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A New Year of Intentions

Linnea A.


As we transition into a new year with a fresh perspective and appreciation of the year prior, I can’t help but think about all the endless opportunities and possibilities this new year will bring. To start the year off right, I’d like to share some of my intentions with you, put them out into the universe, and potentially help you find yours. Here we go!

1. Share more. I’ve been encouraged to share more of my life, more of my real thoughts, rather than just my interiors, so that’s what I intend to do. I want to be as authentic as possible on here, so if sharing more of my personality and what’s really going on in my life can do that, let’s do it!

2. Start the day earlier. This is a tough one for me, because I’m not a morning person, and I struggle waking up if it’s pitch black out. I looove waking up to natural sunlight. But where I live, that only happens a few months out of the year, so I’m making an effort to wake up earlier, and in turn, go to bed earlier. I’m going to try to do 2 morning workouts a week (in addition to my evening ones), and hopefully see a difference in my productivity and energy!

3. Start meditating. As a frequent yogi, meditating isn’t far fetched for me, but I’d like to start making time for it. I hope to create a new morning routine that incorporates meditation (along with gratitude) to start my day off on the right foot.

4. Listen to the body. I did pretty well with this last year, but I want to continue listening to what my body is telling me. I also want to start lifting more weights and mix up my workouts. I used to love lifting weights, so I’m excited to get back into it.

5. Let the soul sing. This one might be a little woowoo for some people to understand, but it’s pretty obvious that people often ignore what their soul is trying to tell them. Friendship not working out? Cool, maybe it’s not the right one for you right now. Job is draining you? No worries, find something that doesn’t. Not happy in your relationship? Maybe it’s not meant to be. Is your home stressing you out? Ok, maybe it’s time to KonMari your entire place. It’s times that we cut out the noise, ignore the excuses, and listen to what our soul is trying to tell us that we find the right path.

6. Challenge yourself. The first few months of my year will be busy to say the least. Longer work hours, school, the blog, and making time for my dog, fitness, my well-being, family and friends is a lot to juggle, but I’m up for the challenge. I’ve created a schedule that I think will set me up for success, so I’m excited for the challenge, and can’t wait to start learning.

7.  Be more present, especially with the ones I love. Even though this blog requires tons of screen time and social media attention, I want to make an effort to be more present, whether that’s with loved ones, having dinner with friends, or exploring a new place, I want to continue living in the now. It’s so important to remember that this is the main event. We aren’t living in some limbo mode just because our life isn’t where we thought it would be. So live like it’s the main event! Don’t waste your time thinking what if, maybe later, it’s not the right time... because wake up! There is no better time than now.

8. Enjoy what you have. As we head into the new year, I want to start enjoying everything I have, and spending way less. I regularly practice the KonMari method in my home (and omg the show is so relaxing - she’s killin it), and it’s made me realize that I really do have everything I need. I shouldn’t be spending money on material items, because I don’t need them. So I’ll be focusing on enjoying the simple things I have, releasing what I don’t love, and living more of a simple life.  

9. Laugh everyday. Once my Farfar passed away, I realized just how much he made me laugh. I have certain friends that I literally have stomach cramps from being with all night because I’ve been laughing so hard, and I honestly believe that laughter really is the best medicine! Even on days that I’m laying low, I want to be able to laugh at least once that day. And if that means cracking jokes in the mirror, then that’s what I’ll do lollll.

10. Go out less. As I’ve got older, going out has become way less important to me. And when my friends have similar mindsets and lifestyles to mine, we honestly don’t find a need to go out or drink our faces off. Instead, we catch up on life, have deep convos, watch movies, cook meals, and just enjoy each others’ company. As weird as it sounds, I’m actually looking forward to drinking less, staying in more, enjoying dinner parties and living the hygge life.

11. Get active outside. As active as I was last year, I wish I got outside more. That’s an intention I’d like to set this year - embracing the fresh air, more hikes, more runs, longer walks with Dash, and maybe even a few bike rides.

12. Accept that this is where you’re supposed to be. Even though I never imagined being where I am today, I’m exactly where I need to be. I’m starting a new journey, expanding my knowledge about something I love, and so stoked for what’s to come.

I’m sure this list will grow and evolve as the year progresses, but it’s a great starting point. Let me know if any of these intentions resonated with you. I’d love to hear yours too! 



January Moodboard

Linnea A.


Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all enjoyed quality time with your loved ones over the holidays - I know I did! This month, I’m starting 2019 with a clean, organized, purged home... and it feels amazing! It’s already setting the tone for 2019 with a fresh mindset, and I’m feeling inspired to live more of a simple life. If you can’t already tell, my decor palette is leaning toward lots of white, black, neutrals, and lots of fresh greenery. I’m feeling ready to challenge myself at school, create new routines, lay low and focus, and nourish my body with loads of whole foods post-holiday. Curious about my 2019 intentions? I’ll be sharing those very soon! Happy 2019, all the best to you and yours!



2018 Recap

Linnea A.

