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May Inspiration

Linnea A.


Hello, May! Although we’ve all been living in this weird limbo mode at home, I’m actually starting to get used to the routine, and I’m not minding it to be honest! It’s given me the opportunity to have my brother as a roommate again, to spend time in my childhood home, to spend copious amounts of time with Dash, and to save some money! To be as productive as possible, I’ve been breaking down my days by the half hour to keep me accountable and make sure I get everything crossed off my list. School is in full swing, and things are starting to pick up again with homework. I’m hoping to be able to share more of my work with you as the weeks pass. Things that are inspiring me lately include fresh branches, round shapes, bold, veiny marble… and cane - all the cane! I wish you all a fun, light-hearted month, with lots of positivity and growth, wherever it is you’re spending it.



Guest Room Mini Makeover

Linnea A.


Once self isolation started, I switched homes with my mom (who’s an essential worker) and moved right back into the home I grew up in. My first project? The guest room, decked out with bright blue walls and all. I tried living with it, but I only lasted about a week before deciding I needed to give it a full transformation, with things we had around the house, nonetheless. I’ve documented the mini makeover below!




As you can see, PAINT is the hero here. It really does make the room so much bigger and brighter. It makes me happy when I walk into it, and brings a sense of calm during this chaotic time (if there’s one thing I hate about quarantine, it’s not living in my own home!). To be resourceful I used the same furniture, added an accent chair and vintage nightstand from around the house to make the room a little more practical.


I also mounted this wall sconce from Ikea that we had lying around the house, and it suited the room perfectly. To accent the main wall above the bed, I created a DIY canvas with a few neutral colours, and I absolutely love the way it turned out! The TikTok tutorial on how I made it can be found here.


To make this room as “homey” for myself as I could, I needed my diffuser and my favourite essential oils by Vitruvi. Sara Panton’s book Essential Well Being has everything you need to get started with essential oils - you’d be surprised how much you can use them! I love every single page - it’s a must read.


I also painted another DIY to add more contrast to the room. I painted a piece of card stock black, and left white in spots where I wanted the outline of the body to show. I also added in a layered vintage mirror and some necessary skincare to the dresser.


Let me know if you’d like to see more reveals - I’m hoping to complete quite a few more projects if I can in the next few weeks! Take care everyone.



Healthy Dalgona Coffee

Linnea A.


Ok guys, I’ve tried various different versions of this coffee, and I finally found one I like! I’m not a fan of sweet coffee, so I wanted to get away with as little sweetener as possible for this recipe. But to make the right “whipped” consistency, you do need some type of sugar in your base. Here’s what worked for me.



  • 1 tbsp instant coffee (my favourite is Four Sigmatic with Lions Mane and Chaga; it’s a great way to make this drink better for you, and tastes so delicious)

  • 1 tsp organic coconut sugar

  • 1 tbsp water

  • Ice cubes

  • Oak milk or almond milk

  • Cinnamon

Fill a glass with ice cubes and some of your favourite non-dairy milk. Whisk the ingredients together until it forms a whipped consistency. Spoon over top of your milk, sprinkle with cinnamon, stir and enjoy!


Let me know if you try it! Hope you’re enjoying your time at home.



April Inspiration

Linnea A.


Well folks, after the longest month of all time (and we thought Jan was long), it’s finally April! Hopefully, that means warmer weather, flowers blooming, brighter colours, and ideally, more cheer and positivity. I know I haven’t been as active on the blog as of late, but to be honest, I haven’t found that much “extra” time to spend on here! I’ve been working from home, finished school just last week, and it starts back up again this weekend with my next semester (no disruptions, crazy!). During the free time that I do have, I’ve been decluttering/reorganizing my parents’ entire house, doing at-home workouts with my family, and taking turns cooking homecooked meals everyday for the fam.

Things that are inspiring me and helping me stay positive throughout all of this:

  • Laughing at TikToks (and learning all the dances with the fam)

  • FaceTime dates with my friends and fam, who I miss dearly!

  • At-home workouts, sometimes on Zoom calls with friends

  • Rewatching a series I love, like Lost. Omg, I forgot how good it was. Amazon, please don’t take it off Prime… pleeeease.

