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Filtering by Category: Lifestyle

Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Linnea A.


There’s no time like the present (or a month like January) to declutter your home for a fresh start. Unless you declutter year-round, your space is probably in need of some organization with a dash of minimalism. For those of you who aren’t so much into getting rid of your possessions or things, I can’t stress enough how important it is to edit your space consistently throughout the year. I could go on and on about the benefits of decluttering, but here are my top 3:

It declutters your brain

Decluttering helps you see your space clearly, both physically and mentally. A clear house means a clear brain, so if you’re feeling like a mental detox, try giving your space a refresh or getting rid of a few items, and you’ll be surprised at how much lighter you feel.

It reminds you of what you have

Going through your things gives you an inventory of what you have on hand, what’s out-of-date, and what you actually need (there’s nothing worse than buying double of something because you didn’t know you already had it)! It also keeps things in order, and maintains “having a place for everything”, which we’ll get into later!

It gives you the opportunity to truly love the items you have

Even though you’re giving away/donating items, decluttering makes you appreciate the things you really love in your home that much more. For the things you don’t love anymore, it’s time to donate them to a thrift store or charity, for someone else to love. To get there, below are my top tips for tackling the beast that is decluttering your home.


Start with something small

To prevent intimidation and discouragement from that pile of junk hiding in your closet, start small. This could be the junk drawer in your kitchen, or maybe the cupboard under your kitchen sink that has way too many cleaning products to count. Starting your decluttering journey with a small “15 minute win,” as Shira Gill calls it, will give you instant satisfaction with that area, and will encourage you to continue these wins in other spaces. To do this, take a “before” photo of your space, take 15 minutes to organize it, and take an “after” photo of the result. The results will shock you! Something that tends to pile up for me? Reusable bags! I always seem to have way more than I need, so I constantly give them away to reduce the clutter.

Whatever you choose to declutter first, go through each item, ask yourself how often you use it, and if you really need it or love it.


Sort into categories

If you’re decluttering your kitchen, take everything out and sort it into categories. There’s no reason for some pots to be in one area, and other pots to be in another. Divide your items into categories to see what you have too many of, then figure out the best way to organize the volume of each category you have. Baskets, lid racks, jars, air tight containers and label makers are your best friends here.

Clean as you go

If you’re already removing everything from a certain area, it’s an opportune time to clean! Deep clean the space, and develop a plan of attack before you put everything back by using baskets, trays or dividers (with labels) to keep similar items organized together and easy to find. Every single item should have a home, so you don’t need to think twice about where it is.


Time for the bigger picture

When you move on to bigger spaces, look at the bigger picture. What’s bothering you about that space? What will make your life easier? Is there a certain area you avoid because you’re not happy with it? Here are items to think about when decluttering:

  • Extra furniture pieces that don’t necessarily fit in your space

  • Home decor items you no longer love/have too many of

  • Extra kitchen gadgets/appliances

  • Old clothes

  • Shoes you forgot you had

  • Old sheets and towels

  • Expired goods

Maybe it’s time to get rid of them, to make room for an item that does, or to clear the space entirely. Take time to ask yourself how much you love each piece, and go from there.

Sell the items you no longer love

Now, you may be asking yourself, how do I get rid of these items? Well, start with your high value items. List them for sale on local buy and sells like Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, or consignment stores (if they offer you a decent amount). People are constantly searching sites for items just like yours (it’s the sustainable way to shop!) so you may as well get some money back and contribute to the recycle culture. If they won’t sell, ask around if anyone wants them, or drop them off to a thrift store like Value Village or Habitat for Humanity ReStore.


If you buy something new, sell something first

With my textbooks, the only way I buy used ones is if I sell my old ones. The same rule should apply to the rest of your home. If you have enough clothing, sell or donate something before you add something new to your closet. If you’re looking to buy a new rug, sell your old one, then use that money to buy a new/pre-loved one. I’ll actually be doing this soon (let me know if you’re interested in my rug)! You’ll house items you love, save money, and sell someone else something they love—a win win situation!


Give yourself a deadline

Despite how long the process may take, don’t get sidetracked by going through photo albums or getting lost in a book. Set timers for each room, and give yourself a deadline so you can race yourself and make it a little more fun. And don’t think you have to do it all at once. Using each day of the week for each room is a realistic approach and gives you a little break in between.

If you have any other decluttering tips, feel free to share them below! Looking forward to making some swap outs in my space this year, and selling items as I go!



10 Healthy Habits for a Fulfilling 2020

Linnea A.

  1. Wake up earlier and establish a productive morning routine

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’m not a morning person! But I recently bought a wake-up light alarm clock to get my butt out of bed a little earlier, and it’s made a huge difference. Here’s to establishing a peaceful, slow morning routine that includes self care, coffee, reading, and diffusing some bright essential oils.