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2018, you were definitely one for the books. There were a ton of ups and downs, but the amount of invaluable time I got to spend with my friends and family makes everything worth it, and without the downs, there are no ups. Here are a few of the highlights from the year…

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I took the plunge and finally started this blog, which has been on my mind for years. It’s been amazing to collaborate with some of my favourite brands, to share all the things I love, and to stretch my passion for interiors that much more. It’s easy to listen to the little voice in your head that’s worried about what other people will think, who will even take the time to read the posts, who will judge you, blah blah blah… but at the end of the day, WHO FLIPPIN’ CARES. This blog has been a passion project of mine, and continues to be such a joy for me to inspire all of you, as long as you’re still interested in seeing/reading my content! That’s all that really matters.

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I took travel extremely seriously this year, and I was fortunate enough to return to some of my favourite places, all while knocking multiple bucket list trips off my list! I went to New York (bucket list!), Toronto (still want to move there for a bit), Mexico, Milan, Paris (bucket list!) and Sweden (my fave), all while reuniting with so many amazing faces - my BFFs, friends of friends, and all my beloved family in Sweden. Travelling continues to be one of my favourite hobbies, and always will be. But one thing I know for sure? I LOVE being on my own schedule and travelling alone :)

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For about a year and a half, I’ve been part of a book club. It’s by far one of my favourite things in my life, and I look forward to our meeting every single month. I’m so so grateful to have these people (and babies) in my life. We read one book a month (which we vote on at the previous book club), and each contribute a food item to the dinner party based on the theme/setting of the book (we’ve got some serious chefs, so this is my favourite part). We then discuss the book over food and wine (lots and lots of wine), rate it, and choose another one all over again. These guys are amazing people, and I seriously hope the tradition lives on.

I started listening to podcasts, and they have changed my entire perspective on life. I find them so helpful, and such an easy, productive way to spend your time, rather than listening to music you always listen to. If you’re not listening to motivating, positive, educational podcasts while you’re walking, driving, cooking, working, reflecting, diffusing, whatever, start right now. I listed some of my faves here. You’ll thank me later.

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I continued making time for my health and wellness. My active lifestyle continued to be that: a lifestyle, which is exactly what the goal was. I still go to hot fitness classes at least 3-4 times a week, cut out pretty much all gluten and dairy, and thoroughly relied on so many incredible superfoods to nourish my body. I also started cooking and entertaining 840932840 times more, rather than going out... the hygge life is here to stay! I may not have much of a social life in 2019, but you better believe I’ll still be raining buckets on my yoga mat.


I changed my mindset, and embraced all the pain/heartache/change/hilarious situations/obstacles that came my way. That’s where growth stems from, and you have to go through various uncomfortable stages in order to develop and evolve as a person. I started to take my mental health seriously, regularly found daily gratitude, and attended various events to connect with the soul. I realized that truth and brutal honesty is the best policy, even if it hurts sometimes, and even if people aren’t ready to hear it. I also learned that the people you surround yourself with have a major influence on you, your potential, and your mindset. In saying that, surrounding myself with people who are honest, just as willing to grow and evolve as I am (maybe even more so), and focused on their goals are the people I need by my side to motivate me, encourage me, and reach as high as I possibly can. Those resistant to growth will only hinder your own growth, because mindset is 100% contagious.


My family and I surprised the hell out of my mom for her birthday, because experiences and memories are the best presents ever. She isn’t really a “gift” person, so I knew a party that she wasn’t expecting would be the best gift of all. And boy was it ever. She had no idea, and her friends from all walks of life were there to surprise her - some of whom she hadn’t seen in years! It was pretty epic… but now I owe her a dinner at Pepino’s, cuz that’s where she thought she was going :D


I met so many incredible people this year, who I believe have each taught me something different, even when it comes to myself. I’ve taken time to reflect on my life and love it as-is (just like the IKEA section, imperfections and all), but I’ve also been striving to live the life I want to live, because it’s also become pretty evident that life can literally be taken from you in a heartbeat. No day is really ever guaranteed. And if you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it. Which brings me to my next highlight…

I couldn’t strap down my passion any longer, so I’m going back to school, starting this month!! I’m beyond grateful for all the experiences and people I’ve met thus far in my marketing & pr career, but I’d be lying if I said I never think back on that time I attended an Interior Design Degree orientation in senior year, only to find out they wanted a portfolio worth of 5 years of my artwork and sketches to apply, and chickening out thinking that I didn’t have enough talent to take the plunge. But after being in Sweden this year and seeing all the incredible spaces I could be creating, I was sure. I knew I had to make it happen. It’s all coming full circle, my friends. It’s now or never.

All in all, it was an incredible year. I’m grateful for every memory made, every person I met, every soul I inspired, and every lesson I learned. Thank you for everything, 2018!



Homemade Hot Mocha

Linnea A.


Homemade hot chocolate has always been a favourite treat of mine that both my dad and grandma are famous for making, and I love it especially during the holidays. But you know what makes it even better? Having it in the morning with a beautiful shot of caffeine mixed in. So. Damn. Good. Here’s my vegan twist on their old fashioned hot chocolate!


  • 1 tsp coconut palm sugar (or sugar of your choice)

  • 1.5 tsp cocoa

  • 1 nespresso pod (small shot) 

  • Almond milk, frothed




1. Mix the sugar and cocoa together. Add a splash of almond milk, and form a paste with the mixture.

2. Once throroughly mixed, add your espresso shot to the paste, and stir until completely dissolved. In the meantime, froth your almond milk!