  • Cleaning everythinggggg

  • Cherry blossoms

  • Free IG Live concerts from your favourite artists

  • Simple interiors, and a simpler life

I wish you all a safe, productive month everyone! Please continue to do your part, staying safe at home, planning out your meals for at least a week at a time, and cooking as many of your meals as possible! Let’s limit the time we spend outside of our house, and remember, be mindful of your traffic. You should definitely be able to count where you’ve been on one hand in the last two weeks.



Self Isolation Bucket List

Linnea A.


Hey guys, I know it’s been a few weeks since I last wrote a post, but I’m sure it’s pretty obvious as to why. Not only was I approaching the last few weeks of school (so I was extremely busy with final projects), but there were (and still are) a lot of unknowns. I’m not taking this virus lightly - I’ve taken it extremely seriously. After school last Thursday, that was the last time I was “out” taking transit and in a crowd besides work.

Since then, I only leave my house to walk Dash, and to go to my parents house to have dinner with with my family. I realize those dinners may not necessarily be “allowed” in the coming weeks, so I’m cherishing them while I have the freedom to spend time with them. Some may think I’m overreacting, but based on the science, I’m not. Slowing down the spread of this virus is a group effort - something I can’t stress enough. The best way to slow it down is by staying home. Leave the house for walks and groceries, and that’s it. And no, that doesn’t mean “let’s go grocery shopping everyday”. It means it’s time to plan out your meals for the week(s), make a very long list, and do a big grocery shop so you’re prepared and stocked for a few weeks at home. No, you don’t need extra toilet paper... this virus does not have that side effect!

We should all be keeping to ourselves, and finding what brings us joy. I repeat: finding what brings us joy. WHAT A BLESSING… to finally have the time and permission to be with yourself, in silence (or among the ones you love/live with), and discover who you are, what you love, what you like to cook, what you’d like to learn, what you’d like to watch, how you’d like to grow as a person. WHAT A TIME. We’re not being asked to evacuate our homes, or worry about unnecessary violence. It’s a silent enemy, but for now, we’re so blessed to be able to slow down its speed by spending time at our favourite place on earth. Now that I got that off my chest, here’s my self isolation bucket list to inspire a few ideas:

Move your body

Since social distancing, I’ve been doing at-home workouts everyday on the Nike app, or through live streams from some of my favourite fitness studios. I’m not the best “at-home” workout person - I’m a class person, but these live streams are helping me feel like I’m right there in class, and for that, I couldn’t be happier.


Learn something new

With this time “off” of school I have a whole slew of hours after working that I didn’t have before! I plan on spending this time learning something new, or a few things. I’ve already taught myself quite a few new Photoshop tricks and shortcuts, and I’m looking forward to learning way more in terms of rendering the floor plans I’ve made in AutoCAD! Hopefully with this extra time, you too, will be able to learn something new - whether that be from YouTube, Skill Share, or a podcast, your resources are endless.

Get outside

The virus may be airborne, but you should still be inhaling some fresh air and moving your body. I’m still going on multiple walks with Dash, but I know in other countries that are ahead of us, walks are limited, and you MUST walk alone. I’m trying to take advantage of the weather and giving Dash as much exercise as I can, while I can.

Read a book, weekly

Now that school’s pretty much off my plate for the next few weeks (or who knows how long), I finally have the time (and enough hours to sleep) to read before bed, daily. This is a game changer for me, and I definitely feel that I’ll be able to read at least a book a week. Book club, are you ready for bi-monthly Face-times?!


Cook something new

Have you always been scared to cook or bake a certain dish? Now’s your time to give it a shot! Include the ingredients in your meal prep list, and you’re set. For starters, try my Mediterranean Linguine!

Give yourself a mani-pedi

I know, I know, with all the hand washing, you may think it might not be worth it to do your nails, but manicured nails are clean nails, and if you have a gel polish that lasts longer than regular polish, now is the time to use it. I’ll be setting time aside to set up a mini spa for myself, foot spa and all!

Incorporate meditation

I’ve tried before, but now’s the time to try again. I’ll be using the Balance app to incorporate meditation into my mornings, because we all know our mental health needs to be a priority during this time. Stay calm, breathe, and think positively.