  2. Listen deeply

    I’m a communicator by trade and by sign, but listening can always be improved. I hope to listen deeply to every conversation I have, and only jump in when they’re looking for input.

  3. Give to others

    Over the past few years, I’ve focused a lot on growing and healing myself, so this year, I’m looking forward to focusing on others, giving my time and support whenever possible. As manager of the Employee Volunteer Program at work, I’m lucky enough to see the generousity and compassion of all the people I work with, so it’s in turn, inspired me to give back to more charitable causes this year.

  4. Make more sustainable choices

    I’ve done all the basics: reusable bags, reusable coffee cups and water bottles, portable straws, stashers, reusable/silicone sponges, etc, but we can always do more! This year I hope to incorporate a few more items to do my part as much as I can for the environment.

  5. Read once a day

    As a book club member, this is key! Reading before bed every single night might just be the key to falling asleep faster. This will also encourage me to go to bed earlier, shortly after I get home from school.

  6. Prep wholesome foods for a nutritious week

    Even though I meal prep every week, I get tired of my healthy meals pretty fast, and I usually make too much of one dish. I get hungry when I’m at school, and found myself going to the cafeteria way too often than I’d like to admit. This year’s prep will include choosing meals with similar ingredients for the week, shopping, chopping my veggies as soon as I get home from the store, and using them in different combos for different meals. That way, I won’t get tired of what I make!

  7. Increase water intake

    I already drink quite a bit of water, but there’s always room for improvement. Instead of snacking at work “just because”, I’m aiming to down more water instead. You know what they say, hydration is the fountain of youth.

  8. Create an in-depth bucket list

    I have started a list, but I’d definitely like to expand on it, and sit down to ask myself what I really want to do in my life. This list has been put off for too long!

  9. Invest in relationships

    Relationships are super important to me, and I’ve managed my friendships pretty well in recent years. The other ones, not so much.

  10. Give it your all

    Commit, focus, and give it your all. If you want it bad enough, you’ll get it. I’m aiming to multi-task to the max this year, doing side hustles and projects all year long. It will mean exercising my workhorse muscle with very little free time, but I’m already used to that. This is the mentality I’m embracing for everything in my life this year. Ya girl is coming into 2020 fearless!

What are some of your healthy habits you’re aiming for this year?



January Inspiration

Linnea A.

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I know everyone’s so excited for a fresh year and a new decade, and don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to the year too, but I’m not as excited as I thought I’d be just yet.

I think I’m in a weird stage of the unknown, starting a new role with new team members, starting new classes (with new classmates... ahhh!), starting a cleanse, so the whole month is pretty much a mystery (and if you know me, you know I hate the unknown). I’m up for the challenge of creating new winter routines, taking my time in the morning and getting organized before the day even begins.

Curious as to what’s inspiring me this month? Cozy, textured furniture, hybrid style interiors, grounding jute rugs, round dining tables, a deeper appreciation of art (support Australia’s helpless animals by purchasing Sara Sidari’s beautiful “Touched by a Koala” print), and as always, intentional pops of black.

A full list of intentions coming soon for you! Have a very happy 2020 loves.



Looking Back on the Past Decade

Linnea A.


I thought about doing a 2019 recap post similar to last year’s recap, but it wouldn’t be fair to ignore everything that’s happened in my life that’s made me who I am over the past decade. Here’s a look back on each year, and what I’ve learned from the good, the bad and the ugly. It was the best 10 years of my life thus far, but also the hardest. I grew so much as a person, had a ton of fun, travelled the world, met so many new friends, learned that everyone’s path is different, and finally put myself first. Here’s the decade in a nutshell:



+ Winter Olympics, Heineken House too many times to count, served, studied, partied, went to San Fran, Oregon, Pender Harbour and Whistler, met new friends, started a new relationship, learned how to compromise



+ Partied every weekend, travelled to Costa Rica for a wedding, went to the Stanley Cup playoffs, worked as a Marketing Assistant downtown while serving and studying at the same time




+ Moved out of my parents house into an apartment downtown, got an internship at Tara Parker Tait PR, threw an event for the Man Repeller herself, Leandra Medine, learned more than I could have ever imagined working with big brands like Joe Fresh, Gap and Old Navy, completed my degree, started an online business, and donated $500 from our business to the BC Cancer Foundation



+ Officially graduated with a BBA in Marketing Management, got hired full time at TPT while continuing to serve on weekends, attended 7 weddings, travelled to Cabo, San Francisco and Vegas, got let go from my job when my boss shut the company down, started working with a friend and mentor, Tamara Taggart




