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Filtering by Category: Decor

Kitchen Inspo

Linnea A.


Now that Spring is right around the corner (it’s almost March, holy mokes!), I’d love to start crossing things off my home improvement list. First up: my kitchen. There aren’t any major kitchen renovations I’ll be doing just yet (hello, this student’s on a budget!), but there are a few updates I’ll be making to revamp the space. And it really goes to show that a few simple updates can make all the difference. For my kitchen revamp, I’m thinking matte blacks, whites, wood tones, open shelving and a touch of gold and greenery. Fail proof recipe if you ask me! Get ready to swoon.

Matte black fixtures


Black cabinets

kitchen inspo.jpg

All white everything


Open shelving


Shop the look

I’ll be making updates to my kitchen in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for my full kitchen transformation! I’ll be sure to link all my sources, so you can make the same budget-friendly updates to your space, too!



Spring Decor Picks

Linnea A.


As hard as it is to visualize that Spring is around the corner with all this snow, it is… and I couldn’t be happier about it! Brighter skies, warmer weather, flowers blooming, fresher air… yes please!! And with spring comes spring cleaning, and inevitably, a chance to breathe new life into your home with fresh decor and storage solutions. Here’s a roundup of what’s been inspiring me lately.

Swedish Decor Inspo

Linnea A.


This post is a loooong time coming, but I’ve been reflecting a lot on my time in Sweden as of late, and being there for a week was exactly what I needed to kick my butt into gear and GET INSPIRED. I felt like a kid in a candy store everywhere I went - it’s like I was meant to be there in that moment, meant to be inspired, and meant to be Swedish. I love absolutely everything about the Swedish culture (the food, the lifestyle, the traditions, the people, the country itself), but one of my most favourite things of all is the insane Swedish eye for design. Scandinavian design still is and always will be timeless. I have a Swedish design magazine from 2010, and every single page is still relevant, because Scandinavian style is forever. It’s probably my favourite design style of all, and there was oh-so-much of it in Stockholm - even in the homes of my relatives and friends from Dalarna, as seen in some of the photos from my trip below.


Store after store and space after space, I would find myself ooh-ing and ahh-ing at everything I saw. They really know what they’re doing over there. So, in time for the new year, I thought I’d share a round-up of my favourite Scandinavian-inspired spaces from the trip. Who knows, maybe it will inspire you to incorporate more Scandinavian style into your home! Get ready for some serious decor goals.


I hope you’re as inspired as I am to incorporate more vintage decor and Scandinavian style in my space, and mahbe even get started on tackling my big home improvement goals this year! 



How to Organize Your Linen Closet

Linnea A.


Apologies for the late post guys… life kind of took over last week, and I’m starting to feel the brunt of all work-study-homework-Dash-clean-cook-minimal-play, but I’m trying my best to keep up with my content! I’m back at it with a peek into my linen closet transformation. To be honest, it’s always been an area of my home that bothered me. It never really felt “organized” even though I’d just spent hours folding and sorting everything in it. Because it’s pretty generous in size, it tends to be a place that always gets cluttered and messy, because not only do I store my linens/towels in there, but I store all my back-up stock/extra skincare/toiletries/essential oils in there too. Thanks to the huge organization kick I’ve been on (I organize my house pretty much every second of my spare time lol), it was finally time to revamp the closet, and reorganize it in a way that didn’t make me cringe every time I opened the door (ok, that’s a little dramatic, but the before and after will show you what I mean). Looking for organization inspo of your own? Follow my tips below on how to organize a cohesive, aesthetically pleasing linen closet!


My linen closet wasn’t absolutely terrible before, but it was pretty bad. I had random decor and extra candles in odd places, lots of extra toiletries/products all over the place, and mounds of towels jam packed into the closet... clearly I don’t need that many towels for one person!