Organize your kitchen (or your whole house) once and for all

You’ll be using your kitchen more than you’ve ever used it before - what a blessing!! Take this time to ask yourself what you really need, and what you actually use. Does it make sense where it lives, or should it live somewhere else? Organize your kitchen into zones, such as: everyday items, cooking essentials, pantry items, appliances and items for special occasions.


Get a good night’s sleep, everyday

Now’s your chance to catch up on all that sleep you’ve been deprived of, no excuses. Sleep is the key to everything: health, healing, youth, energy, weight, so much! Try to create a morning routine and wake up early, so your body will naturally be tired by the evening, giving you signs that it’s time to go to bed. I’ve been tracking my sleep on my phone, and it’s so gratifying to see when I sleep 8 hours or more!

Sell those things you’ve been putting off

Poshmark makes it SO easy to sell your items, it’s unreal. You literally take a photo, describe it, and list it. Couldn’t be easier! Now, you will have to leave the house to go to the Post Office if it sells, so, only list it if you feel it’s worth leaving your house.


Dream up a travel bucket list

Lastly, fire up that travel bucket list. Don’t lose hope on visiting destinations you’ve never been to, and have been dying to visit. They’ll be that much more lively, more colourful, less polluted, maybe less crowded, when you do!

Continue to dream, and focus on what you’d like your life to look like after all of this is said and done. This is a great time for all of us to sit and reflect on what we can and can’t live without. Once we cut off those things we can live without, let’s focus on the things we can’t. They’re what we should be taking with us moving forward.

I know this was a heavy post, but feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below!



March Inspiration

Linnea A.


Spring, ahhh what a breath of fresh air. All of February, I’ve been trying to get out of a very restrictive mindset - it seemed like no matter what I did, I prevented myself from doing more. Going forward into a fresh month, I hope to find every opportunity to do more, give more, be more… without the burnout.

First on the agenda: prioritizing my sleep. I just finished “Why We Sleep” for my book club, and let’s just say… it all comes down to sleep—everything you do is affected by it. Sleep should hands down be your #1 priority!! In other news, my final classes have been secured, and I’m well on my way to graduation in a few months! I cannot wait to have more of my life back, start designing, and be productive on my own time. I’m already used to the side hustle life, so bring. on. the. projects!

Things inspiring me lately;

  • Cherry blossoms, and bright, natural light

  • Sunshiiiiiiine

  • All the loving, supportive people in my life

  • Surprise messages and visits from old friends

  • Pistachio green

  • Dramatic stone countertops

  • London, baby ♥️

Have a great month, lovelies!



Organizational Favourites

Linnea A.


Organization… an industry that’s taking the world by storm - quite literally! With Pinterest-worthy pantries and closets deserving of their own IG account, it’s no wonder that everyone’s crazy about organizing. I mean, it does make you feel better about your space, especially when you give every item a home, and take note of exactly what you have. To help you out on your organizational journey, here are just a few of my favourites to organize my home!


Leanne Ford x Crate & Barrel Favourites

Linnea A.


Word on the street is… Leanne Ford has a new collection with Crate & Barrel! I actually met and toured one of her best friend’s houses a few months ago… and the inspo I got from seeing that one house - just wow. This woman is a powerhouse! The collection embodies her signature neutral colour palette (who doesn’t love neutral?!), thick, bold shapes, cane, and curves - oh so many curves! I love pretty much every single piece, but I thought I’d share my top favourites, to help you narrow it down. Get your shopping cart ready, there’s a bunch of gems in this collection!


“Whether it’s a vase, or a pillow, or a candle, or a basket...it has to have interest and soul. It should look like it could tell a good story. And the lines are important—I like simple things with a sense of proportion, yet slightly off-balance. I also really want to make sure pieces have the right mix of beauty and purposefulness.” - Leanne Ford


Mediterranean Linguine

Linnea A.


Once an Earls girl, always an Earls girl. Having worked there for over 5 years, one of my faaavourite dishes of all time is Mediterranean Linguine. I used to eat this pasta way more than I’d like to admit, so once I left the restaurant industry, I tried to master the craft of making it at home. And to this day, I still love to make it, so I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to share the recipe!

Even though I have the Earls cookbook, I actually prefer this version of the recipe better, if I do say so myself. Plus, this one has vino in it, so… is it even a competition? This recipe yields about 4-6 servings.