+ Freelanced, worked multiple jobs, had the pleasure of working for Jillian Harris, left to work another corporate job, got let go again, attended 7 more weddings (14 in 2 years, to be exact), travelled to Kauai, Chicago and Green Bay, started to get my first taste of the travel bug, and eventually found myself back in PR at Reformation

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+ Bought my first condo, managed and planned events for so many clients including Hudson’s Bay, Smash + Tess, Joyride, BC/Calgary Home + Garden Show, Vancouver/Calgary Home + Design Show, started my obsession with YouTube, travelled to Cabo for a wedding, got engaged, and genuinely thought I was on the right “path” to happiness

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+ Left my PR job for my current job, adopted my pup Dash, planned a wedding that never happened, got blindsided with a breakup, rediscovered who I was, learned how to live alone, religiously went to Zumba 3-4 times a week, attended a bestie’s bachelorette and wedding, visited the fam in San Francisco, picked up the pieces and jumped into the scary world of online dating

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+ Staged and sold the condo, moved back into my parent’s place, completely transformed their games room into my very own studio apartment (oh hey, it’s your interior design passion calling), jumped religiously back into hot yoga, celebrated with a soul-searching trip to Bali, went on girls trips to San Francisco and Whistler, bought my very own condo, travelled to Hawaii, and lost my Lola at the end of the year, making the holidays an extremely emotional time for my family



+ Started the year celebrating my Farfar’s 80th bithday, but lost him suddenly 3 days later. It hit us like a ton of bricks - the loss stung more than any other loss I’ve felt before, and a few months later, we lost my Great Aunt too. I decided to start this blog as a new outlet, focused on gratitude and mental health, travelled solo to New York and Toronto, travelled to Mexico, Italy, Paris, and Sweden, then surprised my mom with an epic 60th birthday party

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+ Started my first day of school, spent my reading break back in New York, planned my bestie’s desert bachelorette in Scottsdale, bumped up the frequency of sponsored content and brand collabs including my kitchen updates with Wayfair and my patio refresh with H&M Home, found multiple streams of income to put myself through school, focused on making my friendships a priority, went on road trips to Portland, Seattle, and the Okanagan, stood at the altar for my best friend’s wedding, got a promotion, drained myself by completing 3 full semesters of school while working full time, and completed a few side projects

Despite the jobs lost, family members who passed, and the curve balls thrown my way, I’m so grateful for the last 10 years. I’m as happy as ever, and I’m so blessed to be able to live this little life of mine with so much love and support around me. 20teens, thank you for everything. 2020, let’s get it!



Last Minute Gifts

Linnea A.


We’re only a few days away, but if you’re struggling to find that perfect something, you could be in luck! Amazon has saved me time and time again when I’m in need of the perfect gift, but don’t have much time to shop or search for it. If you’re in need of a few more items, these goodies will arrive in time for Christmas!

Happy holidays!



December Mood

Linnea A.

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And, exhale. Phew, that was a tough few months. I know I take on a lot compared to most, but this semester, the struggle was real. Everything was put to the test: my tenacity, my mindset, and my ability to function on as little sleep as possible. I learned how to design a full house, all by hand. I developed sketching and rendering skills that I never thought I’d be capable of. I fine-tuned my InDesign and Photoshop skills, and I can officially use AutoCAD… slow clap! And after typing this out, all I can say is that I’m proud. Even though the semester wasn’t that intense compared to others, it wasn’t easy balancing my full time workloads (or sanity), with 4 courses, but I did it. And I’m effing proud. 

I tried my best not to let certain things fall by the wayside, but ultimately, workouts were the part I wasn’t able to maintain. My 6am workouts no longer made sense when I was sleeping at 2-3am staying up to finish homework or blog posts, and I just had to accept that. 

But I’m officially done with my third semester, and I couldn’t be happier to finally have half my life back for December. Cherish those free evenings, folks. They are glorious to me now. I can’t tell you how excited I was to just go home and cook, clean, chill out by myself and workout!

But enough of that, let’s give a warm welcome to December. I love this time of year because everyone seems to be a little bit happier, and the Christmas spirit is ev.er.y.where. Before the year was complete, I wanted to give back to my community, so I spent time helping 2 causes: Women Helping Women and Homes for the Holidays. For Women Helping Women, a few of my coworkers and I headed to London Drugs to fill 20 identical bags with the best goodies a woman could have. Think toothbrushes, gloves, toiletries, and makeup! Putting the bags together was so fun, and I can’t wait to hear how much the women at the Nova Transition House love the goodies! I also helped decorate one of the homes in the Homes for the Holidays tour, in which all proceeds benefit the Kids Help Phone. It was great to style a gorgeous West Van home, see some familiar faces, and put my creativity into a home other than my own.