3. Top your chocolatey-espresso mixture with your frothed milk, garnish with your favourite marshmallows, and you’re set! Feels like a warm hug from Grandma, doesn’t it?!



How to Set a Christmas Table

Linnea A.


As my very first Christmas Eve that I’ll be hosting in this apartment, I wanted to make sure my Christmas tablescape was extra special, to ensure everyone has a good time, and they ENJOY Christmas as much as possible. Ironically, I used to hate when my mom asked me to “set the table” for dinner, but I LOVE the sh*t out of table setting now! It’s also important to note that I don’t have a dining table - or a dining area, to be honest. So how did I pull off this Christmas tablescape? Well, I improvised, that’s how! I kept my theme very simple - earthy, Scandinavian decor, with a few touches of rustic, cabin vibes to keep it warm and cozy. And I’m not one to spend big bucks on things I’m only going to use a few times a year, but I’m here to tell you that if you follow these simple tips, you’ll have a perfectly laid out table setting in no time (even if you don’t actually have a real “dining” area).


1. Folding furniture is your best friend

Yes, I said it! Folding. Furniture. Welcome to the world of condo living at its finest. I use folding furniture for ALL of my dinner parties. I have a big folding table that I keep in my storage locker, and I have 4 folding chairs from Ikea that I keep in my storage box on my patio. Once I put the table cloth over the table, and some faux fur or blankets over the chairs, you’d never even know it’s plastic underneath. If I have extra guests, I add the extra stools and seats I have around my home year-round!


2. Layer, layer, layer

A well laid table has tons of depth and different textures going on at once. I always make sure to set the table with either a round placemat or a charger, to act as the foundation for everyone’s place setting. Chargers can set the tone and mood of your tablescape, and make your dinnerware look completely different! I also layered some fresh rosemary wreaths for a pop of colour and a fresh holiday touch to the overall look.


3. Mix and match

Let’s be real - unless you’re Jillian Harris (who I used to work for - miss you mucho Jilly!) or a prop stylist, no one has matching dinnerware, glassware or serveware for the exact amount of people you’re hosting - especially if it’s a large dinner. The beauty in setting a table is that it doesn’t have to match! Playing with different heights in glassware, and mixing flatware and dinnerware all adds to a unique table setting for each guest.


4. Add warmth with texture

Think linen tablecloths, wooden chargers, twine, pine cones, or anything with a cozy texture to add some warmth to set the scene. I didn’t add much colour, so I needed to add warmth with hints of wood, creams, greenery and twine.


5. Light it up

It wouldn’t be a Scandinavian Christmas dinner without candlesticks! Growing up, my Farmor always had real candles lit all around her home, even though she has a crazy cat that likes to show off and dance around all the flames lol. So I’ve always been a big fan of candles, because they remind me of Sweden, and Christmas in general! You better believe I stacked my table with as many candles as possible. It also helps to have a cozy playlist going in the background that puts everyone at ease.


And that’s pretty much it! You’re well on your way to hosting a Christmas dinner that your loved ones are SURE to enjoy! Happy holidays, all!



Top 5 Meal Kit Delivery Services

Linnea A.


As someone who loves meal prepping, meal kit delivery services have always been of interest to me. I’ve used them on and off for a while now, but with so many new ones popping up, how can you decide which one’s the best?! Well, I’ve navigated the space for you, and have broken down the pro’s, con’s, and price of each service. Let’s get to it!


1. Fresh Prep

As the first meal prep delivery service I ever tried, I didn’t know what to expect with Fresh Prep. I actually collaborated with them few times, so I’ve been able to try quite a few recipes of theirs - I’ve even served meals to my book club thanks to Fresh Prep! For the most part, the recipes are all simple and tasty, so if you’re new to cooking, this would be the kit for you. But if you’re a little more creative in the kitchen, these recipes are pretty easy peasy, so you might be a little bored with the selection.



  • Very reasonably priced: $10.33/serving (For 3 meals with 2 servings each, it’s $40 for your first box, and $62 after that)

  • They’re local, and sometimes collaborate with local Vancouver businesses to switch up their menus and feature different ingredients

  • The meals come in a reusable cooler bag, and you can choose a time frame (even a Sunday!) for delivery


  • I can’t stand their recipe sheets - they’re flimsy pieces of paper that easily get damaged and wrinkled from the moisture of the produce; hard to reuse

  • Recipes are a little bland/boring for my liking; I prefer more out-of-the-box/can’t-create-that-in-my-head type recipes


2. Good Food

As a Canadian company, Good Food appealed to me because their marketing is very strong, and their recipes are top notch. You’re basically eating an impressive meal at a restaurant, rather than a simple meal at home. This box definitely had some of my favourite recipes, including a Ricotta Rigatoni with Roasted Beets and a Bolognese that was to die.



  • Canadian

  • The produce comes in an insulated cardboard box, and all the produce you need in clear plastic bags, with an icepack inside the box to keep everything cool. They even give you reusable tubs/containers that you can use for travelling! Very beautifully packaged.