  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped

  • 3 1/2 cups whole tomatoes (I use either Hunts Heirloom Tomatoes or San Marzano Tomatoes)

  • 1/2 cup dry white wine

  • 1 ½ cups grape tomatoes

  • ¼ cup thinly sliced jarred roasted red peppers

  • 1/2 cup pitted Kalamata olives, chopped

  • 3/4 pound linguine

  • 1/2 cup chopped Italian parsley

  • 1/2 cup chopped basil

  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

  • 1 1/2 cups crumbled feta cheese

  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest

  • 1 teaspoon chili flakes



  1. Heat olive oil in a skillet, and add a little bit of the garlic. Next, in your blender of choice, blend 2 cups of your whole tomatoes, the white wine and remaining garlic in a blender. Add your puree to the fragrant oil, and simmer until it becomes a thick sauce - about 5 minutes on medium-high heat (I like reducing it rather than adding a starch to thicken it)!

  2. While that’s simmering, let’s boil some pasta! Because I like to save time, I actually use my SMEG kettle to boil water a little faster than the stove… it really does save time! Follow the directions of your favourite linguine, and some salt to your water, and cook until el dente - tender but firm.

  3. Next, add the olives, tomatoes, peppers, parsley, basil, and balsamic vinegar to the sauce in the skillet over medium-high heat. Crush the remaining whole tomatoes with your hands, and add them to the sauce, along with the lemon zest, chili flakes, and half of the feta. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  4. Add your cooked pasta, and toss in sauce. Feel free to add reserved pasta water to the sauce if it’s too dry.

  5. Finally, serve your pasta mounded high in a bowl, and top with remaining feta and parsley. Mangia! Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do!



Healthy Spirulina Smoothie

Linnea A.


I’ve always had a love of smoothies, dating back to my ill-equipped Magic Bullet days when it was the best smoothie blender on the market (my how times have changed)! To make them as satiating as possible, always make sure to include Kelly LeVeque’s Fab 4: greens, protein, healthy fat, and fibre. Also try to avoid fruit, but if you must include it, keep it to 1/4 to 1/2 cup per smoothie (I’m guilty of breaking this rule all the time). If you have those elements, there’s no reason this can’t be your entire meal!


I usually stick to a simple Banana Cacao Spinach smoothie, but lately, this recipe has been my go-to, and it’s hands-down my favourite smoothie of all time. The combination of flavours is so incredible!! Somehow the protein mixed with the sour lemon and raspberry just kicks it up 5 notches and bam... smoothie of your dreams. Here’s what you need:

  • 1/2 cup or handful of frozen raspberries (this is key for the tartness)

  • Optional 1/2 frozen banana (for creaminess; omit for lower sugar)

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen spinach (or as much as you want)

  • 1/2 lemon, squeezed

  • 1 tbsp almond butter (your healthy fat)

  • 1 scoop vegan vanilla protein powder (your protein)

  • 1 tbsp organic spirulina powder (extra greens with more vitamins, yay!)

  • 1 tsp organic chia seeds (your fibre)

  • 2 tbsp collagen

  • 1/2 cup cold water

Blend everything up, top it off with your favourite toppings (I like chia, hemp, cacao and lavender), and you’re good to go! Let me know if you try this - I can’t get enough!



February Inspiration

Linnea A.


Welcome, February. It seems like everyone’s been waiting for you for a long time, but I’m not mad at that – I could get used to January’s pace. It was a tough month, but it’s prepared me to have an even greater month with you.

The month confirmed that if I want to succeed, sacrifices have to be made, but not at the expense of taking care of myself. I’m so close to my goal, so I’ll be putting my head down and focusing on reaching it. One of the non-negotiables for reaching my goal is wellness and making time for my mental health.

I went to a beautiful Jaybird class yesterday (think Oxygen, but in a pitch black room like Ride, it’s the best), and something the instructor said really resonated with me.

You are you when you are still.

The only you that counts is the one you are when you’re still. How comfortable are you with that you? What do you need to work on to get to a place of contentment and love with that you? The busy you is part of your life, yes, but those things you’re “busy” with are just things. They’re not you. Learn to get comfortable with who you are in silence, embrace it, and enjoy the still. 