For the rest of the month, I’ll be *trying* to spend more time at home, including fitness into my regular routine, spending time with close friends, finishing a few projects I have on the go, and working on organization before the next decade. I’ll also be working on the blog a little more, so if there’s anything specific you’d like to see/read/hear from me (design/school/dating/finance/what would you like to read?!), please let me know in the comments! I wish you all a lovely month ahead!



2019 Holiday Gift Guide

Linnea A.


Oooh, the holidays. A time when garlands are hung, reindeer are on display, and the world just becomes a little bit happier. I’m not entirely there yet with the “happy” part, but I’m getting there! And what better way to get there than some retail therapy (for the people you love). No matter who you’ve got on your list, you’re sure to find something below for everyone. Now let’s get to the good stuff!

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Black Friday Favourites

Linnea A.


Ooooh, Black Friday… how I love you so! What’s not to love when your favourite brands put everything on sale, just in time for the holidays? Nothing better. And just like last year, here’s a roundup of the incredible sales from my FAVOURITE stores! Altogether now, let’s shop till we drop.


Mejuri – As their only sale of the year, this is the time to buy the goodies you’ve been eyeing (or the gifts she actually wants). Until December 2, use my link to buy one piece, get 10% off, buy 2 pieces, get 15% off, buy 3 or more, get 20% off!! As my favourite basic jewelry pieces, I highly recommend taking this time to invest in yourself - you deserve it!

Vitruvi – If you need to stock up on essential oils (or treat yourself to a beautiful new diffuser), this is the time to do it!!! As their BIGGEST sale they’ve ever done, enjoy 30% off sitewide with my link from Thursday, November 28th to December 2nd. If you can’t tell, this is the sale I’m probably the most excited about!

The Ordinary – My go-to serum brand has been having an ongoing sale for the whole month of November! Enjoy 23% off sitewide until November 30th.

Glossier - 20% off everything, and up to 35% off all sets! Run, don’t walk.

Eyebuy Direct – From Nov. 25th to Nov. 28th, get an additional 15% off BOGO pairs with code BOGO

Home Decor

H&M Home - You know that duvet set you’ve been eyeing, or that vase you’ve been meaning to grab? Get up to 60% off all home decor favourites.

Indigo - 25-50% off almost everything, including 40% off most home items.

Lulu & Georgia - Get 25% sitewide with BIGTHANKS

McGee and Co. – Shop one of my faaave stores 20% off sitewide with code SNOWWHATFUN

Magnolia - They usually do a buy more, get more sale, so I’m hoping it’s the same this year!

Kristina Steinmetz Shop - Kristina is BC local, and creates the most beautiful locally made pillows and throws you ever did see!!! I love every single item on her site, and I’m sure you will too! Take 20% off your entire purchase with the code BLACKFRIDAY

The Bay - Black Friday warm up is already starting, with up to 25% off select small appliances. Time to get that juicer you’ve been thinking about.

AllModern – As their biggest sale of the year, get up to 70% off sitewide.

Jayson Home – This store has some of my favourite vintage goodies for the home! On Black Friday, get 20% all furniture.

Nectar Sleep – From now until December 5th, save $100 off mattresses and two memory foam pillows.

Paula’s Choice – From Nov. 25th to Dec. 2nd, get 20% off sitewide plus free shipping and 2 free gifts on orders of $125 or more.


ZARA - Get 50%, I REPEAT - 50% off selected items on November 29 in store and online!!

Everlane – Everlane’s annual Black Friday Fund kicks off on Friday, Nov. 29th! They’re partnering with Oceana, the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation. Everlane will be donating $10 from every order on Black Friday, until they hit their goal of $300,000!

Lulu’s - 25-90% off everything! Paying only 10%? Now that’s a sale.

Nordstrom Rack - Get up to 60% off sitewide on all your favourites, including my go-to luggage by Calpak.

Girlfriend Collective – Cute, sustainable workout wear? Sign. Me. Up. 25% off sitewide for Black Friday!

Urban Outfitters - Buy one, get one 50% off the lower priced item, in store and online.

Aritzia - Up to 50% select styles in store and online.

H&M - If it’s the same as last year, you can get 30% off everything on November 29 in store and 15% off online.

TOPSHOP - Usually, they have up to 60% off in stores and online. Get 20% off regular priced items on November 29 in store.

Happy shopping!



How to Achieve the Perfect Necklace Stack

Linnea A.


Believe it or not, jewelry has become an integral part of my self care. To be honest, I don’t quite feel complete without it. It’s kind of become part of my identity!

Just like my signature ring stack, I’ve been working to curate my necklace stack for quite some time now, and I have to say, I think I’ve nailed it. There’s something to be said for everyday staples that are super basic, but in my opinion, you also need to mix in some personality to achieve the “effortless” stack.