  • You receive gorgeous printed reusable recipe cards on glossy cardstock

  • The best “chef-inspired” recipes out of the bunch, including an incredible fresh tagliatelle


  • A tad bit on the pricier side: $12.33/serving (For 3 meals with 2 servings each, it’s $44.40 for your first box, and $74 after that)

  • You have to cut/chop your own produce, so if you don’t have time to chop/dice, this may not be the box for you

  • Can’t choose a specific time frame for delivery


 3. Chef’s Plate

My experience with Chef’s Plate was great. I loved all the meals, and it was pretty much identical to Hello Fresh, but a little bit cheaper. The Golden Curry with Quinoa was so delicious, as was the Maple Dijon Salmon - yum!


  • Canada’s #1 meal kit delivery service

  • Reasonably priced: $9.99-12.00/serving (Depending on the meals you choose, for 3 meals with 2 servings each, it was $36.85 for my first box, and $71.78 after that)

  • The produce comes pre-chopped/diced in an insulated cardboard box, and all the produce comes in paper bags, with an icepack inside the box to keep everything cool

  • You receive beautifully printed reusable recipe cards on glossy cardstock


  • Very long delivery window, with no option to shrink the time frame


4. Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh is the most popular of the bunch, being America’s #1 meal kit delivery service at the moment (but yes, it’s American). I’ve heard TONS of Youtubers rave about it, so once it came to Vancouver, I knew I had to give it a try. But it’s definitely hit and miss.


  • The produce comes pre-chopped/diced in an insulated cardboard box, and all the produce you need comes in paper bags, with an icepack inside the box to keep everything cool.

  • You receive beautifully printed reusable recipe cards on glossy cardstock

  • The Retro Burger that I tried was amaaazing, and so easy to make. I’d definitely remake the recipe again - it was that good


  • Tad bit pricier: $12.50/serving (For 3 meals with 2 servings each, it’s $34.00 for your first box, and $74.99 after that)

  • Few to no emails to remind you to choose your meals, or warn you that a box is coming, so you need to stay on top of your subscription

  • I experienced a bad batch of sour gnocci that was imported from Italy, despite a 2019 expiry date. I literally had to pick out my gnocci from my sauce and boil different noodles to eat my meal. But they credited my account right away, so their Customer Service is pretty good.


5. Miss Fresh

Last, and definitely least is Miss Fresh. I wasn’t too impressed with the recipes, and well, the cons can speak for themselves lol.


  • Reasonably priced: $10.99/serving (For 3 meals with 2 servings each, it was $34.50 for my first box, and $65.94 after that)


  • You have to chop/measure your ingredients out

  • The box arrived with a cracked container inside, so my diced tomatoes were all over everything! Luckily, their customer service team took care of my box because of the mishap

  • The recipe sheets are flimsy and not necessarily reusable

  • The box is shipped all the way from Calgary, which totally defeats the purpose of buying a meal kit

And that concludes my adventures with meal kit deliveries! Overall, I’d say my favourite has to be Good Food (followed by Chef’s Plate), because the meals and recipes they create are things you’d never cook for yourself; they’re sooo tasty! Have you guys tried any of these? What were your faves?! Leave them in the comments below!



Holiday Gift Guide 2.0

Linnea A.


We’re approaching Christmas with the speed of light, and the presents are slowly piling up under the tree. Although I’m still waiting for a ton of shipments to arrive (thanks to you, Canada Post!!! ugh), I’m officially almost finished with prezzies this year, thanks to my first holiday gift guide! To help you get ready for your celebrations, I’m guiding you through the best of the best from my favourite stores – whether you want to keep them for yourself or not is up to you ;)


There’s nothing quite like starting 2019 with a fresh mindset and a new strategy to get shit doneeeee. I highly recommend both the Bullet Journal for productivity, and the Five Minute Journal for daily gratitude and reflection. It is sooo important to take a moment to yourself, step back, and appreciate everything in your life!


Yes, our world is getting lazy, and we have a service or gadget for everything! But, the Ring Doorbell is pretty cool, and my Dad want's it, so… here ya go!


As someone who absolutely loves baths, this has been on my list for a while. This bath caddy makes baths so much easier - a spot for your book, candle, and vino too! And don’t forget your Turkish towel.


2019 will be the year of healthy living, right? Right. Treat your besties (or yourself) to this adorable lunch tote, or better yet, pick up a Corkcicle Canteen to encourage an endless supply of cold H2O throughout the day. Need new workout gear to get motivated? Don’t fret; RYU has marked-down sets, like this Tech Tank and Cardio Pants Bundle.


I don’t know about you, but 2019 will be extremely busy for me. I’ll be juggling multiple things at once (like I’m not already), so this Monthly Planner will definitely keep me organized. It will help evaluate monthly goals, budgets, priorities, to do’s, and everything in between.


It isn’t Christmas unless there’s Le Creuset involved, am I right?! Because let’s face it, who wouldn’t love matching Salt & Pepper Mills or a beautiful Dutch Oven.


During these colder months, this Lancer Lip Enhancing Serum is the best for plumping those bad boys while keeping them hydrated. Also, anything from Glossier is sure to make your girlfriends smile, especially Cloud Paint or Boy Brow.


I’ve definitely been feeling the Bali vibes lately… I’m missing that beautiful place so much! To help remind me of why I love it so much, I’ve found the best Balinese home decor, including this Balinese Vase, Woven Wall Basket (how beautiful is this!) and this gorgeous Balinese Cutting Board Set for that hostess with the mostest.