Stick to neutrals

To make the closet as aesthetically pleasing as possible, I stuck to neutrals the whole way through. All my sheets are white, and almost all of my towels are white as well (can you tell I have a thing for white?)… they really do brighten up a room so much! Yes, my hot yoga towels are fluorescent highlighter colours, and I have a few guest towels that are patterned, so I used woven baskets to “disguise” them and prevent them from clashing with the rest of the closet.


Purge, purge, purge

As far as the rest of the bright towels, I went through them and purged a whole bunch out of my closet. Because a) they don’t bring me joy… they bring me pretty bad memories actually, and b) I don’t need them. And if both of those things are the case, donate those bad boys asap! You’ll free up so much space, it’s unbelievable. I used my biggest basket for all of my “extra” products that I actually need, and it works great for hiding the clutter-that-was!


Use similar baskets

When styling your shelves, pick out baskets that are not only functional and big enough for you to use, but are cohesive in tone and pattern. That doesn’t mean you have to go out and purchase matching baskets, but look around your home for boxes/baskets you already have, then go to the store to fill in the gaps, keeping your tones and textures of your existing baskets in mind. I already had the baskets at the top of my closet, so I stuck to a woven, beachy vibe when sourcing the others.


Fold with love

Last, but certainly not least is your folding method. In order to create a cohesive space, your folding has to be the same for every sheet, towel or linen you fold! This can be tricky when your sheets and towels are all different sizes, but once you’ve picked a size that fits well in your closet, mimic the fold with your other sheets/towels, and you’re golden! If you have a narrow space, the KonMari folding method will help you out too. But no matter which way you choose to fold, always make sure your crease is facing outward, so you can see every single item you have from one quick glance.

I’ll be shooting more of my home so you can see how I organize just about every space! What space would you guys like to see next? Leave a comment below, and I’ll get to it!



Living Room Refresh

Linnea A.


The day after I hosted a few of my girlfriends for a post-holiday dinner party (some of whom I’ve known for 22 years!!), I immediately had an urge to strip my home of all of my holiday decor... it was time for a refresh! I took down every single Christmas item, placed everything on a table, and started rearranging all of my home decor with the help of my childhood bestie, Nat. We went over every section of the living room, making sure each area of my home had a clean, fresh look. Looking to find out how you can do the same? Use our tips below!


 1. White space. Before you put anything back, think about the placement of every item. Position it in a way that it’s intended to be there, not mindlessly stacked or jammed into a corner. Also, test out new items in new spaces. If you’ve had an item in a certain spot for a long time, maybe it’s time to move it! It might make all the difference, and you may end up loving it even more in its new home. Thoughtful placement provides more white space between items, allows your room to breathe, and makes it feel a lot lighter going into the new year.


2. Plant life. Nothing says new year, new you like some fresh greenery. It helps you start the year off fresh, provides oxygen, adds a bright, lively energy to the room, and ultimately, is just beautiful to look at. My infamous plant that I had draping over my bookshelf was healthy, but it was looking a little sparse and scraggly in some areas, so I felt like it needed a trim. Thank goodness Nat’s a green thumb; she took matters into her own hands and gave my baby a much needed haircut! From there, we moved my plants around the living room until we found new spots that made sense. In the end, my plant corner turned out to be one of my favourite new spots in the room.


3. Make room for the things you love. While we were restyling all the vignettes, we paid extra attention to the items we were putting on display. When restyling, it’s a great time to declutter and purge items you no longer need, and focus on styling with intention. I wanted to love my space all over again, and to do that, I only put the things I absolutely love on display. Items you aren’t sure about or you have no connection to should NOT be living their best life in the spotlight of your living room. Donate those bad boys and style away. Also, don’t think that this means “go out and buy things I love”. You already have things you love in your home, so use them and show them some love! Be grateful for the things you have, and you’ll enjoy them that much more.