Current obsessions…

  • The Crown on Netflix

  • Bouclé furniture

  • Vintage Turkish rugs

  • Classic cafés (all the Parisian influence)

  • Sunlight (I’ve missed you)

  • Motivational podcasts

  • Manifestation (and just being a light in the world in general)

Let’s get it, February! ♥️



Dining Room Goals

Linnea A.

Photo: McGee & Co.

Photo: McGee & Co.

In 2020, I’m finally planning on introducing a dining area into my space… I think that means I’m growing up! I’m not looking to make any huge changes, but I do want to be confident with my dining table and chair choice - I don’t want to regret them 2 years down the road like I have with so many things before. For now, here’s some of the inspiration I’m looking at for my space. I’m leaning toward a round table because I like the look of curves, and it will fit more organically in my space. Here are my fave swoon-worthy dining spaces, and the trends that come with them.

X Base Dining Tables

Photo: Eclectic Goods

Photo: Eclectic Goods

Photo: Lonny Mag

Photo: Lonny Mag

Bold Pedestal Bases

Photo: Asplund

Photo: Asplund

Photo: Identite Collective

Photo: Identite Collective

Design: Kylie Ray

Design: Kylie Ray

Cane Back Chairs

Photo: Lonny Mag

Photo: Lonny Mag

Black Chairs

Photo: Amy Bartlam

Photo: Amy Bartlam

Photo: Riverwood Building Company

Photo: Riverwood Building Company

Photo: Leslie Wall

Photo: Leslie Wall

Photo: The Everygirl

Photo: The Everygirl

Tulip Bases

Photo: Stoffer Photography Interiors

Photo: Stoffer Photography Interiors

Photo: Lonny Mag

Photo: Lonny Mag

Photo: LD Shoppe

Photo: LD Shoppe

Photo: Carly Page

Photo: Carly Page

Are there any rooms you’re planning on updating this year? I’d love to know in the comments below!



Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Linnea A.


There’s no time like the present (or a month like January) to declutter your home for a fresh start. Unless you declutter year-round, your space is probably in need of some organization with a dash of minimalism. For those of you who aren’t so much into getting rid of your possessions or things, I can’t stress enough how important it is to edit your space consistently throughout the year. I could go on and on about the benefits of decluttering, but here are my top 3:

It declutters your brain

Decluttering helps you see your space clearly, both physically and mentally. A clear house means a clear brain, so if you’re feeling like a mental detox, try giving your space a refresh or getting rid of a few items, and you’ll be surprised at how much lighter you feel.

It reminds you of what you have

Going through your things gives you an inventory of what you have on hand, what’s out-of-date, and what you actually need (there’s nothing worse than buying double of something because you didn’t know you already had it)! It also keeps things in order, and maintains “having a place for everything”, which we’ll get into later!

It gives you the opportunity to truly love the items you have

Even though you’re giving away/donating items, decluttering makes you appreciate the things you really love in your home that much more. For the things you don’t love anymore, it’s time to donate them to a thrift store or charity, for someone else to love. To get there, below are my top tips for tackling the beast that is decluttering your home.


Start with something small

To prevent intimidation and discouragement from that pile of junk hiding in your closet, start small. This could be the junk drawer in your kitchen, or maybe the cupboard under your kitchen sink that has way too many cleaning products to count. Starting your decluttering journey with a small “15 minute win,” as Shira Gill calls it, will give you instant satisfaction with that area, and will encourage you to continue these wins in other spaces. To do this, take a “before” photo of your space, take 15 minutes to organize it, and take an “after” photo of the result. The results will shock you! Something that tends to pile up for me? Reusable bags! I always seem to have way more than I need, so I constantly give them away to reduce the clutter.

Whatever you choose to declutter first, go through each item, ask yourself how often you use it, and if you really need it or love it.


Sort into categories

If you’re decluttering your kitchen, take everything out and sort it into categories. There’s no reason for some pots to be in one area, and other pots to be in another. Divide your items into categories to see what you have too many of, then figure out the best way to organize the volume of each category you have. Baskets, lid racks, jars, air tight containers and label makers are your best friends here.

Clean as you go

If you’re already removing everything from a certain area, it’s an opportune time to clean! Deep clean the space, and develop a plan of attack before you put everything back by using baskets, trays or dividers (with labels) to keep similar items organized together and easy to find. Every single item should have a home, so you don’t need to think twice about where it is.