You guys… the ever so sought after Leather Marshall Speaker is literally $126.00 (39%) OFF TODAY! Yes, that’s under $200 for this speaker!! I’ve never seen this price ever before, so GO GRAB THAT BAD BOY before it sells out. Another good find are these wireless headphones, because who wants to spend money on Air Pods. You’re welcome :)

Here are a few more ideas…


Cranberry Rosé Fizz Cocktails

Linnea A.


Good morning, happy Tuesday! Coming at you with a festive cranberry rosé fizz cocktail! It’s the perfect bevvy to serve at your holiday parties,  with a “splash” of cran and just a dash of H2O in there to give you some extra hydration (because let’s face it, we all need more of that)! Let’s get to the recipe.



Yield: 2 servings

  • 2 tbsp cranberry sauce  

  • 8 oz. rosé

  • Sparkling water

  • Ice cubes

  • Frozen cranberries

  • Rosemary sprigs



In a shaker, add the cranberry sauce, rosé and ice cubes, and give the mixture a vigorous shake.

Strain the mixture evenly between your glasses, and top each glass with sparkling water to give the cocktail a little fizz.

To chill the cocktail, garnish your drink with frozen cranberries, and some fresh rosemary for a festive touch.


Hope you love this recipe as much as I do! Let me know if you try it; I’d love to see your creations. Happy holiday party-ing!



Neutral Christmas Decor

Linnea A.


Christmas decor has always been a favourite of mine since I was a little girl. My Grandma’s Swedish Christmas decorations and trinkets are some of my fondest memories of Christmas, playing with all her Tomte (Christmas gnomes), Julbocks (straw goats), and staring at all her candles and lanterns in awe. But one of the main reasons I love Scandinavian decor the most?  It never goes out of style. And this holiday, I’ve scattered neural, woodland inspired holiday decor all around my home. Looking to get inspired and achieve a similar look? Here are a few of my favourite things to set you up for that cozy hygge life:


| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |

Happy decorating!



DIY Floral Backdrop

Linnea A.


I promised you I’d walk you through how I made the floral backdrop for my Mom’s dessert table, so here it is! I scoured the internet for inspo photos, and once I saw hanging flowers, I knew that was it! But because I rented my party room that didn’t have white/blank walls, I had to be pretty creative as to how I would hang my garland (I’d highly recommend finding a blank white wall to make it easier lol). Curious how I did it? Spilling all the tea below!


What you need:

  • White opaque shower curtain (Dollar store, obvs)

  • 2 sheer curtain panels (or 1 large one)

  • 3 command strip hooks

  • Double-sided tape

  • Faux ivy garland

  • Fishing line

  • Scissors

  • Fresh flowers

  • Twinkle lights


How to do it:

  1. Start by measuring out how wide you’d like your backdrop to be. It should ideally be as wide as your shower curtain, which will act as a blank canvas for your backdrop. Once you’ve measured it out, stick the command hooks on the two outside corners. Next, stick 1-2 in the middle, depending on how heavy you anticipate your garland will be. I only used 3 hooks for mine.

  2. Hang your shower curtain on the appropriate hooks, then layer your sheer curtains over top. To do this, I poked holes through the top of the panels, hooked them onto the command hooks, and used a little bit of double-sided tape wherever the curtains needed extra hold. Once you have your desired backdrop, it’s time to get creative!

  3. Hang your faux ivy garland on the hooks. Measure out long strings of fishing line, and tie them sporadically along the top of the garland, wherever you’d like your flowers to hang.

  4. Snip your favourite flowers about an inch away from the bud, and start tying the flowers onto the fishing line, using the bud leaves to catch the fishing line. I started with alternating pink and white carnations, and added roses on every other strand as I went.

  5. Lastly, string your twinkle lights up and over your hooks and along the backdrop. Et voila, your magical floral backdrop is complete!

Be sure to tag me in your posts if you try this DIY out! I’d love to see your creations :)



December Moodboard

Linnea A.


November, how to find the words! From party after party to secretly getting back into event planning mode for my mom’s surprise bash (which seriously made me realize that lying really isn’t my thing), it was a pretty epic month! I also forgot how much I loooove planning events. It was always one of my favourite parts of PR.

But I’m very ready to slow things down a notch, settle into December, and let the quality time with my friends and family sink in. I’ll be hosting Christmas Eve for my family this year, so you better believe I’m going all out with the tablescape. As the first Christmas without my Farfar, it will be difficult, because he was always the life of the party at Christmas dinner, but we’ll have a great time nonetheless. And then there’s that other awkward reason that could easily make this time of the year a little depressing. Maybe some would let that experience put a damper on Christmas (like Jesse Metcalfe (who’s still my #1 crush btw) in Christmas Next Door lol), but I’ve removed it from my memory entirely. Plus, who loves a grinch anyway?! And how can I not be stoked when some of my nearest and dearest are all returning home for the holidays? I obviously cannot WAIT to see their beautiful faces. You’ll likely see a face or two on the gram when they arrive :) Happy holidays, all!



How to Create a Dessert Table

Linnea A.