4. Define your space. Once I took down my Christmas tree from the corner of my living room, I really started to love having it free of clutter. I used to have another bookshelf there (from my office at my old apt), but removing it from the room opened up the space entirely. To make better use of the corner, I created a nook with a plant and chair that I can use for reading, writing, meditating, working on my sketchbook, journaling... literally whatever it is I want to do! I now have a nook dedicated to “me” time, which goes hand in hand with supporting some of my 2019 intentions, and I couldn’t be happier about it. 

And that’s it, that’s all! How are you refreshing your space for 2019?! I’d love to hear some of your tips! 



Neutral Christmas Decor

Linnea A.


Christmas decor has always been a favourite of mine since I was a little girl. My Grandma’s Swedish Christmas decorations and trinkets are some of my fondest memories of Christmas, playing with all her Tomte (Christmas gnomes), Julbocks (straw goats), and staring at all her candles and lanterns in awe. But one of the main reasons I love Scandinavian decor the most?  It never goes out of style. And this holiday, I’ve scattered neural, woodland inspired holiday decor all around my home. Looking to get inspired and achieve a similar look? Here are a few of my favourite things to set you up for that cozy hygge life:


| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |

Happy decorating!



DIY Floral Backdrop

Linnea A.


I promised you I’d walk you through how I made the floral backdrop for my Mom’s dessert table, so here it is! I scoured the internet for inspo photos, and once I saw hanging flowers, I knew that was it! But because I rented my party room that didn’t have white/blank walls, I had to be pretty creative as to how I would hang my garland (I’d highly recommend finding a blank white wall to make it easier lol). Curious how I did it? Spilling all the tea below!


What you need:

  • White opaque shower curtain (Dollar store, obvs)

  • 2 sheer curtain panels (or 1 large one)

  • 3 command strip hooks

  • Double-sided tape

  • Faux ivy garland

  • Fishing line

  • Scissors

  • Fresh flowers

  • Twinkle lights


How to do it:

  1. Start by measuring out how wide you’d like your backdrop to be. It should ideally be as wide as your shower curtain, which will act as a blank canvas for your backdrop. Once you’ve measured it out, stick the command hooks on the two outside corners. Next, stick 1-2 in the middle, depending on how heavy you anticipate your garland will be. I only used 3 hooks for mine.

  2. Hang your shower curtain on the appropriate hooks, then layer your sheer curtains over top. To do this, I poked holes through the top of the panels, hooked them onto the command hooks, and used a little bit of double-sided tape wherever the curtains needed extra hold. Once you have your desired backdrop, it’s time to get creative!

  3. Hang your faux ivy garland on the hooks. Measure out long strings of fishing line, and tie them sporadically along the top of the garland, wherever you’d like your flowers to hang.

  4. Snip your favourite flowers about an inch away from the bud, and start tying the flowers onto the fishing line, using the bud leaves to catch the fishing line. I started with alternating pink and white carnations, and added roses on every other strand as I went.

  5. Lastly, string your twinkle lights up and over your hooks and along the backdrop. Et voila, your magical floral backdrop is complete!

Be sure to tag me in your posts if you try this DIY out! I’d love to see your creations :)



How to Create a Dessert Table

Linnea A.


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been secretly planning my mama’s surprise 60th, which went off without a hitch, and she was absolutely floored! She loved it all, and had absolutely no idea. But the showstopper of the entire event definitely had to be the dessert table, which was my goal. HUGE thanks to my aunt for helping me set it up, and contributing so many delicious sweets along with my Grandma! Wondering how I created this bad boy?! Keep on reading, and I’ll share all my tips & deets!


1. Pick a colour scheme. What’s the celebrant’s favourite colour? Do they have any favourite flowers or greens? This will help determine the colours you’ll be using throughout your entire event. Pick this first, then you can figure out the balloons and other decor to correspond and compliment the floral/dessert colour way later.


2. Gather your inspo. After you’ve skimmed through Pinterest and Instagram, what’s the reoccurring theme in your inspo photos? Are there similar treats or flowers in every photo? Put all your photos into a collage, so you’ve created yourself a moodboard that you can easily share with the baker, florist, and all the decorators lending a helping hand! It’s key to ensure everyone’s on the same page with your vision.