Treat your décolleté like a gallery wall

If you’re starting with a blank gallery wall, think to yourself: what style are you going for? What colours and tones do you gravitate towards? Start with your basic pieces (think standard pendants, everyday chains, etc.), and work your way into the other, more personal pieces. Don’t forget to sprinkle in some unexpected elements (shapes, finishes, different chain styles) for interest.

Choose custom pieces

Just like a gallery wall, to add personality to your stack, you have to include some custom pieces. That’s where companies like Onecklace come to the rescue. They have every custom necklace you could possibly think of. From name plates to initials, zodiacs and beyond, they’ll definitely have what you need.

On Onecklace, you can also choose your chain type (boxchain or rolo chain), necklace length, closure type and material (they even have solid gold)!


My favourite stack as of late includes my Gemini zodiac sign, an “L” inital pendant, and an Arabic name necklace with the word “strength”. I chose a mix of chains (both rolo chains and box chains), and made sure the lengths were staggered. The shortest one is 16”, middle is 18” and finally, 20” for the big pendant. With the scattered lengths and custom pendants, you’re sure to achieve the ideal “effortless” stack you’re going for.

What will you be adding to your collection? I’d love to know in the comments below. Happy necklace-stacking!



November Mood

Linnea A.


Progress, progress, progress. That’s my overall mood and focus for the month. I’m doing my best to make the most of every minute, and trying to be as productive as possible. 

Free time commuting to school? Cool, let’s get this blog post finished. Having a slumber party? Nice, let’s make sure we work out and meal prep while we’re at it. More time? Awesome, let’s work on some concept boards and catch up on this month’s book club book in the bath... and yes I really made time for all that this weekend!

Doing all these things at once isn’t easy, but it will be rewarding, and that’s what I’m focusing on. Another thing on my mind? Sweden. It’s on my radar, and I’m trying to finish school at lightning speed to get there sooner rather than later. To be honest, I’m feeling that I need a break from the city. I’m starting to take it for granted and, dare I say it, getting pretty tired of it. 

I need a challenge (not that I’m not already challenging myself) but you know, a real challenge. One that forces me to leave my comfort zone, perhaps move to a totally different country, learn a different language, and gain a new perspective on life. It will happen eventually, I know it! 

In the meantime, your girl will likely be working 7 days a week, 13 hour days. You don’t know what you can accomplish unless you push yourself to test your limits, so give yourself that push! And just a friendly reminder go-getters: we’ve got less than 2 months of the year before the next decade (2-0-2-0!!), so November, let’s get it! 



How to Live A Hygge Life

Linnea A.


Coming from a Swedish background, when the term “hygge” (pronounced hoo-guh) started gaining popularity, I knew exactly what it meant, because I’ve been exposed to it my whole life. It’s always been the way my grandparents lived. Every time we’d visit, candles were lit, warm blankets draped just about every chair, music was playing, there was (and still is) always time for fika, and it was simply a cozy, relaxing time.

The actual translation of the Danish term is “coziness of the soul”, and that’s exactly how I feel when I make time for these practices. It’s all about allowing yourself to enjoy the moment, whether that be a quiet moment by yourself, having a conversation by the fire with the ones you love, or cooking a meal that you truly appreciate. Now that we’re fully immersed into fall, here’s how I live a hygge life:


Light it up

Put your favourite candles on, turn all other lights off. If you really want to be traditional Scandinavian, candlesticks are where it’s at. A fireplace helps create that cozy feeling too! Once you dim your atmosphere, you’ll feel an immediate difference in your mood.

Make time to read

The more time you give yourself to read, the more quiet time you have to yourself. Reading a book that you’re interested in is so good for the soul - it can inspire, teach, motivate, and can even provide a small escape from your everyday life. And being a part of a group with similar hobbies (like a book club, for example) makes you a lot happier, too.


Simplify your life, your way

If things around you are stressing you out, simplify your space. Declutter and remove the things (and people) from your life that aren’t bringing you joy or value. Your life is too short for extra stress, drama or anxiety. Coming from someone who has a pretty chaotic life, believe it or not, I actually have little to no anxiety. I believe that has a lot to do with the cozy home I’ve made for myself, my incredible support system around me, and putting the things I value most above all (to be blunt, I don’t put up with bullsh** or people that don’t value my time).


Fill your home with sentiment

There’s nothing I love more than incorporating vintage heirlooms and special thrifted pieces throughout my home, because every time I look at them, I’m reminded how much life each piece has lived, and how much life there still is left to live! Some of my favourite pieces in my home are thrifted or passed down from generations and generations of Swedish heritage.

Cook your meals with care

Slowly gather your ingredients, grab a glass of wine, put some music on, and just enjoy the process of preparing your next meal. Taking your time is a key ingredient here, even as you eat.