Time for the bigger picture

When you move on to bigger spaces, look at the bigger picture. What’s bothering you about that space? What will make your life easier? Is there a certain area you avoid because you’re not happy with it? Here are items to think about when decluttering:

  • Extra furniture pieces that don’t necessarily fit in your space

  • Home decor items you no longer love/have too many of

  • Extra kitchen gadgets/appliances

  • Old clothes

  • Shoes you forgot you had

  • Old sheets and towels

  • Expired goods

Maybe it’s time to get rid of them, to make room for an item that does, or to clear the space entirely. Take time to ask yourself how much you love each piece, and go from there.

Sell the items you no longer love

Now, you may be asking yourself, how do I get rid of these items? Well, start with your high value items. List them for sale on local buy and sells like Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, or consignment stores (if they offer you a decent amount). People are constantly searching sites for items just like yours (it’s the sustainable way to shop!) so you may as well get some money back and contribute to the recycle culture. If they won’t sell, ask around if anyone wants them, or drop them off to a thrift store like Value Village or Habitat for Humanity ReStore.


If you buy something new, sell something first

With my textbooks, the only way I buy used ones is if I sell my old ones. The same rule should apply to the rest of your home. If you have enough clothing, sell or donate something before you add something new to your closet. If you’re looking to buy a new rug, sell your old one, then use that money to buy a new/pre-loved one. I’ll actually be doing this soon (let me know if you’re interested in my rug)! You’ll house items you love, save money, and sell someone else something they love—a win win situation!


Give yourself a deadline

Despite how long the process may take, don’t get sidetracked by going through photo albums or getting lost in a book. Set timers for each room, and give yourself a deadline so you can race yourself and make it a little more fun. And don’t think you have to do it all at once. Using each day of the week for each room is a realistic approach and gives you a little break in between.

If you have any other decluttering tips, feel free to share them below! Looking forward to making some swap outs in my space this year, and selling items as I go!



10 Healthy Habits for a Fulfilling 2020

Linnea A.

  1. Wake up earlier and establish a productive morning routine

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’m not a morning person! But I recently bought a wake-up light alarm clock to get my butt out of bed a little earlier, and it’s made a huge difference. Here’s to establishing a peaceful, slow morning routine that includes self care, coffee, reading, and diffusing some bright essential oils.

  2. Listen deeply

    I’m a communicator by trade and by sign, but listening can always be improved. I hope to listen deeply to every conversation I have, and only jump in when they’re looking for input.

  3. Give to others

    Over the past few years, I’ve focused a lot on growing and healing myself, so this year, I’m looking forward to focusing on others, giving my time and support whenever possible. As manager of the Employee Volunteer Program at work, I’m lucky enough to see the generousity and compassion of all the people I work with, so it’s in turn, inspired me to give back to more charitable causes this year.

  4. Make more sustainable choices

    I’ve done all the basics: reusable bags, reusable coffee cups and water bottles, portable straws, stashers, reusable/silicone sponges, etc, but we can always do more! This year I hope to incorporate a few more items to do my part as much as I can for the environment.

  5. Read once a day

    As a book club member, this is key! Reading before bed every single night might just be the key to falling asleep faster. This will also encourage me to go to bed earlier, shortly after I get home from school.

  6. Prep wholesome foods for a nutritious week

    Even though I meal prep every week, I get tired of my healthy meals pretty fast, and I usually make too much of one dish. I get hungry when I’m at school, and found myself going to the cafeteria way too often than I’d like to admit. This year’s prep will include choosing meals with similar ingredients for the week, shopping, chopping my veggies as soon as I get home from the store, and using them in different combos for different meals. That way, I won’t get tired of what I make!

  7. Increase water intake

    I already drink quite a bit of water, but there’s always room for improvement. Instead of snacking at work “just because”, I’m aiming to down more water instead. You know what they say, hydration is the fountain of youth.

  8. Create an in-depth bucket list

    I have started a list, but I’d definitely like to expand on it, and sit down to ask myself what I really want to do in my life. This list has been put off for too long!

  9. Invest in relationships

    Relationships are super important to me, and I’ve managed my friendships pretty well in recent years. The other ones, not so much.