3. Shop your home. As someone who loves decor and entertaining (and the daughter of someone who loves it just as much), I had LOTS of inventory to work with, so I had to be resourceful. We have cake stands and platters up the ying yang, so it was just a matter of me gathering my favourites together (without her noticing anything was missing from her house), shopping my own home for all my marble slabs, cutting boards, lanterns and vases, and putting them all together. I also used jewelry boxes and dishes for the table, and I had some wooden stumps lying around (originally sourced for an event that never happened *cough* LOL), so I kindly asked my Dad if he could cut them into wood rounds for the dessert table. And he KILLED IT. I scattered the wooden rounds throughout the room, and they elevated the look of the whole event!


4. Choose a focal point. What’s gonna make your table stand out? Will you have a balloon garland along the top, a hanging sign in the middle, or a full backdrop? I decided to create a full DIY floral backdrop. This took a lot of thought as to how I would hang everything because I couldn’t put any holes in the wall, but it all worked out perfectly. I’ll definitely break down how I made my floral backdrop in another post!


5. Sketch out your table. This way, you’ll figure out what you’re missing, and what you still need to do. I had a running list week after week of what I needed to accomplish before the big day. The sketch also helped tremendously when I was setting everything up. It’s easy to forget the vision in your head when you’re overwhelmed with to do’s, but if you draw it out beforehand, you’ll be able to show the others helping you what you’re going for, and it makes your life a whole lot easier!


6. Pick your desserts. Based on your inspo photos and your sketches, you’ll get a good idea of how much dessert you need to fill the table, and what to ask for if people offer to bring/bake something. I knew a big cake was a must, but what about everything else? My Grandma is an incredible baker, so she made 3 types of cookies, and 2 different cakes. I also made Lavender cupcakes, we had hand-painted macarons, intricately designed cake pops, and bite-sized Food for the Gods. Let’s just say we had NO SHORTAGE of dessert.


7. Eucalypus and twinkle lights. Period. My best tip for any party is to buy a whole bunch of silver dollar and seeded eucalyptus, and scatter it throughout the room. I put it all along the food table, mantle, dessert table, and made all the floral arrangements with tons of eucalyptus. In addition, I gathered all the twinkle lights I own, and scattered them all throughout the dessert table, inside of glass lanterns, and wove them along the cake stands. It adds such a magical touch!


8. Make your own floral arrangements. Nobody knows your colour scheme like you do, or your vision, for that matter. Floral arrangements are actually a lot easier than you think, so my advice is to buy a whole bunch of greens and flowers in your colour scheme, then break them apart and make your own arrangements to suit the vases you have on hand. Not only is this cheaper, but it looks so much better, and you’ll also feel better, knowing you made them all!

Hopefully this helps you out the next time you have to plan a party and want to create a show-stopping dessert table! If you have any questions about where I got certain things, or want more tips, feel free to email me, DM me on IG, or leave a comment below! Always happy to share. <3



5 Fresh Holiday Decor DIYs

Linnea A.

  1. DIY “Fresh” Ornaments

What you need:

  • Set of clear ornaments, medium sized
  • Fresh greens (eucalyptus, evergreen, pine) 

Remove the caps of your clear ornaments, and fill them with your favourite greenery. I filled mine with pine, evergreen and eucaluptus, then mixed them up with other ornaments and pinecones, some twinkle lights, and a dome, and I was set!


2. DIY Pine “Tree”

What you need:

  • Vintage pot
  • Wet flower foam
  • Fresh pine
  • Scissors
  • Mini ornaments  

Fill your favourite pot with wet flower foam (soaked so the pine stays fresh), snip some pine twigs, and arrange them in the foam as you see fit. Scatter the arrangement with some mini ornaments, and voila, another piece of lively decor!