Share your home

In saying that, sharing a meal with someone is even better. And inviting people into your home to enjoy the home you’ve made for yourself is almost if not as satisfying as enjoying it on your own! If you’ve followed the steps above, people will feel immediately welcome, and you’re sure to have a good time. Keep the convos positive to build more on your relationships. Togetherness is important; it’s not a time to discuss issues or gossip. Incorporate monthly get togethers with friends like a book club. Mine meets every month, taking turns to host dinner parties. It really is the best!


Make time for Fika

The Swedes love fika, and I obviously do too - I grew up with it after all! Fika is a Swedish term that stands for “coffee break”. Usually taking place in the late afternoon, or even after dinner (which is why I have no problem drinking coffee at any hour of the day), it’s a time to sit down, take a breather, treat yourself to some delicious coffee with cookies or treats, and just indulge for a second. The rest of your day can wait. And yes, this is yet another mood booster.

Prioritize self care

The best way to practice hygge is if there’s no technology involved. Spend a day without your phone, laptop or TV, and see how you feel. What will you do with your time? Perhaps you’ll exercise, meditate, cook a meal, or draw a bath. Whatever it is, be present, and make time for real self care. It’s all about relaxation.

Show gratitude

Whether it’s writing a few things in your journal everyday, or taking a moment to close your eyes and realize how great you really have it, focus on the now, and be grateful that you’re still standing. Nobody’s life is easy, so remember to get out of yourself every once in a while, be grateful for your health, and be appreciative of all the love around you. It honestly makes me emotional thinking about how much love is in my life! Remember, this might be as good as it gets. Appreciate it.


Slow down

In a nutshell, just slow it down a notch. Trust me, if anyone knows what going 9182829 miles a minute feels like, I do... (what do you mean 4 dates in one weekend isn’t normal?), but just slow it down. Take a moment to breathe, and appreciate the little things, like the glimpses of sunshine that magically show up. Nothing great happens if you’re run down and exhausted.

And with that, you’re well on your way to living a hygge life. If you try any of these tips, let me know in the comments or on Instagram! I’d love to see how you hygge.



October Mood

Linnea A.


It’s October, meaning cozy blankets, copious amounts of tea, rainy days at home, and diving headfirst into the lifestyle I’m meant to live: the hygge lifestyle. Hot girl summer, ooouuut, cozy girl fall, IN. Oh, and lest we forget, it’s officially ghosting season! Oh, the fun.

One of my main goals for this month is to focus more on myself. I took quite a lengthy break from working out in September and took on way too much to the point that I got sick for a week. This month, I’m making sure I get enough rest during my free time, and trying to stay as ahead of my homework as I possibly can. The people around you will understand if you can’t do it all - no one expects you to but yourself.

It’s also a month of reflection. This time last year, I came back from a few weeks in Europe (please take me baaaack), where my cousins in Stockholm convinced me to enroll myself into design school. I didn’t think much about the details (finances included), I just did it. And if you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it.

Now, I’m more than halfway through the program, and I can officially freehand sketch a room, draft floorplans by hand and with AutoCAD, create concept boards, suggest solutions, and so much more.

As far as inspiration, lately, it’s been moody interiors, vintage touches, sculptural furniture and easy fall basics. I’m excited for what’s to come, and looking forward to the challenge of not 3, but 4 classes working full time. October, let’s. GO.



5 Beauty Tips to Prep for a Big Event

Linnea A.


With my best friend’s wedding just one day away, the prep leading up to it has been quite the ordeal! I’ve been prepping for not one, but two weddings, and I'm in the wedding party tomorrow, meaning photos, photos, and more photos. From skin to hair, nails and everything in between, there's a lot to think about before a big event creeps up on you. So how have I been prepping myself for the big day? Keep reading to find out, and make sure to read to the very end for a giveaway!

1. Plan your appointments accordingly

As someone with a crazy schedule (a 9 to 5, design school Monday to Wednesday nights), planning out my “prep” services leading up the the big day was key. That meant I had to stagger my appointments accordingly before the chaos of school began. It’s also important to schedule workouts in whenever possible (6AM workouts are basically my only option) to sweat out as many toxins as you can.


2. Pamper your skin

I’m always pretty good with my skincare, but lately, even more so. I’ve been layering on my favourite serums and almost always sleeping with some sort of sleep mask on top (retinol’s been on high rotation too)! I love using Gua Sha tools to circulate the blood in my skin, and allow it to absorb more of the product. My favourite sleeping masks are the Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask, the Laneige Lavender Sleeping Mask and the Peter Thomas Roth Rose Stem Cell Mask. 

For my body, I did a deep exfoliation followed by my favourite self tan. Self tanning has enabled me to maintain my colour without laying in the sun, and it’s God-sent! I’ve pretty much tried them all, but my favourite is Loving Tan 2 hour Express in Dark. Make sure to blend those hands and feet with a makeup brush!