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been secretly planning my mama’s surprise 60th, which went off without a hitch, and she was absolutely floored! She loved it all, and had absolutely no idea. But the showstopper of the entire event definitely had to be the dessert table, which was my goal. HUGE thanks to my aunt for helping me set it up, and contributing so many delicious sweets along with my Grandma! Wondering how I created this bad boy?! Keep on reading, and I’ll share all my tips & deets!


1. Pick a colour scheme. What’s the celebrant’s favourite colour? Do they have any favourite flowers or greens? This will help determine the colours you’ll be using throughout your entire event. Pick this first, then you can figure out the balloons and other decor to correspond and compliment the floral/dessert colour way later.


2. Gather your inspo. After you’ve skimmed through Pinterest and Instagram, what’s the reoccurring theme in your inspo photos? Are there similar treats or flowers in every photo? Put all your photos into a collage, so you’ve created yourself a moodboard that you can easily share with the baker, florist, and all the decorators lending a helping hand! It’s key to ensure everyone’s on the same page with your vision.


3. Shop your home. As someone who loves decor and entertaining (and the daughter of someone who loves it just as much), I had LOTS of inventory to work with, so I had to be resourceful. We have cake stands and platters up the ying yang, so it was just a matter of me gathering my favourites together (without her noticing anything was missing from her house), shopping my own home for all my marble slabs, cutting boards, lanterns and vases, and putting them all together. I also used jewelry boxes and dishes for the table, and I had some wooden stumps lying around (originally sourced for an event that never happened *cough* LOL), so I kindly asked my Dad if he could cut them into wood rounds for the dessert table. And he KILLED IT. I scattered the wooden rounds throughout the room, and they elevated the look of the whole event!


4. Choose a focal point. What’s gonna make your table stand out? Will you have a balloon garland along the top, a hanging sign in the middle, or a full backdrop? I decided to create a full DIY floral backdrop. This took a lot of thought as to how I would hang everything because I couldn’t put any holes in the wall, but it all worked out perfectly. I’ll definitely break down how I made my floral backdrop in another post!


5. Sketch out your table. This way, you’ll figure out what you’re missing, and what you still need to do. I had a running list week after week of what I needed to accomplish before the big day. The sketch also helped tremendously when I was setting everything up. It’s easy to forget the vision in your head when you’re overwhelmed with to do’s, but if you draw it out beforehand, you’ll be able to show the others helping you what you’re going for, and it makes your life a whole lot easier!


6. Pick your desserts. Based on your inspo photos and your sketches, you’ll get a good idea of how much dessert you need to fill the table, and what to ask for if people offer to bring/bake something. I knew a big cake was a must, but what about everything else? My Grandma is an incredible baker, so she made 3 types of cookies, and 2 different cakes. I also made Lavender cupcakes, we had hand-painted macarons, intricately designed cake pops, and bite-sized Food for the Gods. Let’s just say we had NO SHORTAGE of dessert.


7. Eucalypus and twinkle lights. Period. My best tip for any party is to buy a whole bunch of silver dollar and seeded eucalyptus, and scatter it throughout the room. I put it all along the food table, mantle, dessert table, and made all the floral arrangements with tons of eucalyptus. In addition, I gathered all the twinkle lights I own, and scattered them all throughout the dessert table, inside of glass lanterns, and wove them along the cake stands. It adds such a magical touch!


8. Make your own floral arrangements. Nobody knows your colour scheme like you do, or your vision, for that matter. Floral arrangements are actually a lot easier than you think, so my advice is to buy a whole bunch of greens and flowers in your colour scheme, then break them apart and make your own arrangements to suit the vases you have on hand. Not only is this cheaper, but it looks so much better, and you’ll also feel better, knowing you made them all!

Hopefully this helps you out the next time you have to plan a party and want to create a show-stopping dessert table! If you have any questions about where I got certain things, or want more tips, feel free to email me, DM me on IG, or leave a comment below! Always happy to share. <3



Black Friday Must Haves

Linnea A.


If you know me, you know I’m an avid shopper (ok, more like shopaholic)… but more than anything, I’m a SALE shopper - always will be. Thanks for that, momma. And with Black Friday just a day away, here’s a shopping guide for all my favourite stores in one place! It only makes sense to take advantage of these deals and cross people off your Christmas list early, am I right?! Ready, set, shop till you drop!

Mejuri - As Mejuri’s ONLY sale of the year, it doesn’t get better than this! And yes, the pieces are all as high quality as they look. All of my Mejuri pieces have stood the test of time! Get 10% off one, 15% off two or 20% off three or more pieces from November 23-26th by shopping with my link: crew.mejuri.com/Linnea

Everlane - Shop and make a difference at the same time. For every order made on Black Friday, Everlane will donate $13 to Surfrider to fund clean up 19,000 pound of plastic from beaches across the country. Every $13 gets one pound of trash off the beach.

Lulu & Georgia - Get 25% off everything using promo code BESTEVER.

Lulu's - Get 25-90% off on Black Friday using promo code BF25.

Amazon - In case I needed to remind you, Amazon has Black Friday deals all week long! Keep your eyes peeled for home appliances and gadgets especially - you never know when they’ll go down in price!

Glossier - Again, their ONLY sale of the year, so time to stock up!! Get 20% off everything from November 23-26th. I repeat - EVERYTHING. Time to stock up, girlfriends!

Yes Style - Korean skincare, fashion and accessories at the BEST prices possible. Get an extra 15% off using promo code 2018BLACKFRI.