3. DIY Cotton Stem Arrangement

What you need:

  • 2 cotton flower stems (Michael’s has them)
  • Seeded and silver dollar eucalyptus
  • Fresh pine
  • Vase
  • Floral wire

Arrange the eucalyptus bunches with your cotton stems, and secure with floral wire. Fill your vase with water, place your eucalyptus bunch in the vase, and scatter fresh pine around the arrangement until the vase is full. So simple!


4. DIY Candleholders

 What you need:

  • Clear glass bottles
  • Fresh pine, evergreen, and eucalyptus
  • Water
  • Tapered candlesticks

Snip 4 stems of your choice, big enough to fill the body of the bottle. Place one stem into each bottle, and carefully fill each bottle with water. Secure your candlesticks into the tops of the bottles, and you have yourself the easiest Christmas centrepiece!


5. DIY Twig Wreath

 What you need:

  • Twig wreath (I got mine from Michael’s)
  • Fresh eucalyptus
  • Assorted sprigs (also from Michael’s)
  • Burlap ribbon
  • Floral wire
  • Scissors

 Place your eucaluptus and sprigs where you want them. Snip some floral wire and wrap the sprigs and eucalyptus in place. If you’d like ribbon on your wreath, feel free to wrap some of that around the wreath too!

When you’ve got your desired look, hang your wreath with your burlap ribbon, and tie a bow to secure it. I always like to hang the wreath with a command hook behind it as well, just to help support the weight of the wreath, and to prevent it from falling down. 

Looking for more decor DIYs?! Not to worry - I’ve got a whole bunch coming your way!



Holiday Home Tour

Linnea A.


Well, we’re already halfway through November, and for some reason, everyone’s SO on the ball this year with getting into the Christmas spirit (hellooooo Hallmark movies), so to help inspire your holiday decor, here’s mine! And I included a TON of DIY’s this year - all so easy, but lovely nonetheless. I’ll be breaking down how I did each of them in a different post, because there are quite a few! Hope you love this year’s decor - it’s probably my favourite I’ve done thus far, and that’s saying a lot! Shout out to my bro for helping me shoot my space and for some of these amazing photos - it’s a lot easier when you’re not doing everything by yourself! Ready for the grand tour? Let’s go.



Bar Cart


Console Table


Living Room




Which vignette did you love the most? I love so many that I can’t choose. Happy decorating, hope you’re inspired!



Decor Inspo: Ett Hem Stockholm

Linnea A.


The first time I heard about Ett Hem, I was watching the Netflix documentary “Abstract: The Art of Design” back in February, and I absolutely fell in love. I knew I had to put this beautiful homey hotel on my bucket list, but I had no idea that I’d be able to cross it off just a few short months later.

Well, the universe works in mysterious ways, and Stockholm was added to my 2018 list just like that. So you better believe I planned a full day at Ett Hem, walking around the property, soaking in the scenery, inhaling all the different scents (their signature scent is amazing, sandlewood is my faaaaave), and appreciating every single design element and detail of each space. And that was the thing. Every single space was different. The overall feel to the space was welcoming, mature, traditional, and sophisticated, with a few pops of colour and unexpected quirks - just the way a home should be. Originally owned by Carl Larsson, the house was converted into a boutique hotel in 2012, designed by renowned interior designer Ilse Crawford. If you love Scandinavian design (and a mix of old and new) as much as I do, you’re in for a treat.


Without further ado, here’s a full look into my day at Ett Hem! Oh - and if you’re heading to Stockholm, make sure you eat in Ett Hem’s beautiful open kitchen, too. You’ll be treated exactly like house guests, served with a two-course, family style meal-of-the-day (yes, the menu changes everyday, just like a home). The price may be a little steep, but I promise you’ll thank me after you get there! One of the most memorable, healthy, fresh meals of my life!!!


Did you love it or did you love it?! What was your favourite room? Mine was definitely the greenhouse. House goals or what! Hope this tour inspired you as much as it did me.