3. Get your beauty sleep

Lately, I've been using my Slip silk pillowcase to avoid “crinkled sheet face” - yes, those lines can stay on your face! The pillowcase has been amazing on both my skin and my hair, so it’s double duty! Speaking of sleep, getting lots of it leading up to an event is in your best interest. You need to feel as well rested as you look, so deep sleeps are key.


4. Enhance your smile

It’s not something that’s always talked about, but attaining the perfect smile is always high on people’s lists. And to perfect that smile, the easiest thing to do is whiten your teeth! More often than not, people use whitening strips to get their desired result. But have you ever wondered why whitestrips tend to be a little painful? The reason is, whitestrips use a bleaching method that strips your enamel completely, making them even more sensitive than they were to begin with.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been whitening my teeth with an at-home whitening kit called Smile Brilliant. This method is different than whitening strips. You send in a mold of your teeth to receive flexible trays made to fit your smile perfectly, then use a whitening gel designed to remove the stains from the surface of your teeth - one that doesn’t remove your enamel.


Because the whitening gel isn’t painful or uncomfortable, I’ve been wearing my trays for 1-2 hours at a time while watching tv, cleaning or finishing chores around the house. And because I’ve been travelling so much, I’ve taken them on the road with me too! A+ for being able to multi-task, am I right? 

Since Smile Brilliant is a safe method for whitening teeth without enamel removal, it’s a great option for anyone that wants stain-free teeth!


5. Invest in yourself

Last but not least, invest in yourself! You want to look and feel your best, so this is not the time to cheap out on yourself. Lash extensions are a great option for big events. Seeing as I’ll probably be bawling my eyes out tomorrow, fake lashes were definitely going to fall off my face (like they have at sooo many weddings I’ve been to). I like more of a natural-looking set, but they’re sure to stand out in the wedding photos at the same time. They dramatically change your face and you don’t need as much makeup once you’ve got them on. There’s just something about waking up feeling “pretty”, yenno?

To ensure my nails were fresh two weekends in a row, I decided to get gel extensions. The salon added an extra layer of Biogel on top of my gel polish, followed by a gel top coat, and they turned out perfect. Fingers crossed they still look as good tomorrow for the wedding!

And after practicing my speech... we’re officially all prepped! If you’d like to give at-home whitening a try, you're in luck! I’ve partnered with Smile Brilliant to give one of my readers a set of their own. Simply click this link to enter, and it could be yours! If you’d like to shop their site, use linneacarmen15 for 15% off your entire purchase. Keep smiling!



September Mood

Linnea A.


Oh, September. I’ve been waiting for you for a while. I know it’s bound to be an exciting, eventful month, but it also means summer has come to an end, and the whirlwind that is September has finally arrived. It’s been a crazy, eventful summer, and I’ve accomplished a lot, but I think I’m ready for it to come to an end.

I’ve got a lot going on, not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. When people around you are going through a tough time, it immediately puts things into perspective and reminds you to snap out of it and realize how great you really have it. Less self, more love.

Speaking of love, I’ve got not one, but two weddings, one of which I’m very fortunate to be a part of! I can’t wait to see my bestie walk down that aisle… cue Linnea’s ugly cry at the altar! T minus 9 days until the big day.

On top of that, design school starts again next week, which I don’t think I’m quite ready for. I was in a good momentum going from one semester to the next, so it’s going to be a little challenging for me to switch from no classes/0 hours of homework to 4 classes/40 hours of homework a week. Hello no social life, we meet again.

But it will be good for me. I’m excited to get back into doing something I love solely because I want to do it. It’s the thing that gets my heart pumping and the industry I love most! I’m also excited for fall, chilly weather, and more time spent at home. Hygge life, here I come.

And remember, everyone’s going through something in their life, so be compassionate to those around you, offer love and support whenever you can, and most importantly, be kind. Have an amazing September, lovelies.



August Mood

Linnea A.


As the last month of my full summer “off”, it’s a bittersweet feeling. I’ve been trying my best to squeeze the most out of my summer because I know September’s coming any day now, and it’s going to be one of my busiest months yet (my bff’s getting married!). This month, I’ll be taking time to reset, refresh, and recharge. Even though my travels have been mini summer trips, I still feel like I’m barely ever home, so I’m very much looking forward to staying home for the fall. In terms of inspo, I’m currently obsessed with neutrals, calming interiors, out-of-the-box gallery walls, and greenery of all sorts. I’ll be focusing more on interiors as soon as I head back to school, and I’ll finally be learning AutoCAD - whooo! In the meantime, I’m game for more fun in the sun, concerts, friends, birthdays, and another mini trip!! Happy summering :)



Prime Day: Favourite Amazon Finds

Linnea A.

