall drinks below - both hot and cold - and trust me, you’re going to want to try these! So. much. yum.


Pumpkin Oat Milk Cream Iced Coffee

For the coffee

  • 1 Iced Nespresso pod (I like Freddo Delicato)

  • Ice

For the oat milk cream

  • 1/3 cup unsweetened oat milk of your choice

  • 1 tbsp organic pumpkin puree (canned)

  • 1/2 tsp maple syrup

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 tsp of pumpkin pie spice

  • Dash of fine Himalayan pink salt



  1. Brew your cold brew or iced espresso as you like it. Some add maple syrup to their coffee, but I prefer it black, as the foam is sweet enough for me. Make sure it’s cold enough before you move onto your foam.

  2. Place all of your cream ingredients into your milk frother and froth on the cold setting. I’m absolutely obsessed with my electric frother, because it works like a charm for hot or cold foam, and it’s sooo aesthetically pleasing!

  3. Top your iced coffee with your cold pumpkin cream, and garnish with a little more pumpkin pie spice. Throw a straw in, and prepare to sip your new favourite drink!


Pumpkin Spice Oat Milk Latte


  • 1 Nespresso pod of your choice (brewed latte size)

  • 1/2 cup oat milk

  • 1.5 tbsp organic pumpkin puree (canned)

  • 1 tsp maple syrup

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

  • Dash of Himalayan pink salt


  1. Brew your espresso as usual, then place remaining ingredients into your milk frother on the hot setting.

  2. Once frothed to your liking, top your espresso with your hot milk, and garnish with extra pumpkin pie spice.


Pumpkin Spice Smoothie


  • 1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree

  • 1/2 cup oat milk

  • 1 scoop Cookies and Cream or Vanilla protein powder (unflavoured if you like it less sweet)

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice

  • Ice


Let me know if you try these recipes - I’d love to see your creations!



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How to Live A Hygge Life

Linnea A.


Coming from a Swedish background, when the term “hygge” (pronounced hoo-guh) started gaining popularity, I knew exactly what it meant, because I’ve been exposed to it my whole life. It’s always been the way my grandparents lived. Every time we’d visit, candles were lit, warm blankets draped just about every chair, music was playing, there was (and still is) always time for fika, and it was simply a cozy, relaxing time.

The actual translation of the Danish term is “coziness of the soul”, and that’s exactly how I feel when I make time for these practices. It’s all about allowing yourself to enjoy the moment, whether that be a quiet moment by yourself, having a conversation by the fire with the ones you love, or cooking a meal that you truly appreciate. Now that we’re fully immersed into fall, here’s how I live a hygge life:


Light it up

Put your favourite candles on, turn all other lights off. If you really want to be traditional Scandinavian, candlesticks are where it’s at. A fireplace helps create that cozy feeling too! Once you dim your atmosphere, you’ll feel an immediate difference in your mood.

Make time to read

The more time you give yourself to read, the more quiet time you have to yourself. Reading a book that you’re interested in is so good for the soul - it can inspire, teach, motivate, and can even provide a small escape from your everyday life. And being a part of a group with similar hobbies (like a book club, for example) makes you a lot happier, too.


Simplify your life, your way

If things around you are stressing you out, simplify your space. Declutter and remove the things (and people) from your life that aren’t bringing you joy or value. Your life is too short for extra stress, drama or anxiety. Coming from someone who has a pretty chaotic life, believe it or not, I actually have little to no anxiety. I believe that has a lot to do with the cozy home I’ve made for myself, my incredible support system around me, and putting the things I value most above all (to be blunt, I don’t put up with bullsh** or people that don’t value my time).


Fill your home with sentiment

There’s nothing I love more than incorporating vintage heirlooms and special thrifted pieces throughout my home, because every time I look at them, I’m reminded how much life each piece has lived, and how much life there still is left to live! Some of my favourite pieces in my home are thrifted or passed down from generations and generations of Swedish heritage.

Cook your meals with care

Slowly gather your ingredients, grab a glass of wine, put some music on, and just enjoy the process of preparing your next meal. Taking your time is a key ingredient here, even as you eat.

Share your home

In saying that, sharing a meal with someone is even better. And inviting people into your home to enjoy the home you’ve made for yourself is almost if not as satisfying as enjoying it on your own! If you’ve followed the steps above, people will feel immediately welcome, and you’re sure to have a good time. Keep the convos positive to build more on your relationships. Togetherness is important; it’s not a time to discuss issues or gossip. Incorporate monthly get togethers with friends like a book club. Mine meets every month, taking turns to host dinner parties. It really is the best!


Make time for Fika

The Swedes love fika, and I obviously do too - I grew up with it after all! Fika is a Swedish term that stands for “coffee break”. Usually taking place in the late afternoon, or even after dinner (which is why I have no problem drinking coffee at any hour of the day), it’s a time to sit down, take a breather, treat yourself to some delicious coffee with cookies or treats, and just indulge for a second. The rest of your day can wait. And yes, this is yet another mood booster.

Prioritize self care

The best way to practice hygge is if there’s no technology involved. Spend a day without your phone, laptop or TV, and see how you feel. What will you do with your time? Perhaps you’ll exercise, meditate, cook a meal, or draw a bath. Whatever it is, be present, and make time for real self care. It’s all about relaxation.

Show gratitude

Whether it’s writing a few things in your journal everyday, or taking a moment to close your eyes and realize how great you really have it, focus on the now, and be grateful that you’re still standing. Nobody’s life is easy, so remember to get out of yourself every once in a while, be grateful for your health, and be appreciative of all the love around you. It honestly makes me emotional thinking about how much love is in my life! Remember, this might be as good as it gets. Appreciate it.


Slow down

In a nutshell, just slow it down a notch. Trust me, if anyone knows what going 9182829 miles a minute feels like, I do... (what do you mean 4 dates in one weekend isn’t normal?), but just slow it down. Take a moment to breathe, and appreciate the little things, like the glimpses of sunshine that magically show up. Nothing great happens if you’re run down and exhausted.

And with that, you’re well on your way to living a hygge life. If you try any of these tips, let me know in the comments or on Instagram! I’d love to see how you hygge.



September Mood

Linnea A.


Oh, September. I’ve been waiting for you for a while. I know it’s bound to be an exciting, eventful month, but it also means summer has come to an end, and the whirlwind that is September has finally arrived. It’s been a crazy, eventful summer, and I’ve accomplished a lot, but I think I’m ready for it to come to an end.

I’ve got a lot going on, not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. When people around you are going through a tough time, it immediately puts things into perspective and reminds you to snap out of it and realize how great you really have it. Less self, more love.

Speaking of love, I’ve got not one, but two weddings, one of which I’m very fortunate to be a part of! I can’t wait to see my bestie walk down that aisle… cue Linnea’s ugly cry at the altar! T minus 9 days until the big day.

On top of that, design school starts again next week, which I don’t think I’m quite ready for. I was in a good momentum going from one semester to the next, so it’s going to be a little challenging for me to switch from no classes/0 hours of homework to 4 classes/40 hours of homework a week. Hello no social life, we meet again.

But it will be good for me. I’m excited to get back into doing something I love solely because I want to do it. It’s the thing that gets my heart pumping and the industry I love most! I’m also excited for fall, chilly weather, and more time spent at home. Hygge life, here I come.

And remember, everyone’s going through something in their life, so be compassionate to those around you, offer love and support whenever you can, and most importantly, be kind. Have an amazing September, lovelies.