Nordstrom Rack - From now until the 26th, Nordstrom Rack has their best deals of the year, with new deals every 24 hours. Starting today, take an extra 30% off your order!

Magnolia - Spend $75, get $15 off with thanks15, spend $150, get $50 off with thanks50, or spend $300, get $100 off with code thanks100.

McGee & Co. - Get 20% off your entire purchase with promo code THANKYOU until November 26th.

Serena & Lily - Get 20% off your entire purchase with promo code GATHER.

Vitruvi - Get 30% off all oils and diffusers starting at 9PM on November 22nd.

DECIEM - Get up to 60% almost all items from now until November 26, until supplies last. That’s $6.00 for my coveted Ordinary Buffet serum!!

Urban Outfitters - Buy one, get one 50% off the lower priced item, in store and online.

Aritzia - Up to 50% select styles in store and online.

EyeBuyDirect - Buy one, get one free all glasses using promo code GOBOGO.

H&M - Get 30% off everything on November 23 in store and 15% off November 23-26th online.

ZARA - They NEVER tell you what the sale will be, but if it’s anything like last year, it will be 30% off selected items on November 23 in store and online.

TOPSHOP - Get up to 60% off in stores and online. Get 20% off regular priced items on November 23 in store.

The Cross Decor & Design - To celebrate 15 years in business (my how the time has flown), The Cross is giving customers 20% off their entire purchase on November 22, in store only.

CB2 - 15% off full price items until November 26th.

Native - Get $10 off $30 or more with promo code BLACK.

Minted - From now through Friday, Minted is offering 20% off holiday cards and gifts over $150+ along with 15% off everything with code BF2018!  

To make holiday shopping a little easier for you, here are some of my Black Friday must haves!


5 Fresh Holiday Decor DIYs

Linnea A.

  1. DIY “Fresh” Ornaments

What you need:

  • Set of clear ornaments, medium sized
  • Fresh greens (eucalyptus, evergreen, pine) 

Remove the caps of your clear ornaments, and fill them with your favourite greenery. I filled mine with pine, evergreen and eucaluptus, then mixed them up with other ornaments and pinecones, some twinkle lights, and a dome, and I was set!


2. DIY Pine “Tree”

What you need:

  • Vintage pot
  • Wet flower foam
  • Fresh pine
  • Scissors
  • Mini ornaments  

Fill your favourite pot with wet flower foam (soaked so the pine stays fresh), snip some pine twigs, and arrange them in the foam as you see fit. Scatter the arrangement with some mini ornaments, and voila, another piece of lively decor!


3. DIY Cotton Stem Arrangement

What you need:

  • 2 cotton flower stems (Michael’s has them)
  • Seeded and silver dollar eucalyptus
  • Fresh pine
  • Vase
  • Floral wire

Arrange the eucalyptus bunches with your cotton stems, and secure with floral wire. Fill your vase with water, place your eucalyptus bunch in the vase, and scatter fresh pine around the arrangement until the vase is full. So simple!


4. DIY Candleholders

 What you need:

  • Clear glass bottles
  • Fresh pine, evergreen, and eucalyptus
  • Water
  • Tapered candlesticks

Snip 4 stems of your choice, big enough to fill the body of the bottle. Place one stem into each bottle, and carefully fill each bottle with water. Secure your candlesticks into the tops of the bottles, and you have yourself the easiest Christmas centrepiece!


5. DIY Twig Wreath

 What you need:

  • Twig wreath (I got mine from Michael’s)
  • Fresh eucalyptus
  • Assorted sprigs (also from Michael’s)
  • Burlap ribbon
  • Floral wire
  • Scissors

 Place your eucaluptus and sprigs where you want them. Snip some floral wire and wrap the sprigs and eucalyptus in place. If you’d like ribbon on your wreath, feel free to wrap some of that around the wreath too!

When you’ve got your desired look, hang your wreath with your burlap ribbon, and tie a bow to secure it. I always like to hang the wreath with a command hook behind it as well, just to help support the weight of the wreath, and to prevent it from falling down. 

Looking for more decor DIYs?! Not to worry - I’ve got a whole bunch coming your way!



Holiday Home Tour

Linnea A.


Well, we’re already halfway through November, and for some reason, everyone’s SO on the ball this year with getting into the Christmas spirit (hellooooo Hallmark movies), so to help inspire your holiday decor, here’s mine! And I included a TON of DIY’s this year - all so easy, but lovely nonetheless. I’ll be breaking down how I did each of them in a different post, because there are quite a few! Hope you love this year’s decor - it’s probably my favourite I’ve done thus far, and that’s saying a lot! Shout out to my bro for helping me shoot my space and for some of these amazing photos - it’s a lot easier when you’re not doing everything by yourself! Ready for the grand tour? Let’s go.



Bar Cart


Console Table


Living Room




Which vignette did you love the most? I love so many that I can’t choose. Happy decorating, hope you’re inspired!



Decor Inspo: Ett Hem Stockholm

Linnea A.


The first time I heard about Ett Hem, I was watching the Netflix documentary “Abstract: The Art of Design” back in February, and I absolutely fell in love. I knew I had to put this beautiful homey hotel on my bucket list, but I had no idea that I’d be able to cross it off just a few short months later.