Fall Living Room Tour

Linnea A.


If you follow me on Instagram (which you should be, if you’re not ;), chances are, you’ve seen photos of my living room. It’s my favourite space to photograph in my home, and when Dash is posing oh-so-nicely on the couch, how can I NOT take a photo? He’s basically begging me to. So you’ve likely already seen snippets of the room on my feed, but I’ve put off this before-and-after living room tour for far too long. Enough hiding this space from you - here it is in all its glory! And while Fall is still here, I hope you take some inspiration from some of the fall touches I’ve made. But you've been warned… the space will transform for the holidays in no time! Let’s take a peek inside while it’s still fall, shall we?


As you can see in the photos, this room was large and in charge, but the original paint colour didn’t do it justice. So I needed to paint the walls before I even moved in, and it made all the difference!


Next, I needed to plan out the space. What was the best way to arrange all of my furniture? Remember, I did have to downsize coming from my previous apartment, so I no longer had a “dining” space (nor did I really need one). So I decided to make two spaces: one for lounging, with my shelves in the background, and one for working, and displaying all the things I would in my office-I-no-longer-had.





Shop the space

Living Room

Liam Sectional | Solid Throw Pillow | Striped Throw Pillow | Coffee Table | Moroccan Pouf | Macrame | Plant Stand | Wool Throw Blanket | Braided Wool Rug | Chandelier (similar)

Console Table

White Lisa Desk | Ceramic Stool | Round Mirror | Black Papasan Chair | Vitruvi Stone Diffuser | Stoneware Pitcher

Bar Cart

Bar Cart (similar) | Gallery Wall Frames | Linnea’s Lights Reserve Candle | Candle Trio

If there’s anything you’re still looking for that I haven’t linked, just pop me a message and I’m happy to let you know! Hope you loved my living room reveal! Up next… Christmas!!


Fall Kitchen Staples

Linnea A.


Spending more time in the kitchen became one of my “must do” things after coming back from Sweden, especially after spending so much time in the warm, cozy homes of my loved ones and spending time with my cousins.

Their homes all had something special about them. You could tell that they all absolutely loved being at home, and that they all enjoyed spending time in their kitchens. The Scandinavian “hygge” lifestyle is no joke - it’s a real thing, and I try to embrace it as much as possible. If you’re not quite sure what a “hygge life” really means, to me, it means spending more time at home, living a slow, simple life, and appreciating the things you have, rather than searching for what you don’t. Also, it screams good, wholesome home cooked meals.


My twin cousins, who I hadn’t seen since they were 14 (which was waaaay too long ago) LOVE being in the kitchen and cooking - so much so that they cook for their girlfriends everyday. Needless to say they inspired me to spend more time at home, and start spending some quality time in the kitchen, cooking wholesome meals as much as possible. So that’s exactly what I’ve been doing! And to help make time in the kitchen as enjoyable as possible, here’s a look at some of my most loved items in my kitchen.


Currently Coveting: Linnea's Lights

Linnea A.


Where I live, my name is very unique… you definitely don’t hear it everyday unless you’re in Sweden. I was always the girl that was never able to find my name on ANY personalized souvenir, and whose name was more often than not pronounced incorrectly. So you can imagine how excited I was to stumble upon a beautiful candle company called Linnea’s Lights one rainy day in 2012. Needless to say, I’ve been a big fan of their scents ever since.

The company was actually named as a tribute to the founding family’s rich Swedish lineage - a tribute I obviously love! A nod to Sweden’s national flower (Linnaea Borealis), Linnea is the origin of the founder Lynn Manley’s first name; a name that has been part of her family for five generations. Could this company be any more perfect for me?! Not only do they have signature scents that I love (like Lavender and Cashmere, to be exact), but their new Reserve line smells even better than you can imagine, and their packaging is to die for. Each candle is hand-poured, and comes with its very own set of Linnea’s Lights matches - such a nice touch. Here are just a few of my favourites.