What I Packed for Scottsdale

Linnea A.


Well, the long-awaited bachelorette trip has ended… and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t super duper sad about it. The weekend was SOO much fun, I can’t even handle it! Most of us didn’t know each other very well, so it was either bound to be a success, or bound to be… well… an awkward trip. But I’m so happy to report that all went extremely well, and everyone loved each other so much! But more on that another time ;) In the meantime, here’s a breakdown of what I packed for Scottsdale - and most of it is on sale now… so here we go:


July Mood

Linnea A.


July!!! Well, June was quite the whirlwind, but I’m beyond excited to lay low, have some free time away from school, get back to having time to WORK OUT omg I’ve missed it, and simply enjoy a Vancouver summer! A few things inspiring me lately? Neon, bright colours, citrus, a dose of sass (probably from Scottsdale lmao), and FUN. IN. THE. SUN. Stay tuned for new blog posts coming your way shortly!



Horoscope Diaries: Life as a Gemini

Linnea A.


As the astrological sign of duality, Geminis are the most unpredictable of all zodiac signs. Known as the twin sign, we’re “quite the challenge,” yet some of the proudest and truest to our signs. If you haven’t heard a Gemini call their birthday month “Gemini season”, then frankly, you’ve been living under a rock! But we’re not terrible beings, I promise.

In order to help you understand the sign a little better, I thought I’d share what I’ve learned so far about the sign, based on experience and research. Into astrology? Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two from this post, too. Here we go.

We’re social butterflies  

Geminis love to talk, charm, socialize, tell stories, and laugh. A lot. You can’t make a Gemini happy if you don’t make her laugh! On top of the necessary humour, we need to be constantly stimulated mentally. We’re wise, curious individuals that live for a good challenge - things that really push us to stop and think. We loooove to learn new things everyday, so if you can hold an intellectual conversation like a podcast and teach us something new... let’s just say you win in our books!

We’re indecisive  

Because of our paradox, winning us over is never easy—we’re often hot and cold. One moment you might think we’re completely into something, and the next... poof. It’s just part of our duality—we’re very indecisive creatures. We change our minds about everything: plans, what to eat, what we want, and everything else. To sum it up in a nutshell: our hearts want roots but our minds want wings.

We hate boring routines  

To keep Geminis entertained, we can’t ever “do nothing” or be bored, and for this reason, neither will you. We need unpredictability, and people who can keep up with ours. We get bored very easily, and can’t stand when people want to do the same things over and over again—it makes us feel strapped down (let me tell you!!!). We also have trouble laying low... hellooooo type-A-always-busy-strict-schedule personality. This is exactly why I need to dabble in multiple hobbies/interests/career paths at once. Despite needing the thought-out schedule, we also need freedom and space. We’re comfortable spending time with ourselves, and a little spontaneity sprinkled in is never a bad thing (how many spontaneous trips do I book a year? Oh, all of them).

We’re adaptable

Based on my research and experience with other Geminis I know, we tend to be creative, imaginative, and highly adaptable. I can relate to this a lot, because I adapt very easily to my environments. I’m open-minded, and I’m entering an extremely creative field. Without having creative outlets, I don’t quite feel fulfilled.

We forgive, but never forget  

We don’t like being betrayed. In fact, if you do betray us, you may see a side of us you wish you didn’t (that’s where we get the bad rap from, but only if you betray us first!). Basically, you don’t want to test usor ignore us, for that matter. We always forgive, but we never forget. Let’s just leave it at that.

We put others before ourselves

Although we can be a little harsh, we’re apparently one of the most generous and giving of the zodiac women. And even though we’re unpredictable, we’re reliable and supportive; often very good friends, and always there when someone needs them. We give good, grounded advice, and have even greater love to give.

We’ve got a whole lotta love to give  

Speaking of love, ours is remarkably one of the strongest loves of all the signs, which makes it hard to forget. We aren’t afraid of ourselves, our bodies, or our opinions. We don’t hide behind anything, and we embrace our weakness like a strength - I know I do! I talk about my weaknesses like an open book… I’m not scared or ashamed to talk about them, because everyone has something. And if you don’t share, you’ll never hear other perspectives, or learn from other experiences. And after all is said and done…

She is, GEMINI.

Happy birthday to all my gemini boos!! xo


June Mood

Linnea A.


June!!! My favourite month of the year. Not only does the weather improve, but I’ve got a few bdays to celebrate (including my Grandma’s 80th - hellooooo twin Gemini’s), I’m hosting book club for a patio hang, and it’s the last month of the semester... which means it’s finally time for vacay!! I’m not getting overly excited yet, because school life is INTENSE. Like, I don’t have a life intense! But I’m on track for my goal and it will all be worth it in the end! Summer, I’m ready for you!  