Well, the universe works in mysterious ways, and Stockholm was added to my 2018 list just like that. So you better believe I planned a full day at Ett Hem, walking around the property, soaking in the scenery, inhaling all the different scents (their signature scent is amazing, sandlewood is my faaaaave), and appreciating every single design element and detail of each space. And that was the thing. Every single space was different. The overall feel to the space was welcoming, mature, traditional, and sophisticated, with a few pops of colour and unexpected quirks - just the way a home should be. Originally owned by Carl Larsson, the house was converted into a boutique hotel in 2012, designed by renowned interior designer Ilse Crawford. If you love Scandinavian design (and a mix of old and new) as much as I do, you’re in for a treat.


Without further ado, here’s a full look into my day at Ett Hem! Oh - and if you’re heading to Stockholm, make sure you eat in Ett Hem’s beautiful open kitchen, too. You’ll be treated exactly like house guests, served with a two-course, family style meal-of-the-day (yes, the menu changes everyday, just like a home). The price may be a little steep, but I promise you’ll thank me after you get there! One of the most memorable, healthy, fresh meals of my life!!!


Did you love it or did you love it?! What was your favourite room? Mine was definitely the greenhouse. House goals or what! Hope this tour inspired you as much as it did me.



2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Linnea A.


I know, I know, it’s only the beginning of November, but there’s no time like the present to knock things off your list, am I right?! I feel like everyone’s already getting into Christmas mode, and I am here. for. it!! Plus, I need to buy a few presents this month anyway, so as I was shopping around, I thought I’d share what I found! Enjoy.


November Moodboard

Linnea A.


Is it just me, or has 2018 just flown by?! Regardless, October was a little bit of a hard month for me, so I’m pretty glad to see it go. I definitely wasn’t feeling myself, and just felt genuinely “off” all month long, for a number of reasons. But things are looking up for November, and boyyy do I have a busy month. Not only am I heading out for a little weekend getaway, but between birthdays (and sadly, death anniversaries), I literally have a family event every single week. Yes, every week. But I’ll definitely have some exciting content coming up for you! Don’t want to jinx it, but my creative block is finally gone - I’m feeling like I can finally breathe again, and feeling more inspired than ever! I also have some exciting news to share… but more on that later. Hope you’re excited for all the holiday content coming your way! Have a beautiful November, lovelies!



Fall Living Room Tour

Linnea A.


If you follow me on Instagram (which you should be, if you’re not ;), chances are, you’ve seen photos of my living room. It’s my favourite space to photograph in my home, and when Dash is posing oh-so-nicely on the couch, how can I NOT take a photo? He’s basically begging me to. So you’ve likely already seen snippets of the room on my feed, but I’ve put off this before-and-after living room tour for far too long. Enough hiding this space from you - here it is in all its glory! And while Fall is still here, I hope you take some inspiration from some of the fall touches I’ve made. But you've been warned… the space will transform for the holidays in no time! Let’s take a peek inside while it’s still fall, shall we?


As you can see in the photos, this room was large and in charge, but the original paint colour didn’t do it justice. So I needed to paint the walls before I even moved in, and it made all the difference!


Next, I needed to plan out the space. What was the best way to arrange all of my furniture? Remember, I did have to downsize coming from my previous apartment, so I no longer had a “dining” space (nor did I really need one). So I decided to make two spaces: one for lounging, with my shelves in the background, and one for working, and displaying all the things I would in my office-I-no-longer-had.





Shop the space

Living Room

Liam Sectional | Solid Throw Pillow | Striped Throw Pillow | Coffee Table | Moroccan Pouf | Macrame | Plant Stand | Wool Throw Blanket | Braided Wool Rug | Chandelier (similar)

Console Table

White Lisa Desk | Ceramic Stool | Round Mirror | Black Papasan Chair | Vitruvi Stone Diffuser | Stoneware Pitcher

Bar Cart

Bar Cart (similar) | Gallery Wall Frames | Linnea’s Lights Reserve Candle | Candle Trio

If there’s anything you’re still looking for that I haven’t linked, just pop me a message and I’m happy to let you know! Hope you loved my living room reveal! Up next… Christmas!!


Fall Kitchen Staples

Linnea A.


Spending more time in the kitchen became one of my “must do” things after coming back from Sweden, especially after spending so much time in the warm, cozy homes of my loved ones and spending time with my cousins.

Their homes all had something special about them. You could tell that they all absolutely loved being at home, and that they all enjoyed spending time in their kitchens. The Scandinavian “hygge” lifestyle is no joke - it’s a real thing, and I try to embrace it as much as possible. If you’re not quite sure what a “hygge life” really means, to me, it means spending more time at home, living a slow, simple life, and appreciating the things you have, rather than searching for what you don’t. Also, it screams good, wholesome home cooked meals.


My twin cousins, who I hadn’t seen since they were 14 (which was waaaay too long ago) LOVE being in the kitchen and cooking - so much so that they cook for their girlfriends everyday. Needless to say they inspired me to spend more time at home, and start spending some quality time in the kitchen, cooking wholesome meals as much as possible. So that’s exactly what I’ve been doing! And to help make time in the kitchen as enjoyable as possible, here’s a look at some of my most loved items in my kitchen.