  10. Give it your all

    Commit, focus, and give it your all. If you want it bad enough, you’ll get it. I’m aiming to multi-task to the max this year, doing side hustles and projects all year long. It will mean exercising my workhorse muscle with very little free time, but I’m already used to that. This is the mentality I’m embracing for everything in my life this year. Ya girl is coming into 2020 fearless!

What are some of your healthy habits you’re aiming for this year?



January Inspiration

Linnea A.

January Inspo.jpg

I know everyone’s so excited for a fresh year and a new decade, and don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to the year too, but I’m not as excited as I thought I’d be just yet.

I think I’m in a weird stage of the unknown, starting a new role with new team members, starting new classes (with new classmates... ahhh!), starting a cleanse, so the whole month is pretty much a mystery (and if you know me, you know I hate the unknown). I’m up for the challenge of creating new winter routines, taking my time in the morning and getting organized before the day even begins.

Curious as to what’s inspiring me this month? Cozy, textured furniture, hybrid style interiors, grounding jute rugs, round dining tables, a deeper appreciation of art (support Australia’s helpless animals by purchasing Sara Sidari’s beautiful “Touched by a Koala” print), and as always, intentional pops of black.

A full list of intentions coming soon for you! Have a very happy 2020 loves.



Looking Back on the Past Decade

Linnea A.


I thought about doing a 2019 recap post similar to last year’s recap, but it wouldn’t be fair to ignore everything that’s happened in my life that’s made me who I am over the past decade. Here’s a look back on each year, and what I’ve learned from the good, the bad and the ugly. It was the best 10 years of my life thus far, but also the hardest. I grew so much as a person, had a ton of fun, travelled the world, met so many new friends, learned that everyone’s path is different, and finally put myself first. Here’s the decade in a nutshell:



+ Winter Olympics, Heineken House too many times to count, served, studied, partied, went to San Fran, Oregon, Pender Harbour and Whistler, met new friends, started a new relationship, learned how to compromise



+ Partied every weekend, travelled to Costa Rica for a wedding, went to the Stanley Cup playoffs, worked as a Marketing Assistant downtown while serving and studying at the same time




+ Moved out of my parents house into an apartment downtown, got an internship at Tara Parker Tait PR, threw an event for the Man Repeller herself, Leandra Medine, learned more than I could have ever imagined working with big brands like Joe Fresh, Gap and Old Navy, completed my degree, started an online business, and donated $500 from our business to the BC Cancer Foundation



+ Officially graduated with a BBA in Marketing Management, got hired full time at TPT while continuing to serve on weekends, attended 7 weddings, travelled to Cabo, San Francisco and Vegas, got let go from my job when my boss shut the company down, started working with a friend and mentor, Tamara Taggart




+ Freelanced, worked multiple jobs, had the pleasure of working for Jillian Harris, left to work another corporate job, got let go again, attended 7 more weddings (14 in 2 years, to be exact), travelled to Kauai, Chicago and Green Bay, started to get my first taste of the travel bug, and eventually found myself back in PR at Reformation

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+ Bought my first condo, managed and planned events for so many clients including Hudson’s Bay, Smash + Tess, Joyride, BC/Calgary Home + Garden Show, Vancouver/Calgary Home + Design Show, started my obsession with YouTube, travelled to Cabo for a wedding, got engaged, and genuinely thought I was on the right “path” to happiness

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+ Left my PR job for my current job, adopted my pup Dash, planned a wedding that never happened, got blindsided with a breakup, rediscovered who I was, learned how to live alone, religiously went to Zumba 3-4 times a week, attended a bestie’s bachelorette and wedding, visited the fam in San Francisco, picked up the pieces and jumped into the scary world of online dating

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+ Staged and sold the condo, moved back into my parent’s place, completely transformed their games room into my very own studio apartment (oh hey, it’s your interior design passion calling), jumped religiously back into hot yoga, celebrated with a soul-searching trip to Bali, went on girls trips to San Francisco and Whistler, bought my very own condo, travelled to Hawaii, and lost my Lola at the end of the year, making the holidays an extremely emotional time for my family



+ Started the year celebrating my Farfar’s 80th bithday, but lost him suddenly 3 days later. It hit us like a ton of bricks - the loss stung more than any other loss I’ve felt before, and a few months later, we lost my Great Aunt too. I decided to start this blog as a new outlet, focused on gratitude and mental health, travelled solo to New York and Toronto, travelled to Mexico, Italy, Paris, and Sweden, then surprised my mom with an epic 60th birthday party