If you can’t already tell, I love candles. I scatter them everywhere in my home! If you’d be interested in a post about how to take care of your candles, let me know, and I’d be happy to share my tips.

What are some of your favourite fall scents? Leave them in the comments below!



DIY Succulent Pumpkin

Linnea A.


It’s officially Thanksgiving here in Canada, and what better way to celebrate than with a centrepiece DIY! I absolutely love fall and all that comes with it (including pumpkin spice and everything nice).  For this year’s Thanksgiving centrepiece, I decided to put two of my favourite things together and make a succulent pumpkin! Follow along for the process and end result :)


what you’ll need

  • Pumpkin or gourd of your choice

  • Various succulents

  • Knife

  • Big spoon or scoop

  • Marker or pen


let’s get to it​


1. Before you do anything, arrange your succulents the way you want them in your pumpkin. Based on the size of your succulents, draw the circle you’re going to cut into your pumpkin. 

​2. Carve the circle and pull the top off your pumpkin. Scoop out all the guts until your pumpkin is completely clean, then give it a good rinse.​


3. Now for the fun part! Take your biggest succulent out of its pot, and place it into the pumpkin in your desired spot. Repeat the process with all of your succulents until you achieve your desired arrangement. Wipe down the sides of your pumpkin, and voila! All set for turkey dinner.


I can’t express how thankful I am for everything and everyone in my life - I’m blessed beyond and I’m grateful for that everyday! Special thanks to you guys for reading and continuing to inspire me :)

Happy Thanksgiving loves!



Bathroom Goals

Linnea A.

As the smallest room in my apartment, I have a love-hate relationship with my bathroom. By no means is it a terrible bathroom, but a girl can (and will) dream of having that bathroom. Especially because I used to have quite the bathroom (it was seriously #bathroomgoals - RIP). With that being said, I've dreamed up a room that I absolutely love - and who knows, maybe a small renovation's in my future! With these finds, it's not as expensive as it looks, so I might as well dream it up. Here are a few elements I love, as well as where to find all the goods!

Gold Fixtures


Neutral Tones


Beachy Elements

IMG_2808-2 (1).jpg

Female Form Planter | Superlative Hand Soap | Round Black Mirror | Vintage Cream Rug | Rustic Blanket Ladder | Brushed Brass Faucet | White Subway Tile | Plush White Towels | White Vanity with Marble Countertop

If you're looking for some quick bathroom fixes to get your little room up to snuff, I highly recommend checking out both AmazonWayfair's selection of bathroom essentials! What's your favourite part of this dreamboard? Leave it in the comments below!



How to Organize Your Pantry

Linnea A.


Pantries are one of those places in your home that tend to get messy and cluttered, real fast. And because I'm someone who loves to have everything organized with its own place, an organized pantry brings me so much joy. So today, I'm sharing the final result of my organized pantry! And to help you organize yours, I've linked all of the containers and storage solutions I used below. Let's get to it.


Airtight Containers

To start your pantry, you're going to need containers to hold your dry goods, ideally of the same type so they can stack, and give an overall cohesive look. I absolutely love using airtight containers, because they keep everything fresh. And the fact that they're labeled and clear helps me see what I have stock of, what I'm low on, and what I use the most! I have containers that are easy to replace from my local supermarket, so if I happen to need another one in a specific size, I can always buy extra. I also love the fact that these containers are "reversible" because they’re identical from front to back, so if I run out of a certain product, but have another product I need to store, I can just clean out the container, put a new label on the other side, and voila! That way I don’t have to constantly wipe the white marker off.


Mason Jars

When the airtight containers are a little to big for what you need to store, mason jars work just as great! You can easily see what's inside of each jar, what you're running out of, and labelling them couldn't be easier. I love keeping all my smoothie items easily accessible and in close proximity to each other, because I use them pretty much everyday! I placed the other items that aren’t used frequently higher up the cabinet, and the layout has been working out great.