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+ Started my first day of school, spent my reading break back in New York, planned my bestie’s desert bachelorette in Scottsdale, bumped up the frequency of sponsored content and brand collabs including my kitchen updates with Wayfair and my patio refresh with H&M Home, found multiple streams of income to put myself through school, focused on making my friendships a priority, went on road trips to Portland, Seattle, and the Okanagan, stood at the altar for my best friend’s wedding, got a promotion, drained myself by completing 3 full semesters of school while working full time, and completed a few side projects

Despite the jobs lost, family members who passed, and the curve balls thrown my way, I’m so grateful for the last 10 years. I’m as happy as ever, and I’m so blessed to be able to live this little life of mine with so much love and support around me. 20teens, thank you for everything. 2020, let’s get it!



Last Minute Gifts

Linnea A.


We’re only a few days away, but if you’re struggling to find that perfect something, you could be in luck! Amazon has saved me time and time again when I’m in need of the perfect gift, but don’t have much time to shop or search for it. If you’re in need of a few more items, these goodies will arrive in time for Christmas!

Happy holidays!



2019 Holiday Home Tour

Linnea A.


You guys have been very patient with me this year, and I appreciate that! But fear not: my holiday home tour (that my brother and I shot weeks ago) is finally here! I’ve broken down each section and tried to link as many sources and similar items as possible for you. If there’s something specific you’re looking for that isn’t linked, feel free to comment, email or DM me on Instagram - I’m always happy to help! Here we go.

Living Room


Hallway & Kitchen


Happy decorating,



December Mood

Linnea A.

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And, exhale. Phew, that was a tough few months. I know I take on a lot compared to most, but this semester, the struggle was real. Everything was put to the test: my tenacity, my mindset, and my ability to function on as little sleep as possible. I learned how to design a full house, all by hand. I developed sketching and rendering skills that I never thought I’d be capable of. I fine-tuned my InDesign and Photoshop skills, and I can officially use AutoCAD… slow clap! And after typing this out, all I can say is that I’m proud. Even though the semester wasn’t that intense compared to others, it wasn’t easy balancing my full time workloads (or sanity), with 4 courses, but I did it. And I’m effing proud. 

I tried my best not to let certain things fall by the wayside, but ultimately, workouts were the part I wasn’t able to maintain. My 6am workouts no longer made sense when I was sleeping at 2-3am staying up to finish homework or blog posts, and I just had to accept that. 

But I’m officially done with my third semester, and I couldn’t be happier to finally have half my life back for December. Cherish those free evenings, folks. They are glorious to me now. I can’t tell you how excited I was to just go home and cook, clean, chill out by myself and workout!

But enough of that, let’s give a warm welcome to December. I love this time of year because everyone seems to be a little bit happier, and the Christmas spirit is ev.er.y.where. Before the year was complete, I wanted to give back to my community, so I spent time helping 2 causes: Women Helping Women and Homes for the Holidays. For Women Helping Women, a few of my coworkers and I headed to London Drugs to fill 20 identical bags with the best goodies a woman could have. Think toothbrushes, gloves, toiletries, and makeup! Putting the bags together was so fun, and I can’t wait to hear how much the women at the Nova Transition House love the goodies! I also helped decorate one of the homes in the Homes for the Holidays tour, in which all proceeds benefit the Kids Help Phone. It was great to style a gorgeous West Van home, see some familiar faces, and put my creativity into a home other than my own.

For the rest of the month, I’ll be *trying* to spend more time at home, including fitness into my regular routine, spending time with close friends, finishing a few projects I have on the go, and working on organization before the next decade. I’ll also be working on the blog a little more, so if there’s anything specific you’d like to see/read/hear from me (design/school/dating/finance/what would you like to read?!), please let me know in the comments! I wish you all a lovely month ahead!



2019 Holiday Gift Guide

Linnea A.


Oooh, the holidays. A time when garlands are hung, reindeer are on display, and the world just becomes a little bit happier. I’m not entirely there yet with the “happy” part, but I’m getting there! And what better way to get there than some retail therapy (for the people you love). No matter who you’ve got on your list, you’re sure to find something below for everyone. Now let’s get to the good stuff!

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