What to Store

As far as what you want to store in your pantry goes, think about the dry goods you use on a regular basis, and what products are easy to store in the clear containers. I’ve got everything from different types of flour and sugar, to gluten free pastas, cricket protein powder and all the superfood essentials! For everything that doesn’t fit in my pantry cabinet, I store it in my corner under-counter lazy Susan. That’s where I store all my nut butters, spice overflow, and other miscellaneous pantry items. 


Magnetic Spice Jars

A huge part of this transformation was transferring my spices into uniform magnetic jars that now live on my fridge. I have sooo many spices, and originally, I thought turn tables inside my pantry would work well for me, but noooo. I can't even count the amount of times my spices would fall off of them when I was looking for something, smashing onto my counter, glass and spices everywhere! And trust me, my friends can attest to this. My new magnetic spice jars are soo handy, and they look really good, too. I bought an amazing retro label maker, and the spices are now labelled to perfection, in all their retro glory.


Label Maker

Ok, now what makes my spice jars so damn special is definitely my label maker. Call me a crazy old lady but I am so obsessed with this thing, I can't stop labelling everything! I highly recommend investing in one of these bad boys, so your labels are all identical, and you can change what you store in each jar once it's finished, just rip the old label off! Eazy peazy lemon sqeezy.

Shop my pantry storage

Airtight Containers | Chalk Labels & PenMagnetic Spice Jars | Label Maker | Label Tape | Mason Jars 

 What would you like to see organized next? Let me know below! 



The Best Coffee Tables

Linnea A.


Coffee tables are one of the most important elements of a living room. Not only are they functional, but they ground the room, too! I've been asked a few times where I found my coffee table, and the answer is, it's from a warehouse sale a very long time ago, before I even knew I needed it! But if you're looking for a similar table, I've done my very best to round up some of my favourites for you below!


Orseline Coffee Table

And with that, I hope you’ll find the coffee table of your dreams! Happy shopping :)



Patio Reveal

Linnea A.


I promised a patio reveal in my patio moodboard post, and the time has finally come! I'm happy to say I've been enjoying spending these summer nights out on my patio, because the sun hits it right around the time that I get home - even after workout class! Again, with this space, I never quite felt like it was complete, and there are still a few things I want to change (like the coffee table and some planters) but for now, I’ve made my patio into an oasis that I can enjoy all summer long - glass of vino in hand.

The Before

When I moved in, the patio was bare to the bones (as it should be), and there was plenty of room for both a dining area and a lounge area, but I’m not one for sit down dinners, so I envisioned an extended living room, and that’s exactly what I transformed it into. 


 The After

 A little outdoor furniture, some plants, accessories and a whole lot of love later, here’s my work in process so far:


Sectional | Coffee Table | Ceramic Stool | Black Papasan Chair | Straw Pouf | Outdoor Rug | Throw Pillows | Solar Patio Lights | Plant Stand |

My favourite corner is probably the chair beside the plant stand - it’s such a cozy corner! I do have one more “chair” to install, so hopefully I’m able to do that before the summer ends! Until then, who wants to come over?! 



Summer Decor Picks

Linnea A.

summer decor.jpg

Wall Hook | Moon Lamp | Macrame | Adelita Throw Blanket | Rattan Chair | Greta Tray | Blanket Ladder | Muse Votive VesselSummer Tea CaddyWoven Belly Basket | Morrocan Pouf

We're in the heat of summer, so I can't help but gravitate toward light, airy neutrals and bohemian accents. There's something about easy, breezy fabrics and muted tones that immediately relaxes me and puts me at ease. I've been asked for a few decor suggestions recently, and I've come across some hidden gems, so why not share the love? Some of these finds surprised me - I couldn't believe the amazing prices! If you're looking for a home decor update, I highly recommend these picks.

I'll definitely start doing more round ups like this - maybe even one per room to help you navigate the online decor space and make it a little easier for you; just let me know what you want to see! Happy decorating!

